Series 79 - deck 2 Flashcards
The contract between the issuer and the lead underwriter or syndicate manager
Underwriting agreement
No correlation between market movements
Random walk theory
prevents issuer from issuing additional subordinated debt
Rule 144
Must file a note with SEC if he/she wished to sell 5000 shares or $50,000 in aggregate in any three month period. Must take place within three months of filing the form
Regulation M
Restricted period for a merger begins the day proxy materials are sent to shareholders
HSR wait periods
Typically 30 days provided there are no hangups
FINRA inspection requirements
Firm must maintain copies for the last three years
Who is liable for misleading information in a registration statement?
Anyone who participates in prep of file - Issuer, senior management, underwriters, attorney’s accountant who consented to be named.
Penalties are cost of investment plus reasonable interest (Investors can sue)
Liabilities for misleading information
burden of proof - allows participant to avoid liablility, withdraw transaction, due diligence defense - after reasonable investigation, person believed the information to be true (standard of reasonableness - prudent man). Acct who did not consent to be named can’t access due diligence defense.
State security laws
require the issuer and underwriter be appropriately registered in each state where securities are sold.
No gun-jumping
Issuer discusses a transaction after decision to go public but before it files a registration statement.
Cooling off period
20 days after registration is filed
Syndicate can’t accept orders for securities, no money, no advertisements; Syndicate can collect indications of interest (not binding!!!) Once effective orders can be confirmed
preliminary prospectus - (red herring) no an offer for securities (says across top in red print)
- Can do tombstone ad, road shows, free writing prospectus
Effective date
when they know the price…might not be 20 days after filing because of a request for acceleration! SEC reviews the docs for sufficient investor disclosure. Must deliver to al linvestors with the latest price confirmation (e-delivery of prospectus ok)
What is the prospectus form?
Form 424B
includes stabilization disclosure
Underwriter is prohibited from making any changes to the prospectus after the effective date
Quiet period for equity research
Applies to issuers with more than 1 billion in revenue in year prior to IPO; # of days after the effective date vbefore research can publish
- 40 days for syndicate manager
- 25 days for syndicate member
- Follow on - 10 days for syndicate manager
Timeline Summary
- No sales, no marketing, no indications of interest
Cooling off period (after issuer files with SEC
- No sales, mktg ok, road show ok, indications of interest ok, FWPs ok,
Post-effective date (after SEC clears the issue)
- Sales ok, all purchases must receive final prospectus which must be filed with the final offer price with the SEC within 15 days of effective date, quiet periods for research
SEC Rule 415
Shelf registration - allows issuer to sell securities on a delayed or continous basis and at various times and prices. (pre-register) 3 years - used for debt or equity
Well known Seasoned issuer
Public equity $700 million in public float (excludes affiliate shareholders) OR Debt - $1bn in non-convertible debt w/in past 3 yrs AND SEC filer for at least one year
Automatic Shelf registration, Filing fees pay as you go, Free writing prospectus can be usd at any time
Seasoned Issuer
Greater than $75mm and at least 1 year filing with SEC
Unseasoned Issuer
Less than $75 mm or Less than one year with SEC
non-reporting issuer
a non-SEC filer; private company registering an IPO
Ineligible issuer
1- not current with SEC filings
2- Filed for bankruptcy win last 3 years
3- blank check company (raises money with no busines plan, no use for proceeds - public private equity company)
Cover Page - stock price, outstanding share, public float
Part I - Issuers business, current legal proceedings
Part II - MD&A (management discussion and analysis) - narrative discussion of company’s performance - 2 BS, 3 IS, 3 CFS, - Market Risk disclosures
Part III - Affiliate
Part IV - Exhibits, supplements, and certificates
Part I - MDA and Financials - qtr end, prior year end on BS, 4 IS Qtr, YTD, Prior year quarter, Prior YTD; Disclose any change to market risk factors
Part II - Exhibits, supplements, and certifiations Major shareholders are not in 10-Q**
Newsworthy event - earnings announcement, merger, bankruptcy, default on a loan, pledging key assets as collateral, delisting or transferring exchanges, change in auditors, change in company address **class action lawsuit again company would not require an 8-K
SEC filers
Large accelerated filer (700 million float and SEC filer for a year), Accelerated filer (greater than 75 million float and SEC filer for a year), Non-accelerated filer (less than 75 million or SEC filer for less than a year), Smaller reporting company (less than 75 million or less than 50 mm in revenues)
Reporting requirements
Large accelerated (10-K - 60 days, 10-Q - 40 days, and 8-K for 4 days), Accelerated filers (10-K for 75 days, 10-Q - 40 days, 8-K - 4 days), Non-accelerated filer (10-K - 90 days, 10-Q - 45 days), Smaller reporting companies (10-K - 90 days, 45, 4)
Preliminary proxy statement - lists lots of stuff including any director who did not attend 75% of meetings; Not on proxyvoting record of board members
Definitive Proxy statement - always requried - goes to shareholders and SEC
PRE14A is filed 10 days before def Proxy to shareholders, DEF14A is filed 20 days prior to annual meeting
Sarbanes Oxley
10K - CEO, CFO, must certify
10Q - Any member of senior management
Certification says CEO has read the document, document contains accurate description of company; Must disclose off balance sheet liabilities
SOX also says that board of directors must consist primarily of independent directors (not employed by company) and AUDIT committee must consist entirely of independent directions (NYSE & NASDAQ requries to hava financial expert on audit committee)
SOX prohibits…
Personal loans to company executives; Also requires (section 404) for CEO to certify firm’s internal controls for financial reporting. *ok to reimburse for home office expense