Serious Crime Definitions Flashcards
What are the primary functions for initial action?
What are the primary functions for initial action?
Attending the scene at an early stage
Taking control of the situation and
Coordinating tasks
What are 10 incidents that are not initially identifiable as a homicide?
What are 10 incidents that are not initially identifiable as a homicide?
Report of a missing person
Report of an abduction
Report of violence where no fatalities are anticipated
Unexplained death
Sudden unexplained death of an infant
Drug related deaths
Crime scene without body present
Fatal fire
Hit and run vehicular collision
Victim – identify and locate the victim(s)
Appreciation – Assess personal risk and then preserve lives of others
Witnesses – locate and contain witnesses
Scene – preserve the scene
Exhibits – note and preserve any evidence that would otherwise be lost or destroyed
Ingredients – consider whether the ingredients of the alleged offence have been established
Powers – identify powers available and consider whether to execute them
Offenders – identify and apprehend suspect(s).
What are the key benefits when applying an appreciation technique?
What are the key benefits when applying an appreciation technique?
Reduce uncertainty
Informs all police with what they are expected to achieve
Increases the chance of success i.e. the investigative aims/objects being met
Establishes a sequence of activities to be carried out
Eliminates duplication
Ensures nothing is overlooked
Effective use of resources
Manages risk
What is the term adopting an investigative mentality?
What is the term adopting an investigative mentality?
No matter what the circumstances of a death
e.g. an accident, suicide, apparent natural causes, work place accident or unexplained death
police’s purpose is always to investigate thoroughly
and gather sufficient evidence to
satisfactorily explain the circumstances of the death
Establish the victim’s medical status
After ensuring the safety of those present the next priority is to establish the physical condition of the victim.
What are the 3 categories? (AAS)
Establish the victim’s medical status
After ensuring the safety of those present the next priority is to establish the physical condition of the victim.
What are the 3 categories? (ASS)
This falls under 3 categories:
- Alive and uninjured
- Alive but injured
- Shows no signs of life
What must the court be satisfied in order for hearsay evidence to be considered admissible evidence under S.18(1)(a) EA06?
What must the court be satisfied in order for hearsay evidence to be considered admissible evidence under S.18(1)(a) EA06?
The court must be satisfied that both:
The content of the statement and
The person who made it, are reliable
What are the circumstances to consider under S.16(1) EA06? (NCCVA)
What are the circumstances to consider under S.16(1) EA06? (NCCVA)
The nature of the statement
The contents of the statement
The circumstances relating to the making of the
The circumstances relating to the veracity of the person, and
The circumstances relating to the accuracy of the observation of the person.
What should you consider when entering a scene? (CAP)
What should you consider when entering a scene? (CAP)
Consider possible approach paths and
Establish a Common Approach Path (CAP)
For all movements into and out of the scene
Using a path which avoids any route possibly taken
To and from the scene by the suspect(s) or the victim.
When dealing with a suspect at a scene what conditions of the suspect should you consider? (WUSO)
When dealing with a suspect at a scene what conditions of the suspect should you consider? (WUSO)
Conditions of the suspect to consider:
Whether they are injured
Under the influence of alcohol/drugs or
Suffer from a medical/mental impairment or
Other special consideration.
What do you do if members of the media are present at the scene? (KIMC)
What do you do if members of the media are present at the scene? (KIMC)
Keep the media away from the immediate crime scene cordon
Identify media members and where they are located
Make no comment about the incident
Consult with OC investigation on arrival and explain what happened
Who should be appointed OC Body?
Who should be appointed OC Body?
The OC Body should be an experienced investigator with awareness of forensic issues
Where this is not possible, the OC Body may require additional support and/or mentoring
What are the responsibilities of the OC Body? (EMSREEM)
What are the responsibilities of the OC Body? (EMSREEM)
The OC Body must:
Ensure death has been certified by a doctor or qualified paramedic using a deceased person certificate (POL 265)
Maintain security and continuity of the body, samples and exhibits from the scene to the commencement of the post mortem examination
Secure and guard the body, body samples and any exhibits relating to the body with dignity and respect
Record what actions have been taken by any party in respect of the body
Establish if the body has been moved or disturbed
Ensure the body is photographed in situ and consider using video recording
Arrange transportation of the body to the mortuary
What happens if the body has been disturbed?
What happens if the body has been disturbed?
Do not attempt to restore the scene to its original unchanged condition
Make enquiries to enable the original unchanged scene to be subsequently reconstructed and photographed if required.
