Serious Crime investigation CIB014 Flashcards
The first Police arriving at the scene of a serious crime are responsible for all Police action until they are relieved by a supervisor, CIB staff or the OC investigation. Until they are relieved they are temporary OC investigation. What is the primary function of initial units?
-At an early stage you need to Take control of the situation and Co-ordinate tasks
What are the detailed Initial responsibilities of units arriving at a scene?
Victims - Identify and locate victims
Appreciation -Make and initial appreciation of the incident. Assess personal risk and then preserve the lives of others.
Witnesses -Locate and contain witnesses
Scene - Preserve the scene (eg set boundaries)
Exhibits- Note evidence and preserve any that would otherwise be lost or destroyed
Ingredients -Consider whether the ingredients of the alleged offence have been established.
Powers- Identify what powers are available and consider whether to execute them.
Offenders - Identify and apprehend suspects
Remember: Freeze control preserve
What is an appreciation?
-A method of problem solving that users a set of steps to ensure the best course of action is decided. It considers the benefits with the risks of all alternative solutions
What are the steps of an appreciation?
Aim -Single sentence which explains a single objective
Factors- Any fact that could effect you achieving that objective.
Courses open -List of all possible ways it could be achieved
Plan - Course of action designed to achieve the desired aim.
What is the 4 steps of initial action when arriving at a scene?
- Identity and Secure the scene
- remove people
- Consider photos
- Record everything
What is the reason for a crime scene log?
- Ensures no authorised entry to the scene
- Maintains integrity of evidence
- Intel opportunities
- Prevents Contamination issues
What are the scene guards role?
M – Maintains a register
R – Records all movements to and from the scene
S – Secures the scene from unauthorised entry
C – communicate with OC scene and crime scene coordinator
E – ensure common approach pathway is taken by all entering the scene
N – No discussion with bystanders
E – ensure no disturbance - do no enter the scene
G – Guard and prevent any animals entering the scene
U – Use courtesy (bystanders, witnesses, media etc)
A – Advise OC scene if any issues / actions taken at the scene
R – Reliever. Briefs the relieves of expectations and duties of the scene guard
D – Duty, remains on duty until relieved.
What is the initial action with witnesses?
- Obtain full details
- What happened
- Where
- Who involved
- Suspect description
- Relationship to suspect
- What did they touch
- Consider if they have forensic material on them.
What is the initial action with suspects?
- Identity and isolate
- Consider condition of suspect- if they need medical attention
- If they don’t cooperate consider powers to arrest
- If arrested BOR’s
- Consider searching them
- Record everything they say and deamour / state
How should the OC investigation be briefed when arriving at a scene?
- What action has been completed
- What action is being completed
- What needs to be done
- What has not been done
Initial response police staff have arrived at the scene of a stabbing and found the victim in a serious condition. the victim is expected to die and a verbal statement is recorded by Police. In order for the statement to be admissible under S18(1)(a) of the evidence act 06, how can police satisfy the court the statement is admissible?
- The Court must be satisfied that both the content of the statement and the person who made it are reliable
Describe why it is important for the family liaison officer to ID the cultural origins of the victims family and to ensure they are familiar with relevant cultural beliefs and protocols?
- To enhance relations with the family and to contribute to the victims profile.
When must OC body strip the body of clothing or personal effects?
- Immediately before the PM starts but must only be undertaken on the specific direction of the OC investigation
Upon completion of the area canvass phase the OC area canvass must submit a report to the OC investigation outlining the circumstances of this particular aspect of the investigation. What matters must it cover?
- summary of all action taken
- any significant findings highlighted
- any action undertaken outside of the original phase strategy
What are two main reasons for Police attending the scene of any death?
- to investigate thoroughly
- gather evidence to explain the circumstances of the death
Describe 4 of the benefits of applying an appreciation when problem solving?
- mangers risk
- reduces uncertainty
- ensures nothing over looked
- effective use of the resources
- eliminates duplication
The first duty of OC suspect is to brief the team members. What 4 matters must they cover?
1 - circumstances of the offence, analysis of the scene and witness and evidence available
2- full details of POIs
3- details of any descriptions
4- if any MO or crime signatures have been ID
List some duties of the family liaison officer in their role as an investigator?
