Session 19: Approach To Common Haematological Problems In Children Flashcards
Common childhood haematological diseases
1. Fe deficiency anaemia (chronic blood loss, excessive menstruation, prolonged breastfeeding but without food supplement)
2. Thalassaemia
3. Hereditary spherocytosis
5. Childhood TTP / HUS
1. ITP
1. Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia
2. Acute myeloid leukaemia
3. Congenital neutropenia
1. Aplastic anaemia (Causes: Idiopathic, Autoimmune, Congenital BM failure syndrome e.g. Fanconi anaemia (Autosomal recessive, involve abnormal Fanconi anaemia protein gene in DNA repair pathway))
Coagulation defect:
1. Haemophilia
2. Von Willebrand disease
Management of β Thalassaemia major
Hypertransfusion regimen (completely inhibit RBC production by patient)
- Post-transfusion Hb target: 14 (stop endogenous haematopoiesis)
- Pre-transfusion Hb target: 9.5
- Every 4 weeks
—> Maintain adequate Hb level at always to ensure adequate function + growth
—> Amount: (14 - Pre-BT Hb) x BW x (4.2-4.7)
- Annual blood consumption: 250-350 ml/kg/yr (>300 ml/kg/yr —> Splenectomy (but now not done anymore)
- Stop Folic acid after receiving regular transfusion
Treatment complications:
1. Fe overloading (in heart, liver, endocrine organs, other tissues)
- Cardiomyopathy (1st cause of death (30s))
- Hormonal deficiency: Gonads, DM, Thyroid, Parathyroid, GH etc.
- Hepatic fibrosis and Cirrhosis
- Vascular stiffness
- Infection
- Yersinia, Klebsiella etc. (2nd cause of death) (Fe promote overgrowth of Gram -ve bacteria —> Gram -ve septicaemia)
- Largely reduced by high standard of blood transfusion service
Treatment of Fe overload
- Avoid high Fe content diet (i.e. chocolate)
- Fe chelators
- single / combination of below:
Desferal (Deferoxamine):
- SC continuous infusion 10-12 hours home therapy during sleep
- Take Vit C during chelating therapy
- Local irritation, growth retardation, skeletal change
- Ferrophilic bacterial infection (Yersinia, Klebsiella)
- Visual and hearing impairment, trace elements deficiency
L1 (Deferiprone, Ferriprox)
- Oral 50-75 mg/kg/day TDS
- Better compliance than SC infusion
- Agranulocytosis, mild neutropenia —> Monitor CBC frequently
- Nausea + abdominal discomfort
- Arthralgia / Arthritis
ICL-670 (Deferasirox, Exjade)
- Oral 25-35 mg/kg/day
- Better compliance than SC infusion
- Skin rash
- Renal impairment —> Monitor RFT / reduce dose
When to start Chelation:
- ~2 yrs (when infant already started transfusion, give every 4 weeks), when Ferritin >2000 pmol/L
- Use Deferasirox in HK now till 6 yo
Prognosis of β Thalassaemia major
- Life expectancy is much longer now (>38 yo median age in Italy)
- Minimal disfiguring skeletal change (e.g. Cooley’s facies) (∵ prevented massive expansion of BM spaces)
—> Prominent frontal + parietal bone
—> Collapsed nasal bridge
—> Maxillary hyperplasia - Seldom requires splenectomy
- Few cardiac / endocrine complications
- But short stature remains a potential problem
- Oral chelator increasingly used
- Combination therapy more standardised
HK: Good transfusion service + Good chelation regimen —> Good life expectancy
Hereditary spherocytosis
- Autosomal dominant (boys + girls, across generations, but can have variations in phenotype across generations)
- RBC membrane defect
Key proteins in RBC membrane:
- Protein 3 (Band 3 protein)
- Ankyrin
- Spectrin
- Others
Mutation of one of key proteins in RBC membrane (Primary membrane defects)
—> ↑ Membrane instability
—> Membrane loss
—> ↓ Surface to volume ratio (Spherocytosis, not biconcave shape anymore) (Autosomal dominant)
—> ↓ Cellular deformability
—> Splenic trapping (i.e. trapped in Spleen)
—> Erythrostasis in spleen (↓ glucose, ↓ pH, ↑ Macrophage contact)
—> Extravascular haemolysis (via Phagocytosis, Osmotic lysis)
—> ATP depletion, Acid-induced damage, Macrophage processing