Preparing for removal of the body:
Preparing for removal of the body:
OC investigation is ultimately responsible for ensuring how the removal and examination of the body will be managed
The body must not be moved without specific authority from the OC investigation
What is the primary role for OC Body during Post-Mortem? (ODDSM)
What is the primary role for OC Body during Post-Mortem? (ODDSM)
Observe, document and deal with exhibits associated with the body
In a structured and methodical manner.
What is the purpose of a post-mortem? (PPDDDPENI)
What is the purpose of a post-mortem? (PPDDDPENI)
The primary reason for conducting a post-mortem examination is to establish the cause of death
Pathologist’s findings will provide further information to drive the investigation which may:
Determine where possible the mode and time of death
Determine the nature and size of any weapon(s) used
Determine the approximate height and stature of the suspect
Provide areas of interest for subsequent interviews of witnesses and/or suspects
Establish how injuries and/or events at the scene may have contributed toward the death of the victim
Negate possible defenses
Identify the victim, if identity has not been established.
What must doctors, nurses or funeral directors NOT do at a post-mortem?
What must doctors, nurses or funeral directors NOT do at a post-mortem?
Any doctor, nurse or funeral director attending (other than the authorised pathologist(s)),
are not permitted to assist with the post-mortem and must observe only.
Who in the Police should attend the post-mortem? (OOEPSF)
Who in the Police should attend the post-mortem? (OOEPSF)
The OC investigation
The OC Body
A member specifically designated as exhibits officer for post-mortem if required
Police photographer, SOCO or fingerprint officer if required.
What must you do if a homicide or serious crime involves a Maori victim?
What must you do if a homicide or serious crime involves a Maori victim?
In the case of a homicide or serious crime involving a Maori victim you must engage with a Iwi Liaison Officer as early as possible.
This will support an understanding and awareness of the Maori traditions, protocol and beliefs, and
enhance relations between the investigation, family of the deceased and the Maori community.
What should you inform the person who conducts the formal identification?
What should you inform the person who conducts the formal identification?
It is important those carrying out the formal identification are fully informed of what is required of them and
what they should expect to see when they view the deceased particularly after a post-mortem examination has taken place.
What are methods of identification? (FFDDEMP)
What are methods of identification? (FFDDEMP)
Mutilation or decomposition may render visual identification of a body impossible.
You can consider the following methods of identification in consultation with the Coroner:
Facial reconstruction
DNA profiling (identification results take 3-4 weeks or 48 hours for urgent analysis)
Dental records available through the Region Forensic Dentistry Advisor
Eye examination records
Medical examination records, including scars, birth marks, implants or prosthetics, x-rays, surgical wounds, amputations and tattoos
Personal effects.
What information can a pathologist and forensic anthropologist provide about skeletal remains?
What information can a pathologist and forensic anthropologist provide about skeletal remains?
When skeletal remains are found a pathologist with the assistance of a forensic anthropologist can usually provide information such as:
Whether the remains are actually bones
Whether the bones are human
The age, gender, height and race of the person.
When do you strip the body?
When do you strip the body?
Stripping the body will take place immediately before the post-mortem examination commences
But must only be undertaken on the specific direction of the OC investigation
Generally after a visual examination and
Collection of evidence from the clothed body has been completed.
Who is responsible for the exhibits relating to the body? (RLPSSP)
Who is responsible for the exhibits relating to the body? (RLPSSP)
The OC Body is responsible for recording, labelling, packaging, sealing and
securing all physical exhibits relating to the body
including samples taken during the post-mortem.
What should the OC Body provide the OC Exhibits in order to maintain an unbroken chain of exhibit continuity and security?
What should the OC Body provide the OC Exhibits in order to maintain an unbroken chain of exhibit continuity and security?
The post-mortem Scene Exhibit Schedule
Copy of the OC Body’s notebook entries
Formal statement.
What form from the police does a doctor or qualified paramedic use to certify death?
What form from the police does a doctor or qualified paramedic use to certify death?
A Deceased Person Certificate (POL 265)
What is the primary function of a Family Liaison Officer (FLO)?
What is the primary function of a Family Liaison Officer (FLO)?
The primary function is that of an investigator and not a support person
However in performing this role the FLO must also:
Offer, facilitate and co-ordinate support that addresses the needs of the family.
What is the term family?
What is the term family?
Includes partners, parents, siblings, children, guardians, whanau and
any others who have had a direct and close relationship with the victim
includes chosen family that should reflect the victim’s culture and lifestyle.