- they profile the victim
- prepare the family tree
- gather all relevant info from the family
- take statement to ID the victim
State 2 reasons why it is important to conduct a risk assessment relating to a witness of a serious offence?
They must be conduct to establish if the they are at risk of
- intimidation
- physical harm
Describe what is meant by the “the chain of custody” and state the purpose?
- the chain of custody includes every person who has had custody of the exhibit from when the it was found and until it is produced court. It is to show the integrity and admissibility of the exhibit.
What requirements must the file manager ensure are completed when setting up the investigation HQ for a serious crime investigation?
- has a location
- office support staff
- transport
- equipment
- communications
- ICT requirements
In smaller investigation the OC exhibits and OC investigation may conduct an appreciation and facilitate a thorough interrogation of exhibits. List 3 reason this is done
- determine evidential value of exhibits
- ID further enquirers that are needed
- ID other investigation opportunity of each item
In case of a homicide who takes the VIS from the family?
- homicide trained victim support volunteer works along side police with the family
A VIS must be available for sentencing. The statement should no older than how many days?
- the VIS should be no older than 28 days
List 3 keys responsibilities of the disclosure manager?
- ensure all relevant and disclosable material is disclosed
- ensure all relevant and non- disclosable material is identified, listed and defence advised
- continually review to ensure that ongoing lawful justification to withhold exists for each document
The primary reason for conducting a PM is to establish the cause of death. List 4 other matters how the pathologists findings may assist the investigation?
- determine the mode and time of death
- the nature and size of the weapons used
- determine approximate height of the suspect
- negate possible defences
What action must police attending the scene where a body has been disturbed take?
- do not try to restore the scene
- make enquiries to determine the original unchanged scene so it can be reconstructed and photographed
Describe 4 ways to ID a victim when the body is decomposed, dismembered or otherwise unsuitable for visual ID?
- fingerprints
- DNA profiling
- dental records
- medical examination including scars, birth marks, x Ray’s, surgical wounds and tattoos
Explain what a common approach path is used for at a serious common scene?
- it is used for all movements in and out of the scene, the path is set in areas that avoids routes offenders may have used.
At the end of a PM the OC body must hand all exhibits to the OC exhibits. List 3 other things they must provide?
- the PM scene exhibit schedule
- copy of notebooks
What is the purpose of a forensic strategy. Meeting?
- To determine which exhibit or other forensic examinations are required and the priority of them.
- It allows the OC exhibits to prioritize tasks in line with the direction of the investigation
Once a family liaison plan has been formulated it must be reviewed in consultation with the FLO at regular intervals. What 4 matters should that plan consider?
- selection of the FLO and the criteria employed for the selection
- exit plan
- objectives
- information to be released and withheld from the family
What needs to be disclosed to defence?
- all relevant and discoverable material is provided to defence
List 4 resources or tools the OC area canvass can use to assist the canvass?
- street maps
- local council records
- police Intel systems
- public library resources -electoral roll
What are 4 matters the OC area canvass should record in the detailed master record of ongoing progress?
- which addresses have been visited
- which occupants interviewed
- documents completed
- any relevant comments made
How can the OC area canvass ensure that staff morale remains high?
- provide regular feedback on how the canvass contributes to the investigation
- updates on the progress made in other phrases
What is the first thing to consider when undertaking a course of action at a serious crime scene?
- what risks may exits ensure yours and other safety at the scene
When a crown solicitor directs police to interview an alibi witness what action must police take?
- make enquiries to determine the accuracy of the alibi
- conduct enquiries in NIA on the witness
- forward the results to the Crown with any FWS obtained
Describe the initial action the disclosure manager must take when appointed the role in a serious crime investigation?
- read the disclosure manager desk file
- access the serious crime template and download to the shared drive to use
- report to the 2IC to recieve briefing, tastings, establish what info is and is not disclosable
In a serious crime investigation it may be necessary for a Police doctor to examine a suspect. Apart from taking samples and noting injuries what other matters can the doctor attend to?
- provide a professional opinion on the condition of the suspect
- record any explanation or comments made by the suspect about the offence or the cause of injuries
A priority at a serious incident is to establish the physical condition of the victim. What are the 3 categories of the victim medical status?
