seronegative spondyloarthropathies Flashcards
7 shared features of these disorders
- seronegative; no rheumatoid nodules
- HLA-B27 association
- familial aggregation
- inflammatory axial arthritis (SI and spondylitis)
- oligoarthritis w/ asymmetric presentation
- enthesis
- extraarticular features
inflammation of place where tendons or ligaments insert into bone
enthesitis (plantar fasciitis, achilles tendonitis, costochondritis)
fine delicate calcifications/osteophytes
digital tendon inflammation (sausage digits)
- dull achy, insidious lower back/gluteal pain/discomfort before age 40 lasting over 3 months
- associated w/ morning stiffness & improves w/ exercise
- initial presentation in the SI joint first then other joints
- peripheral joint involvement usually asymmetric
- neck pain & stiffness as late manifestations
ankylosing spondylitis (AS)
inflammatory d/o of unknown cause; affects axial skeleton, peripheral joints & extra-articular structures
- loss of lumbar lordosis on flexion
- chest expansion
- peripheral involvement: achilles tendinitis, plantar fasciitis, tibial tuberosity, superior & inferior poles of patella, iliac crests
- schoeber’s test/index to monitor treatment
3 areas of extra-articular involvement with AS
- Uveitis is most common; acute, unilateral & non granulomatous
- CV– aortitis of ascending causing aortic valve insufficiency, MV insufficiency, AV block
- Pulm– restrictive lung disease, bilateral apical pulm fibrosis
if a patient w/ known AS falls and has backpain, what imaging must you get to evaluate for fractures?
- radiograph shows straightening of spine + squaring & fusion of vertebrae (bamboo sign)
- shiny end of vertebral bodies from where tendons pull (shiny corner/romanus sign)
erosions, sclerosis, joint space widening, narrowing & eventually bony anklyosis on radiograph
tx of uveitis from AS
steroids & cycloplegics
immunosuppressants if recurrent
- asymmetric inflammatory oligoarthritis of hands (often DIP joint) w/ axial involvement
- dactylitis/sausage digits
- nail changes
- erythematous plaques w/ thick silvery-white scales on skin
psoriatic arthritis
for each feature, which one happens in PsA vs RA?
- peripheral involvement
- axial involvement
- symmetry
- DIP joint
- enthesitis, dactylitis, bony erosions or new bone
- skin?
- peripheral– all
- axial– mostly PsA; RA is C1-2 only
- symmetry– RA, sometimes OA
- DIP joint– PsA (& OA)
- Enthesis, dactylitis, erosions, skin– PsA only
very fast resorption of bone/digits causing telescoped/collapsed “opera glass hand”
PsA– arthritis mutilans
“pencil in a cup” deformity on radiogaph
Psoriatic arthritis
radiograph is best initial test
inflammatory arthritis in response to an infection or inflammation in another part of the body
- Reiters triad-
- venereal (post chlamydia/ureaplasma) or dysentry (post shigella, salmonella, campylobacter, yersinia) causes
reactive arthritis– think hot swollen knee after having diarrhea wks before
what is the reactive arthritis traid
is this conjuctivitis or uvitis?
erythema & exudate on bulbar & palpebral conjunctivae; sterile weeping pus bc infection has passed
conjuctivitis– uveitis typically does not have palpebral involvement
- asymmetric synoyitis in knees, achilles tenditis/ethesitis, sacrilitis
- keratoderma blennorrhagicum– hyperkeratotic lesions on palms & soles
- circinate balanitis– painless erythematous lesions w/ small shallow ulcers on glans penis & urethral meatus
reactive arthritis
first line tx of reactive arthritis
1st line: NSAIDs– high dose Indomethacin
- UC or Crohns
- axial w/ thin syndesmosphytes and peripheral pauciarticular disease
enteropathic arthritis
axial or peripheral– which disease type correlates with GI activity in enteropathic arthritis?
tx for peripheral vs axial enteropathic arthritis (2)
- peripheral: RA pathway (SSZ, MTX, TNF inhibitors, IL-17 inhibitors)
- axial: TNF or IL-17 inihibitors
- nonsteroidals or biologics does NOT stop extra bone formation
class of medications that are approved as AS therapy after NSAID therapy has failed; medication is also used with enteropathic arthritis
TNF inhibitors– etanercept (SC), infliximab (IV), adalimumab (SC), golimumab, certolizumab
medication approved for psoriatic arthritis and AS; also used in enteropathic arthritis but can CAUSE IBD
IL-17 inhibitors (cosentyx/taltz)
oral PPD4 inhibitor that causes depression & diarrhea; new and expensive
class that can be used for PsA, AS, UC but has increased risk of zoster and a BBW for CV events, clots & cancer
JAK inhibitors
sx suggestive of spondyloarthritis/AS but no radiographic findings (complaints of back pain but no SI involvementon xray)
MRI maybe helpful or confusing (bone edema); can have false positives if you fell recently or postpartum
non-radiographic axial spA