What opportunity should be given to victims? (VIS)
Victims should be given the opportunity to make a statement about the impact the crime has had on them, through a VIS.
How many days should a VIS be at the time of sentencing?
The VIS must be available for sentencing and should be no older than 28 days at the time of sentencing.
Who are Homicide trained Victim Support volunteers?
Who are Homicide trained Victim Support volunteers?
Homicide trained Victim Support volunteers are trained to assist Police by taking VIS from surviving family members.
Who should attend a scene to conduct a Reconnaissance?
Who should attend a scene to conduct a Reconnaissance?
The OC investigation, OC Area Canvass and OC Suspects should attend the external/general scene as soon as practicable.
What does a Reconnaissance achieve?
What does a Reconnaissance achieve?
To make a reconnaissance of the area and conduct an APPRECIATION and set the parameters and objectives of the canvass
This will provide a clear perspective of the area when it is referred to subsequently in statements and or briefings.
What specialist groups can assist with identifying location parameters?
What specialist groups can assist with identifying location parameters?
Specialist Police units such as the Criminal Profiling Unit or criminal or geographic profilers may be consulted
to assist with setting parameters of identifying locations where suspects are likely to frequent or to reside.
What resources should the OC Area Canvass seek?
What resources should the OC Area Canvass seek?
The OC Area Canvass should seek to obtain:
Suitable street maps
Aerial photographs showing location of sections, geological information
Local council records and other applicable references
How does the OC Area Canvass keep team motivation high?
How does the OC Area Canvass keep team motivation high?
The OC Area Canvass should ensure staff morale remains high and this can be achieved by providing regular feedback.
How does the OC Area Canvass monitor ongoing progress?
How does the OC Area Canvass monitor ongoing progress?
A detailed master record of ongoing progress should be continually maintained and
Updated by the OC Area Canvass showing
Which addresses have been visited
Which occupants interviewed
The documentation completed and any relevant comments made.
What other options can be considered when conducting area enquiries? (MPM)
What other options can be considered when conducting area enquiries? (MPM)
Consideration can be given to using the approaches outlined below or a combination of them to compliment door to door enquiries:
Poster campaign
Mail drop
When area enquiries conclude the OC Area Canvass should submit a report to OC investigation. What should the report outline? (SSAP)
When area enquiries conclude the OC Area Canvass should submit a report to OC investigation. What should the report outline? (SSAP)
The report should include:
A summary of all action taken
Any significant findings highlighted and
Attention drawn to any action that has been undertaken which
Was outside of the original phase strategy.
What sort of information can be obtained by conducting a prompt preliminary interview with a witness? (PERP)
What sort of information can be obtained by conducting a prompt preliminary interview with a witness? (PERP)
Information may lead to:
Prevention of the imminent disposal or destruction of evidence connected to the investigation
Early identification or arrest of a suspect
Recovery of evidence or information relevant to the offence
Prevention of the commission of other offences.
What is the term ‘witness as a scene’?
What is the term ‘witness as a scene’?
Some witnesses may have been so proximate to events that
It is likely evidence was transferred to the witness from
the victim, suspect or from the scene itself.
What plan must be prepared when dealing with a ‘witness as a scene’? (FFFCBDG)
What plan must be prepared when dealing with a ‘witness as a scene’? (FFFCBDG)
Before a witness is interviewed a plan must be prepared
To preserve and recover all available physical evidence from the witness including:
Body fluids
Glass or other material.
What issues should be considered when selecting an appropriate interviewer? (LEASCWLG)
What issues should be considered when selecting an appropriate interviewer? (LEASCWLG)
The level of training of the interviewer
The experience the officer has interviewing witnesses in major investigations and
Any additional skills the interviewer has which may be advantageous in the circumstances
The suitability of the officer to undertake the interview
Consideration towards welfare issues
Whether any previous experience that the officer has with the witness is
Likely to either inhibit or encourage a rapport with the interviewee or
Give rise to later challenges of coaching, prompting or offering.
Why do you have to make a risk assessment with a witness?
Why do you have to make a risk assessment with a witness?
A risk assessment must be conducted to
Establish the extent to which a witness might
Be at risk of intimidation and or physical harm.
What can police initiate for a witness who are threatened, intimidated or interfered? (WPP)
What can police initiate for a witness who are threatened, intimidated or interfered? (WPP)
By maintaining contact with witnesses
Police will be more likely to become aware of any threats
Intimidation or interference and can arrange for appropriate
Action to be taken; such as
Initiating the witness protection program.