- alive and not injured
- alive but injured
- shows no signs of life
The OC body is responsible for arranging the formal ID of the victim. What instructions must they provide the family or friend who are to make the ID?
- fully inform what is required of them
- what they should expect to see when they view the deceased eg after a PM has been done
Why is it important in some cases to conduct an area canvass at the same time the offence occurred?
- to capture people who regularly pass by that area at that time
OC suspects investigates POIs by priority what can influence the priority?
- weight of evidence against the person
- likely hood of them leaving the area
- particular urgency in solving the case
- availability of staff
Why is a regular debrief of suspect team required?
So that they can maintain a constant flow of info at conferences between member of suspects team and other investigation staff
What are 3 File managers duties when assisting the 2IC?
- prepare daily bulletins/ sitreps
- police and special notices
- organisation charts and rosters and ensure they are displayed in the investigation HQ
How is exhibit register kept secure?
Only the OC exhibit and typist should have a password for it to make changes but other staff should be able to view it
What action should be taken with media present at a crime scene?
- keep the away from the cordon
- make no comment about the incident
- advise OC where and who the media are
What are 3 responsibilities of OC suspects in relation to alibi witnesses?
- make enquiries to prove or disprove the alibi with other people
- make enquiries to establish where the suspect was at the time, who they were with and what they were doing
- report these result to 2IC and crown
Who should be appointed the role of OC exhibits?
Someone qualified in terms of training and relevant experience in:
- mass exhibit handling
- methods of exhibits recovery
- approved methods of packaging and security of evidence
- use of documentation
How is family defined?
- includes partners, siblings, Children guardians
- any other person who has a close and direct relationship with the victim
- chosen family
The OC investigation must review the FLO appointment and consider a risk assessment. What are 3 things they must consider?
- suitability of the person in the role
- do more FLOs need to be appointed
- needs and wishes of the family
What directions should the police photographer be given at a PM?
Take photos of
- before and after the body has been stripped
- close up of wounds, marks, internal injuries and include measuring scale
How does a Maori liaison officer assist with a homicide?
enhances family relations by providing an understanding and awareness of Maori culture, protocols and beliefs
List 4 responsibities of OC exhibits?
They must establish a standard for
- exhibits recovery, handling, labelling and storage
What the are obligations when defence counsel has reassigned?
Ensure all material that has been disclosed is provided to new defence. Get a confirmation they have it or hand it to them in person
What are the OC suspect roles and responsibilities?
- obtain info about suspect and POIs as they are identified
- profile and investigate all suspects and POIs to establish their involvement or eliminate them
- seek evidence to cover the elements of the offence
- deal with possible defences as they raise
- provide a basis for further investigation
Who is responsible for determining the status of the suspect and how is it determined?
- OC investigation and OC suspect
- it is determined by the persons direct or indirect connection to the circumstances of the offence
What are the core duties of the file manager?
- assist with setting up and maintaining the HQ
- manager the electronic and physical file
- unsure flow of info throughout the investigation
- assist with preparing the prosecution file
- assist with mangement at the trial
What is OC exhibits role before and after court?
- prepare court exhIbit schedule
- prepare exhibit for court eg transport and producing
- prepare FWS
- collect exhibits at conclusion
- complete report for disposal to 2IC
What is purpose of the area canvass?
- it is a chance of identifying offender, witnesses, evidence or exhibits and establishing significant facts
What 3 things must OC exhibits inform OC investigation of in regard to exhibits?
- what has been found
- examination results
- any further enquiries needed
Who deals with property from the family and returning it?
- it should be returned by the FLO. They should liaise with OC exhibits to have it returned
What are the responsibilities of crown disclosure?
- They must be given an exact copy of all material that has been disclosed. They should also be able to review any unedited material
Should the OC body take notes at the PM?
- Do not take notes at the PM unless directed to by pathologist or OC investigation
What is the exhibit range number?
Admin - 10000 Victim - 15000 witness - 20000 area canvass - 25000 scene - 30000 suspect - 70000
What are 6 considerations that should be made in an appreciation before removing the body?
- Views of pathologist, ESR and crown
- consultation with other experts
- best method and route to avoid contamination
- safe custody of exhibits
- protective clothing
- family or cultural considerations
Explain an exit plan for the FLO?