—> Membrane loss
—> Vicious cycle
Biochemical end results:
- ↑ Unconjugated bilirubin
- ↑ Urine urobilinogen (colourless, no change in urine colour)
- ↑ Expired CO + HbCO
Diagnosis of Hereditary spherocytosis
NO genetic tests available
- RBC morphology in peripheral blood smear + Positive family history (AD)
- Flow cytometry: Eosin-5-maleimide (EMA) binding test
- EMA binds to Band 3 protein (disrupted in HS)
—> ↓ Fluorescence compared with normal
- Sensitivity 92.7%, Specificity of 99.1% - Osmotic fragility test (OF) (Phased out)
- Measures the increased sensitivity of spherocytes to lysis in a gradient of NaCl concentrations compared with normal RBC
- Sensitivity is improved by incubating at 37oC for 24 hours
- Non-specific + Time-consuming
- ~20% of mild HS cases will be missed —> no longer recommended
Management of Hereditary spherocytosis
- Supportive with Folic acid supplement
- For RBC production - Screen for pigmented gallstone
Splenectomy / Splenic artery embolisation
- Consider in >4 yo / symptomatic anaemia (sever enough to affecting daily activity / growth)
- Anaemia will resolve upon splenectomy
- Should have prior vaccination (against Hib, Pneumococcus, Meningococcus)
- PenVK prophylaxis
—> Penicillin G: 250mg oral BD (<5 yo, 125mg oral BD)
—> Duration undetermined
- Patients who are most likely to benefit from prophylaxis are:
—> Children <16 yo
—> Underlying immunodeficiency
Haemolytic anaemia + Thrombocytopenia
Evan’s syndrome (rare in children)
- AIHA (AutoAb against RBC) + Thrombocytopenia
- Coomb’s +ve
- Associated with autoimmune diseases
- Treatment: Prednisolone, RBC transfusion
Microangiopathic haemolytic anaemia (MAHA):
2. Low grade DIC
- D-dimer elevated, fibrinogen low, WBC normal / low
- Microangiopathic pictures
TTP / HUS (O157 E. coli, Pneumococcus)
- Mechanical damage to RBC —> Fragmented RBC
- Pentad: Fever, Neurological signs, Impaired renal function (Uraemia), Red cell fragmentation, Thrombocytopenia
- D-dimer normal, fibrinogen normal, WBC normal
- Microangiopathic pictures
- Associated with autoimmune diseases / infections
- Can be familial besides acquired (Relapsing TTP)
- Low ADAMTS13 (Metalloproteinase)
Haemolytic uraemic syndrome (HUS):
- Typical: O157:H7 E. coli, Pneumococcus —> Shiga toxin —> ADAMTS13 inhibition (web)
- Atypical: Defect in complement system (genetic-related) —> over-activation of complement, treated by Eculizumab (counteract complement activation)
Paediatric ITP
- Commonest in children, present acutely, usually triggered by viral infection
- AutoAb (Anti-platelet Ab) bind to platelet
- Peripheral destruction of normal platelet due to autoimmune dysregulation
- 85-90% resolved within 6 months in children
- Usually affect 2 to 8 year of age
- Older children tend to have Chronic ITP (~5%)
Current concept:
- Use immune instead of idiopathic, to emphasise immune-mediated mechanism
—> Primary (no specific cause identified)
—> Secondary (associated with other autoimmune diseases)
- Delete “purpura” (because some may be asymptomatic), Retain acronym ITP: Immune thrombocytopenia
- Subclassified into:
—> Newly diagnosed: resolved within 3 months of diagnosis (formerly known as Acute ITP)
—> Persistent: between 3-12 months from diagnosis (formerly known as Chronic ITP)
—> Chronic: lasting >12 months
—> Severe: with bleeding + requires treatment
- Defined thrombocytopenia as platelet <100
- Normal healthy adults can have platelet count 100–150
Clinical features:
- Preceding infectious illness
- Mucocutaneous bleeding
—> Petechiae / Purpura / Bruises (appear quickly) (>80%)
—> Epistaxis
—> Haematuria
- Intracranial bleeding (0.5%)
- Platelet often very low (<10), with RBC + WBC normal
- Peripheral blood smear: No blast cells, large platelets
- Blood film
- BM exam (rule out leukaemia)
When to treat?
