Sepsis, SIRS, and MODS Flashcards
Constellation of symptoms in response to infection
Dysregulated response and new organ dysfunction related to infection
Body’s extreme response to infection
Criteria for sepsis
Suspected or confirmed **infection* and usually 2 of the following:
Fever >100.9
Hypothermia <97
HR >90
Tachypnea >22
SBP <100
Altered MS
Hyperglycemia >140 without diabetes
WBC >12,000
WBC <4,000
Arterial hypotension
Serum creatinine increase
Coagulation abnormalities
Absent bowel sounds
Increased capillary refill or mottling
MAP of 60 needed for adequate perfusion
> 65 indicated for sepsis/septic shock
Risk factors for sepsis
Immunosuppression (cancer, HIV/AIDS, transplant, steroids, lupus)
Extremeties of age
Chronic illness (diabetes, hepatitis, CKD)
Invasive procedures
Emergent and/or multiple surgeries
Treatment for sepsis
1 hour bundle
Obtain lactate and blood cultures x2
Administer broad spectrum antibiotics
Crystalloid LR for hypotension or lactate >4
Vasopressors to maintain MAP >65
Remeasure lactate if initial is elevated >2
Causes metabolic acidosis
Blood cultures
2 sites, follow facility policy
Must fill bottle to what is labeled
Draw cultures before administering ABX
Draw aerobic first
IV Fluids
Crystalloids, usually LR because closer to blood’s pH
30 ml/kg for initial fluid resuscitation
Large bore IV (20G+)
Watch for IV infiltration, SOB, blood pressure response
Used to support blood pressure
Must be in the ICU and administered through central line
Presses blood back to the heart to increase BP and increase contractibility of heart and increase MAP
Predicting Mortality qSOFA
Quick Sepsis-Related Organ Failure Assessment
2 or more criteria is positive, another tool is MEWS
Altered mental status
Respiratory rate >/= 22
Systolic BP </= 100 mmHg
Generalized inflammation in organs remote from initial insult
Sepsis/microbial invasion
Abscess formation
Ischemia or necrotic tissue
Post cardiac arrest
Shock states
If not prevented, leads to shock/MODS
SIRS Criteria
Tachycardia >90bpm
*Tachypnea >20)
Fever or hypothermia
Leukocytosis, leukopenia, or bandemia
Patients with 2 or more meet SIRS criteria
Patient with infection and 2 or more SIRS factors have sepsis
Don’t need to have infection to meet SIRS criteria
Preventing CLABSIs
Remove central line when it is no longer needed
Inserted with sterile techniques
Clean gloves and hand hygiene before accessing
Change dressing every 7 days or when soiled using sterile technique
MHG bath daily
Obtain provider order for blood draws
Change caps after each blood draw, blood administration, and daily with TPN