- it must be develop before FLO is deployed and family advised at the time of deployment. It will be executed at discretion of OC. FLO should ensure victim support is ongoing
What are some locations that may influence parameters?
- site where victim, offender have been and offence took place
- areas where offender may have been waiting
- last place victim seen alive
- place frequented by victim
Describe 2 types of information that can be obtained from Police intel systems when carrying at a risk assessment during area canvass phrase that staff should be made aware of?
- Voilent offenders
- People wanted for crimes and WTAs
Prior to interviewing a suspect the OC suspects should consider what 4 things?
- Whether it should be level 2 or 3 interviewer
- The mode of interview eg DVD
- Consult with other experts or legal advisor
- Ensure the interview is fully briefed
What 3 things should OC suspects ensure happens during the interview with a suspect?
- Ensure the interview is conducted in line with the II suspect guide
- It is monitored by NCO or detective
- Ensure explanation is sought in relation to any exhibits
How is the area canvass progress monitored?
As an address is completed the OC should mark it on the map to show a updated record. They should review completed canvass forms to ID lines of enquiries and Monitor ongoing progress
What considerations should be made when appointing an interviewer?
- Level of training
- Experience the officer has had with serious investigations
- Suitability of the officer to do the interview
How can you refresh a witness memory before Court?
- At court request they read FWS or transcript
What may prelim witness interviews lead to?
- ID or arrest of offender
- recovery of information relating to offence
- prevention of disposal or destruction of evidence
- prevention of commission of other offences
During the course of some criminal trials it is necessary for the Police to consider that witness intimidation may occur. By maintaining contact with the witness who may be the subject of intimidation what information can the OC ascertain?
- Become aware of any threats, intimdation, interfernce and can arrange for appropriate action to be taken. Such a witness protection
What action must be take with witnesses prior to an interview taking place if the are likely to have transferred evidence?
- before the interview has started a plan must be prepared to preserve and recover evidence from the person
State the types of physical evidence that may be present on the witness?
- fingerprints
- clothes and footwear
- fibres
- body fluids
- glass
What steps should be taken to prevent cross-contamination of suspects?
- keep away from others at scene
- use officers who have not been in the scene
What 3 things does the file manager need to have done once the investigation HQ is established?
Arrange for
- stationary
- whiteboards and notice boards
- inwards baskets
What can profiles do for an area canvass?
- assist with setting parameters
- assist with identifying locations
What steps should be taken when forwarding an exhibit for examination?
- ensure decisions are confirmed in the forensic strategy meeting
- records decisions in the register and the type of examination
- ensure it is authored by OC investigation
- prepare paperwork eg POL143
- ensure they are prepared for delivery eg sealed, labelled, pol143 attached
- deliver them quickly to avoid loss of evidence
What is the role of OC body at the PM?
- Observe, document and deal with exhibits from the body in a structured manner.
During the course of a trial the OC witnesses must maintain control over the witnesses. What instructions must they be given relating to their conduct at court?
ensure they do not
- have contact or communication with jurors
- discuss the case in a public area
- discuss the case with other witnessess
You have been appointed as OC exhibits on a serious investigation. As exhibits should not be taken into HQ you have been appointed a secure exhibits room. in relation to safe storage what 3 matters should addressed before receiving exhibits?
- Ensure the label contains exhibit number, operation name, finders details, date and time and description
- they are correctly packaged and secured
- any action to preserve them has been taken eg - drying wet or bloody clothing
in addition to door to door enquiries during the area canvass what other approaches can also be used to obtain information?
- Media
- Mail drop
- High profile patrol using van
- Post campaign
Describe 4 matters that must be recorded in a crime scene log to maintain the integrity of the scene?
- Identify the keeper of the record
- Names
- Times
- Reasons for entering and existing the scene
While most offences of homicide are identified as a result of a body being found or by a person making admissions , some incidents notified to the Police are not initially identifiable as a homicide. List 4 such incidents?
- Reported missing person
- Suicide
- Fatal fire
- Drug related death
Prior to a trial relating to a serious offence who makes the decision as to what exhibits are to be prepared and produced at the trial?
- OC investigation and OC exhibits will decide which exhibits are relevant and how the exhibit and exam result will be presented in court.