Witness Control (HDD)
Ensure that witnesses do NOT:
Witness Control (HDD)
Ensure that witnesses do NOT:
Have any contact or communication with jurors
Discuss the case in public areas while waiting to give evidence
Discuss the case with witnesses waiting after they have given evidence.
What should you do with a witness to assist with refreshing their memory?
What should you do with a witness to assist with refreshing their memory?
At court request the witness refresh their memory by
Reading any previously signed statement(s) or
interview transcript.
Regarding an alibi witness what must the investigator conduct? (MCF)
Regarding an alibi witness what must the investigator conduct? (MCF)
Make enquiries to determine the veracity of the alibi
Conduct inquiries as directed by the OC investigation and the Crown Solicitor including NIA checks on the alibi witness
Forward the results of these enquiries to the Crown Solicitor including any statements obtained.
What should the OC Suspects initial briefing encompass? (CFWD)
What should the OC Suspects initial briefing encompass? (CFWD)
The circumstances of the offence including an analysis of the scene and witness evidence available
The full details of all persons of interest and any suspect, where the identity of suspects are known
Whether any particular modus operandi/crime signatures have been identified
Details of any descriptions of the suspect provided by witnesses (a schedule of descriptions may be prepared to assist).
When a police doctor conducts a medical examination and uses a MEK on a suspect, what samples as identified by the OC investigation should they take? (HPSSSPBF)
When a police doctor conducts a medical examination and uses a MEK on a suspect, what samples as identified by the OC investigation should they take? (HPSSSPBF)
Head hair
Pubic and body hair, if relevant
Swabs of the suspects hands or other relevant areas
Swab the suspects hands for firearm residue, some residue may persist on the suspects hands, clothing for up to 3 hours
Provide a professional opinion regarding the condition of the suspect
Fingernail scrapings.
Setting up the Investigation Headquarters
If no Logistics Officer is assigned the File Manager must liaise with the 2IC to establish the requirements for the Investigation Headquarters, which includes? (TECILO)
Setting up the Investigation Headquarters
If no Logistics Officer is assigned the File Manager must liaise with the 2IC to establish the requirements for the Investigation Headquarters, which includes? (TECILO)
ICT requirements
Office support staff
On appointment of the Disclosure Manager role, you must: (RALRI)
On appointment of the Disclosure Manager role, you must: (RALRI)
Read the disclosure managers desk file
Access the current Serious Crime Template downloaded to the
Local district shared drive, for use during the investigation
Report to the 2IC to receive a briefing, tasking, establishing what
Information is and is not discoverable, and ongoing supervision.
Key responsibilities
The Disclosure Manager must: (CCEE)
Key responsibilities
The Disclosure Manager must: (CCEE)
Continually review to ensure that ongoing lawful justification to withhold exists for each document that is withheld.
Continually assess the risk to ensure that non-discoverable material is identified and not disclosed
Ensure all relevant and discoverable material is provided to defence counsel
Ensure all relevant and non-discoverable material identified, listed and defence advised.
What obligations do Police have where the legal representative of a defendant is replaced? (EYO)
What obligations do Police have where the legal representative of a defendant is replaced? (EYO)
Ensure the replacement counsel is provided with all material previously disclosed
You can provide the new counsel with a fresh copy or
Obtain written confirmation from the new counsel they have received all material previously disclosed from the outgoing counsel
Explain S.10(4) CDA08 in relation to disclosure:
Explain S.10(4) CDA08 in relation to disclosure:
The Act provides that disclosure may be supplied in whatever form
Including electronically that the person disclosing the information holds it
In a time of the request, provided this will be readily accessible to the defendant.
What is Crown disclosure?
What is Crown disclosure?
The Crown should be provided with an identical copy of all material that is disclosed to defence counsel
The Crown should also review an un-edited copy of the material, where appropriate
This mater should remain under the control of the File Manager while it is being reviewed.
In a homicide investigation it is recommended that the OC Exhibits is a? (MFMAMU)
In a homicide investigation it is recommended that the OC Exhibits is a? (MFMAMU)
Qualified Detective preferably with previous experience in:
Mass exhibit handling
Forensic principles
Methods of exhibit recovery
Approved procedures for packaging and security of evidence
Managing contamination and cross-contamination issues
Use of standardised documentation as contained in the Serious Crime Template.
