Session 2 , Class 5 Flashcards
what is Satan’s plan ? Scripture?
To get Israel to not obey the truth ; Galatians 5:7-8
“for Christ also hath suffered for sins”
1 Peter 3:18
According to the class, why was Jesus Christ manifested in the flesh
to destroy the works of the devil (sin)
Why is Satan here?
to destroy the nation of Israel
which scripture lets you know that if you commit sin, then you’re of the devil
1 John 3:8
Who are we a servant to? Scripture?
to whoever we obey; Romans 6:16
You’re a slave to satan when you decide to willfully sin
2 Timothy 2:26
sound doctrine
information that you can trust in
What will free of from sin? scripture?
“youre of satan when you sin”
1 John 3:8
How do you break Satan’s hold
by obeying the truth
“and that, knowing the time, that now is is high time to awake out of sleep: “…
Romans 13:11-12
what is our primary goal in the truth? scripture?
to make it to the kingdom ; St Matthew 6:33
Chapters of examples of Christ dealing with Satan (James 4:7-8)
Matthew 4th chapter and Luke 4th chapter
“submit yourselves therefore to God . Resist the devil, and he will flee from you”
James 4:7-8
CUT OFF SIN. do not allow it to reign in your body
Romans 6:12
double minded meaning
if you love God then keep his commandments
St John 14:23
“knowing this, that our man is crucified with him”
Romanas 6:6
what is the love of Christ?
dying on the cross
Which scriptures lets us know that God’s love keeps us from being evil?
2 Corinthians 5:14
“now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you”
Matthew 15:3
we have divine protection in the truth. like when we first come in and the demons are kept away
Psalm 34:7
Christ prays that Israel is kept from the evil and not taken away from it
St John 17:15-16
which scripture let us know that we must be observant of the evil plots that he has agaianst us
1 Peter 5:8
angels encamp around you for your protection.
Genesis 48:16
ministering spirit
there to protect and serve from the evil of Satan (Hebrew 11;4)