Sepsis and Septic Shock Flashcards
Definition of sepsis
Life threatening organ dysfunction caused by dysregulated host response to infection
Definition of septic shock and mortality rate
Sepsis with persisting hypotension requiring vasopressors to maintain MAP >65mmHG
Having a serum lactate of >2mmol/L despite adequate volume resuscitation
Mortality of 40%
What is SIRS
Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome
What is qSOFA and what is its criteria
Quick Sepsis Related Organ Failure assesment
Used to identify patients with suspected infection who are at greater risk for a poor outcome.
It uses three criteria, assigning one point for low blood pressure (SBP≤100 mmHg), high respiratory rate (≥22 breaths per min), or altered mentation (Glasgow coma scale<15).
General feautures of sepsis
- Fever (>38C, presents as chills, rigors, flushes, cold/night sweats)
- Hypothermia (36C, especially in elderly and very young children
- Tachycardia (>90bpm)
- Tachypnea >20/min
- Altered mental status (especially in elderly)
- Hyperglycaemia (8 mmol/L in non diabetics)
What happens to Creatinine, Lactate and bilirubin in sepsis
They increase
What happens to platelets during sepsis
They reduce (thrombocytopenia)
What innfluences the presentation of sepsis
Previous surgery (splenectomy)
55 yr M
Hx of DM, smoker and IHD
Admitted through ED with feve, nausea, vommitting + abdo pain x 4hrs
O/E Temp - 38.3C RR - 24/min Pulse - 120bpm BP - 160/85 HS - Normal Chest - Clear Abdo - tenderness in epigastrium, no rebound, BS present
Next step?
Sepsis 6 (Take 3 Give 3)(within 1hr of diagnosis)
- Blood cultures
- Blood lactate +FBC
- Measure urine output
- Titrate oxygen to a saturation of 94-98%%
- IV fluid resuscitation.
- IV antibiotics
Patient fais to improve over 6hrs. Why?
A serum amylase is taken, 1450, showing the patient has acute pancreatitis, not sepsis.
Why take Blood cultures, serum lactate and measure urine output
Blood cultures - Make microbiolgical diagnosis (if spike in temp take 2 sets)
Lactate - Marker of generalised hypoperfusion/severe sepsis/poorer prognosis
Low urine output - Marker of renal dysfucntion
When to consider ITU in sepsis
Septic shock
Multi-organ failure
Requires sedation, intubation and ventilation