Detail the responsibilities of OC body regarding exhibits taken from the body at the PM?
OC exhibits must ensure the are
- recorded in schedule
- labelled
- sealed
- they secure all exhibits from the body plus samples
- ensure they all packaged and sealed before leaving
During a briefing for an area canvass what is the instruction to give staff who may speak to a witness who has evidence of possible probative value?
- Advised the evidence must be obtained in a FWS not a notebook
Describe the reason for the OC investigation, OC suspect and OC area canvass visiting the external or general scene of a serious crime prior to conducting area canvass?
- To make a recon of the area
- conduct an appreciation
- set parameters and objective for area canvass
The OC body is responsible for preparing the 1S file and submit ASAP. What are the 4 documents that must be included on the file?
- Statement relating to victim ID
- Pol47 or if child then pol47A
- Deceased person certifcate
- Deceased person ID form
When skeletal remains are found what are 3 bits of information can the pathologist provide?
- Whether they are bones
- If they are human
- Age, gender, height ad racial origin of the person
What experts must be notified and attendance requested for a PM?
- Police photographer
- fingerprint officer
List 6 responsibilities of OC body?
- attend the PM
- complete the pol47
- Ensure death has been certified by doctor or qualified medic
- Note and record observations relating to body
- Establish of it has been moved or disturbed
- Ensure photos taken in situ and consider video recording
- Arrange transport to mortuary
What action must the OC exhibits take when becoming aware that further enquiries are required in relation to an exhibit?
- It must be highlighted with the 2IC so that enquiries can be started
Section 10(4) of the Criminal Disclosure Act 2008 govens the disclosure of material to the defense. What obligation is imposed by the subsection on the person providing disclosure?
- Disclosure maybe provided in any form including electronically.
- It must be provided at the time of the request
- Consideration must be made whether the defendant has ready access to a computer to access the disclosure
Who can attended the PM?
- Doctor representing the deceased approve do by coroner
- Doctor representing suspect approved by pathologist
- Any other person authorized by coroner
Before moving the body what are 5 things that should be done?
- Record and photographed body in situ
- Measure and mark where body is
- Carefully search under the body
- Bag hands and feet
- Get authority from OC investigation
When arriving at mortuary what 5 things should OC ensure happens?
- body is not washed
- body is labelled and secured in frigde
- key retain until PM starts
- Arrange formal ID
- Body remains in same condition until PM starts
What are 5 things that should be noted about the body?
- Position of body
- Appearance
- Visible wounds
- Blood trails and direction
- Extent of rigor mortis
What 4 things should be considered in the appreciation before the PM?
- authority to complete PM by coroner
- who should be there
- examination needs or sampling based on known facts
- appropriate resources for packaging and taking photos
What is the primary role of the FLO?
- contact between the family and police
- they are an investigator not a support person
What should the FLO do before meeting the family?
- be familiar with case
- know what info is and is not to be released
- establish what contact they have had with police since the incident and what info has been given
- establish what info has been released to public
When doing a briefing of area canvass staff what should the OC cover?
- summary of incident, duties and responsibilities
- advise thoroughness and every person at an address should be spoken to
- ensure all forms ar completed
What should be done if a witness declines to be interviewed?
Record everything that say in case called by defence
How can suspects to identified?
- DNA samples
- fingerprints
- witness evidence
- police nothing’s
What action should be taken with a reluctant or uncooperative witness?
- advise and seek guidance from OC witness or OC investigation
- refer to difficult or reluctant witness section in witness guide
When an offender is arrested what should family be advised of?
- their right to victim notification register
- their view on bail
- charges to be laid or not laid
- when released on bail and the conditions
What is the purpose of holding a team conference?
- Keep all member of the investigation updated on progress made
- Give members a chance to say views and and pass on info
- Give 2IC chance to pass on intructions
- Give OC chance to brief team on important topics and priority of lines of enquries
When you arrive at the scene and the victim is not injured what step should be taken?
Preserve the scene
What steps should be taken when locating a victim that is injured?
- Obtain ID of victim
- Notebook and take photos of injuries
- seize clothing, banages
- Take DNA or firearm swabs
- completed scoping interview with victim
What steps should be taken when the victim shows no signs of life?
