Service Design Flashcards
What is the purpose of the service design stage?
The purpose of the service design stage is to actually design IT services, along with any governing practices, processes, & policies, in order to fully realize the provider’s strategy.
After this, it’s to aid in the introduction of these services to the supported environments.
What is the scope of the service design?
The scope of service design encompasses four main points:
- The alignment of IT services/solutions with business requirements
- The principles of service design
- The concept of a service design package
- Methods, practices, and tools designed to achieve excellence in service design
What are the five main benefits of having a consistent approach to service design?
The five main benefits of having a consistent approach for service design are:
- Reduced total cost of ownership
- Improved quality and consistency of service
- Ease of implementation for new or changed services
- Improved effectiveness of service management and IT processes
- Improved service alignment
What are the four Ps that good service design relies upon?
The four Ps of good service design are:
- People
- Processes
- Products
- Partners
What is a service design package?
A service design package, or SDP, is a document or a set of documents that define all the aspects of an IT service, and its requirements, as it progresses through each stage of its lifecycle. There is one for each service, and beyond business and technical requirements, it also needs testing requirements, service level requirements, acceptance criteria, and so on.
What is design coordination?
Design coordination is the process in which the coordination of all service design activities, processes, and resources are managed. Design coordination is meant to serve as a “core process”, a single point of coordination for everything that goes on during service design.
What is service catalog management?
Service catalog management is exactly what it sounds like, the management of the service catalog, ensuring that it is a single source of information on all operational services, and those being prepared to run.
What is service level management?
Service level management is the process of negotiating service level agreements, and ensuring that they are met. This includes determining appropriate service levels, and monitoring processes that have SLAs. This is usually a cyclical process, starting with negotiations, agreement, monitoring, reporting, and then review.
What is a service level agreement?
A service level agreement is an agreement with an IT service provider and a customer which describes the service, service level targets, and the responsibilities of both the service provider and the customer.
One agreement may cover one or more customers or services.
What is a service level requirement?
A service level requirement is a customer requirement for an aspect of service. These are usually based off business objectives, and are used to negotiate service level targets.
What are the three types of service level agreements?
There are three types of service-level agreements:
- Service-Based SLAs - This agreement covers one service and all its customers.
- Customer-Based SLA - This agreement covers one customer, and all the services they use.
- Multi-level SLA - Multiple levels of agreement, each corresponding to a different category.
What is an operational level agreement?
An operational level agreement is an agreement between an IT service provider and another part of the organization it belongs to.
What is an underpinning contract?
An underpinning contract is a contract between an IT service provider and a third party, usually a supplier. The supplier provides goods/services that support delivery of an IT service to a customer.
What is service level agreement monitoring?
Service level agreement monitoring is the process of monitoring and reporting achievements against service level targets. Generally, the charts that are used to graph this are plotted with red/amber/green cells against each service, over time. This gives them the name RAG charts, at times.
What is a service improvement plan?
A service improvement plan is a formal plan to implement improvements to a process or service. Generally, these are build using the (usually) monthly reporting from service level agreement monitoring.
What is supplier management?
Supplier management is the process of “obtaining value for money from suppliers”, ensuring all contracts and agreements with suppliers support business needs, and that all suppliers meet their agreements.
What is availability management?
Availability management is the process of ensuring that IT services meet the current and future availability needs of the business.
What are the two key activities of availability management?
The two key activities of availability management are:
Reactive activities - The monitoring, measuring, analysis, and management of anything involving unavailability.
Proactive activities - These involve the proactive planning, analysis and management of improvements to availability.
What are the two forms of availability?
The two forms of availability are:
Service Availability
Component Availability
Define availability.
Availability is the ability of an IT service or other configuration item (CI) to perform its agreed function when required.
Define reliability.
Reliability is a measure of how long an IT service or other configuration item (CI) can perform its agreed function without interruption.
Define maintainability.
Maintainability is a measure of how quickly and effectively an IT service or other configuration item can be restored to normal working after a failure.
Define serviceability.
Serviceability is the ability of a third-party supplier o meet the terms of its contract. Generally, this includes availability, reliability, and/or maintainability levels for a supporting service or CI.
Define Vital Business Function.
A vital business function (VBF) is a part of a business process that is critical to the success of the business.
What are some special designs often required for vital business functions?
There are four main special designs required for vital business functions:
- High Availability
- Fault Tolerance: The ability for a service/CI/etc to continue operation after the failure of of a component part
- Continuous Operation: The ability to run without planned downtime. Components may be brought down possibly, so long as the VBF stays up.
- Continuous Availability: 100% availability.
What is capacity management?
Capacity management is the process of ensuring that the capacity of IT services and infrastructure is able to meet the agreed capacity- and performance-related requirements.
What are the three sub-processes of capacity management?
The three sub-processes of capacity management are:
Business capacity management - translation of business needs into technical requirements
Service capacity management - Focuses on the management of performance and capacity of services and workloads
Component capacity management - Focuses on the management of individual IT components, and their performance/utilization, etc.
Define capacity plan.
A capacity plan is used to manage the resources required to deliver IT services. It looks at current and historic usage of IT services and components, and contains scenarios for different predicted demand situations.
What is IT service continuity management?
IT service continuity management is the process of managing risks that could seriously affect IT services. It’s designed to ensure that services never fall below their minimum agreed service levels by reducing risks, and having contingency plans for recovery.
Define business impact analysis.
Business impact analysis is the activity in business continuity management that identifies vital business functions and their dependencies, allowing for a proper assessment of the risk involved should a sup-component fail.
Define risk assessment.
Risk assessment is the initial steps of risk management; analyzing the value of assets to the business, identifying the threats to those assets, and determining how vulnerable each asset is to those threats.
What is information security management?
Information security management is the process of ensuring that the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of an organization’s assets, information, data, and IT services meet the agreed needs of the business. Its scope goes beyond that of the traditional IT provider.