- Mucosal bleeding (Epistaxis, Gum bleeding, Haematuria, Subconjunctival haemorrhage, Retinal haemorrhage)
- GI bleeding
- Intracranial bleeding
- Low platelet count
1. Steroid (1st line, 2 mg/kg of Prednisolone (high dose) for 2 weeks, reduce dose after 2 weeks)
2. IVIG (1 g/kg, quick onset of action) (Rhogam (Rho(D) immune globulin))
NB: Never give platelet unless there is life threatening bleeding (∵ there is still many AutoAb in circulation in body —> not respond well to platelet transfusion)
Chronic (self notes):
1. Rituximab (may recur when B cell recover after Rituximab effect wore off after 6 months)
2. Eltrombopag, Romiplostim
3. Splenectomy
- >60% resolve spontaneously after 5 years
Haemophilia A (Factor 8 deficiency)
- X-linked recessive
- Majority present at ~1 yo (when baby become ambulatory)
- Moderate: Factor 8 level >1%
- Severe: Factor 8 level <1%
- Look for affected individuals in maternal side e.g. maternal uncle
Clinical features:
1. Spontaneous joint and muscle haemorrhage most common
- Target joint phenomenon: tend to bleed into same joint over and over again
- Tend to bleed into weight bearing lower limb joints (more exposed to trauma in children)
- Recurrent bleeding in joint can cause synovial proliferation —> chronic synovitis —> damage joint
- CNS bleeding (Uncommon 3%)
- Post-surgical hemorrhage (Life threatening)
NB: Haematuria / Gum bleeding requires different approach
1. DDAVP for minor bleeding in mild haemophilia only
- Elevate Factor 8 level
- Prophylactic treatment with Factor 8 (aka AHG (Antihaemophilic globulin))
- Primary Prophylaxis
- Salvage / Secondary prophylaxis (1-3 times / week)
- Early treatment with AHG for suspected bleeding, if in doubt, treat!!
- Some may develop inhibitor to Factor 8 (render Factor 8 replacement ineffective) (occurs in around 11% of Haemophilia A in HK) —> Novoseven (Recombinant factor 7a, short t1/2) / Hemlibra (Emicizumab, long t1/2) - Anti-fibrinolytic agents (e.g. Tranxamin) for gum / nasal bleeding
Von Willebrand disease
- Serves as a binding protein to Factor 8
- Slow down Factor 8 catabolism
—> without VWF: t1/2 <2 hr
—> with VWF: 12-20 hr
- Prevalence ~1:100 (as high as 10% in some part of Sweden)
- Autosomal dominant
- Symptomatic in around 1 per million population
- In some VWD, Factor 8 can decrease to <10% (e.g. type 3 (homozygous))
Clinical features (Mild to Severe):
Mucosal bleeding pattern (∵ Platelet adhesion defect) (If severe also cause Deep-seated bleeding (self notes))
1. Epistaxis in children
2. Menorrhagia in women
1. VWF antigen (VWF:Ag)
2. Ristocetin cofactor test (VWF:RiCo) (test for function of VWF)
3. Factor 8 level
Type 1 VWD:
- ↓ VWF:Ag
- ↓ VWF:RiCo
- Normal / ↓ Factor 8 level
- Normal VWF structure
- Less amount of circulating VWF affects binding of platelet + increase bleeding tendency
Type 2A VWD:
- ↓ VWF:Ag
- ↓↓ VWF:RiCo
- Normal / ↓ Factor 8 level
- VWF cleaving protease cleaved VWF (mainly at site 182) into various sizes of fragments in ER, only fragments of VWF are released into circulation
Type 3 VWD:
- Absent VWF:Ag
- Absent VWF:RiCo
- ↓↓ Factor 8
- Based on VWD subtypes
—> Induce release of both pre-stored VWF + Factor 8 from endothelial cells
—> VWD1: Usually respond
—> VWD2A: Rarely respond
—> VWD2B: Contraindicated
—> VWD2M: Rarely respond
—> VWD2N: Occasionally respond
—> VWD3: Ineffective