Session 2- Blood Supply ( workbook section in quizlet ) Flashcards
Describe the bifurcations of the main aorta and what vessels arise from those bifurcations
Aorta splits into the brachiocephalic trunk, left subclavian, left common carotid
On right, common carotid and right subclavian both branch off of the brachiocephalic trunk
Vertebral arteries and thyrocervical trunk branch off subclavian
What are the 3 branches of the thyrocervical trunk and what do they supply
Ascending and transverse- neck
Suprascapular- shoulder
Inferior thyroid- lower thyroid
At what level does the common carotid bifurcate
C4- also level of superior part of thyroid cartilage
What are the anatomical relations around the common carotid
Under SCM muscle and is medial to the IJV (IJV is lateral to common carotid)
Borders of carotid triangle and relevance
Part of the anterior triangle
Upper belly of omohyoid
Posterior belly of digastric
Anterior border of SCM
Where bifurcation of common carotid occur
Why is the carotid artery a common place for atheroma to form and what can occur due to it
Lots of turbulence at bifurcation causing sheer stress and eventual build up of plaque
Can cause TIA due to limited blood supply to brain (can travel to circle of Willis and block brain blood supply)
What is the carotid sinus, what important features does it have and what is it’s relation to SVT
Carotid sinus is the bulge before the bifurcation which houses baroreceptors for detecting changes in BP
Where is the carotid body and what is its importance
Houses chemoreceptors which detect arterial oxygen
Located next to carotid sinus
What is the carotid sinus innervated by
Branch of the glosopharngeal
What is the clinical significance of the carotid triangle
Gives surgical approach to carotid , IJV and vagus via carotid triangle
Can feel pulse below bifurcation and can perform carotid sinus massage
Path of internal carotid artery
Goes through Peterous part of temporal bone and turns to enter the cranial cavity, bends (s shape) and goes through cavernous sinus
What is the cavernous sinus’s, its clinical relevance and contents
What gland sits superiorly
Plexus of thin walled veins on upper surface of sphenoid
ICA, branches of trigeminal and many other important nerves so swelling here dangerous
Pit gland sits on top
What are the important bifurcations of the ophthalmic artery and where is the opthalmic originally from
From the ICA
Supraorbital and supratrochlear supply eye
Ethmoidal supply nose
What are the 6 branches of the ECA and its 2 terminal branches
What do they mostly supply
Mostly supply skin and scalp
Superior thyroid Lingual Facial occipital Ascending pharyngeal Posterior auricular Maxillary (terminal) Superficial temporal (terminal)
What arteries form both internal and external carotids supply the scalp
- superficial temporal
- occipital
- posterior auricular
- supra orbital (opthalmic branch)
- supra trochlear (ophthalmic branch)