In small investigations why would the OC Exhibits (in conjunction with OC investigation), conduct an appreciation and interrogation of every exhibit? (FIE)
In small investigations why would the OC Exhibits (in conjunction with OC investigation), conduct an appreciation and interrogation of every exhibit? (FIE)
To establish:
Further enquiries that are needed
Investigative opportunities presented by each exhibit
Evidential value of each exhibit
What are the OC Exhibits responsibilities? (PEER)
What are the OC Exhibits responsibilities? (PEER)
Presentation at Court and disposal of exhibits and
Establishing required standards for the recovery, handling, labelling, storage, and submission to experts
Ensuring these processes are completed in accordance with the
Requirements set by the OC Investigation and the Serious Crime Template.
Would you take exhibits into the Investigation Headquarters?
Would you take exhibits into the Investigation Headquarters?
No, whether sealed or not, no exhibits should be taken into the Investigation Headquarters
A secure room should be available for exclusive use by the OC Exhibits.
How does the OC Exhibits maintain an awareness of the significance of each exhibit and what examinations may be available? (DIE)
How does the OC Exhibits maintain an awareness of the significance of each exhibit and what examinations may be available? (DIE)
The OC Exhibits will:
Determine, plan and record the examination and
Interrogation of every exhibit and
Establish its relevance to the investigation.
How does a Forensic Strategy assist the OC Exhibits? (DPT)
How does a Forensic Strategy assist the OC Exhibits? (DPT)
Developing a strategy for examination of exhibits allows the OC Exhibits to
Prioritise tasks in line with the direction of the investigation
The strategy must be approved by the OC Investigation and continually reviewed throughout the investigation to keep abreast of any developments.
What topics are covered during a Forensic Strategy meeting? (WWAAT)
What topics are covered during a Forensic Strategy meeting? (WWAAT)
What examinations ESR and others could conduct on exhibits
Whether any further work is needed to assist a reconstruction
A plan for any work to be completed that is required to assist the reconstruction
An agreed reconstruction of the events relevant to the crime under investigation
The priority each examination should receive.
After a Forensic Strategy meeting what must the OC Exhibits record on the Exhibits register?
After a Forensic Strategy meeting what must the OC Exhibits record on the Exhibits register?
All decisions taken about the types of examinations to be conducted and
The priority allocated to the examination of each exhibit.
What must the OC Exhibits do when they receive the results of the exhibit examinations? (UBN)
What must the OC Exhibits do when they receive the results of the exhibit examinations? (UBN)
The OC Exhibits must:
Update the Exhibits Register with the results of the exhibit examinations
Bring such information to the attention of the OC Investigation and
Not assume that they are aware of it by any other means.
If the OC Exhibits becomes aware that further enquiries are required in relation to a particular exhibit who do they notify?
If the OC Exhibits becomes aware that further enquiries are required in relation to a particular exhibit who do they notify?
This must be highlighted to the 2IC so that follow-up enquiries can be initiated.
What must the OC Investigation, OC Exhibits and other relevant investigation team members decide about exhibits in preparation for Court? (DEED)
What must the OC Investigation, OC Exhibits and other relevant investigation team members decide about exhibits in preparation for Court? (DEED)
They must:
Determine the significance of any forensic examinations
Establish the most appropriate manner in which exhibits and
Examination results are to be presented at trial
Decide which exhibits are considered relevant.
Explain the chain of custody:
Explain the chain of custody:
The chain of custody includes every individual who has had custody of an exhibit from
The time it was first discovered until the time it is produced in Court
It is used to demonstrate the integrity, and therefore admissibility, of exhibits.
While an exhibit is under the custody and control of a person they must be able to demonstrate: (WWWWH)
While an exhibit is under the custody and control of a person they must be able to demonstrate: (WWWWH)
When they received custody of the exhibit and from whom
Why, when and how the exhibit was moved from one place to another
Where and how the exhibit was securely stored
When and why they transferred custody of an exhibit to another person, and to whom
How the exhibit has been treated, safeguarded and preserved
How do you protect the integrity of the electronic Exhibits Register?
How do you protect the integrity of the electronic Exhibits Register?
Only the OC Exhibits and typist should have password access to make alterations to it
Although every member of the investigation should be able to view it
An Exhibits Register template can be downloaded from the Serious Crime Template.
Define an Appreciation
Define an Appreciation
A proven method of problem-solving that follows a series of set steps to ensure the optimum course of action is taken
It considers all appropriate factors weighs the benefits and risks
It’s an ongoing process, thinking through each new piece of information discovered.
What are the five-digit numbers for exhibits?
What are the five-digit numbers for exhibits?
Admin - 10000
Victim - 15000
Witness - 20000
Area canvass - 25000
Scenes - 30000
Suspects - 70000