- Call ambo confirm life extinct
- advise medical staff to leave equipment used
- confirm their action taken
- treat as scene -DONT MOVE
- record position of body
- Preserve the scene
- Confirm ID and who saw victim last
What should the plan to recover evidence from a forensically important witness consider?
- DNA swabs from areas on them suspect may have touched
- DNA swabs any visible blood
- seize clothing and footwear or items offender may have touched
What equipment should OC body take to the PM?
- Toxi kit
- Exhibit bags
- Label
- notebook
- exhibit schedule
- firearm residue kit
- photos from scene
When a suspect is part of the victims family what are 5 consideration that should made for the FLO?
- welfare and safety of FLO
- level of info released to FLO and family
- importance of recording all comtact and interactions with family
- not using FLO on search warrants
- deploying a more experienced FLO
During the early stage what are 5 bits of information the FLO must provide and obtain from the family?
- provide info relating process of PM
- provide when someone dies book
- establish what info and rumours family have and pass to OC investigation
- protect from unwanted media
- establish if they have safety concerns or have been subject to threats and advise OC
When is the part A form Completed for an area canvass?
- One form is completed for every address visited and includes empty or vacant addresses
What is the part B form and what does it include?
- it is the questionnaire designed by OC investigation and OC area canvass. It should record
- personal details
- home details
- work details
- answers to questions
When a person has been identified as part of the area canvass that require follow up questions what should the investigator do?
- arrange for them to give FWS
- record on part B they have provide FWS along with offender description
- ensure info is Provided to OC area canvass and 2IC
- give part B to OC area canvass
What questions should be asked when deciding a course of action?
- Possible results and consequences for each alternative
- from the considerations what is best course to achieve objective
What must the result plan of an appreciation be?
- clear, concise and leaves no room for misunderstanding
- record and delivered using GMEAC
What must all police record in notebook about attending a serious crime scene?
- Observations and any action or alternations they made and why
What happens at the PM debrief?
The OC body will record the PM findings and cause of death but only at the direction of OC or pathologist
What are 3 key elements of a homicide?
- Victim
- Suspect
- Location (scene)
What are some benefits of an area canvass?
- Sighting of victim or offender before or after incident
- Sighting of relevant vehicles
- Obtaining key info to drive investigation and lines of enquiries
- ID witnesses
What specialist Police units can be used in the area canvass?
- Criminal profiling or geographic profiles can assist with setting parameters or identifying locations suspects may reside or frequent
What methods can be used to ID witnesses?
- Media
- Area canvass
- Interviews with victim, other witnesses or offender
Who may require special consideration as a witness?
- Children
- Mentally impaired person
- Reluctant witness
- Foreign nationals
The management of suspects falls into 3 categories what are they?
- ID and profiling
- Arrest and termination
- interviewing
After a suspect is arrested what should OC suspect do?
- Ensure suspects isolated from each other
- ensure BOR given
- If 1J address obligations under CYF act
- consider a search warrant for more evidence
What actions are completed in the medical exam with a suspect?
- Injuries are noted
- Samples taken as identified by OC suspects using MEK
- swabs from hands for firearm residue are taken if firearm used
What documents are completed when a suspect is arrested for a homicide?
- NIA entry
- Remove NIA wanted alert
- message to deputy commissioner by completing an update on the serious incident database
What must OC exhibits do at the end of a forensic strategy meeting
- Record in the exhibit register any discussion made about types of examinations needed and their priority
What topics are covered in a forensic strategy meeting?
- What examinations ESR and other can do
- The priority of each exhibit
- If more work is needed to assist reconstruction
- An agreed reconstruction of the event under investigation
The file manager has an important role to play in establishing and maintaining the flow of communication throughout the investigation both verbal and documentary. To ensure an effective communication flow with in the investigation the file manager must?
- advise staff of the file path names must be added to documents
- prepare an operation organisation chart
- set up in trays for OCs
- ensure staff have set up a folder in theirs emails for investigation related emails
What are the 10000 document number serious used for?
- documents where there is no justification to withhold it Eg FWS, job sheets, video interview transcript, notebooks
What are the 50000 document number serious used for?
- documents that maybe fully or partially withheld eg search warrant application, emails, CHIS reports