Session 2, Class 2 Flashcards
According to the class, what is one way to know if someone is a disciple of Jesus Christ?
One way to know if someone is a disciple of Jesus Christ is if they continue in the word
Fill in the blank: And you hath he quickened, ___________
who were dead in trespasses and sins;
According to the understanding given in the class, what does it mean to be quickened?
to be brought back to life
Choose the correct answer that proves that we were quickened
Ephesians 2:1
Revelation 11:8
All of the above
According to the class, what is the understanding on St. John 1:46?
Nazareth was in the hood. The Israelites had a mindset that nothing good could come out of this area. But, the light of the Lord shines upon areas like these because these are the people that his light is revealed to. It is revealed to the people of God. Our people are found in bad areas.
The church is also the light that shines amongst the darkness
Now that we have been given a second chance, how are we expected to live our lives?
We are expected to rehearse the righteous acts, keep the commandments and put away evil (Judges 5:11). We are to also continue in the knowledge of God that we have been taught and study it so that we may increase ( 2 Timothy 3:14)
But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of… (Give scripture)
2 Timothy 3:14
Fill in the blank: But that which ye have already ___________
hold fast till I come
Which scripture did we go through in the class that proves it was already prophesied that GOD would be bringing our people back?
Amos 9:11