sepsis Flashcards
what is sepsis
physiological response to infection characterised by inflammation and where immune system becomes disregulated. basically overwhelming immune response
what characterises local infection
rubor, tumor, calor and dolor. caused by WBC profiliations, vasodilation and capillary leakage at the site of infection
how does inflammation differ in sepsis
in sepsis local infection response happens throughout entire body. seen fallen BP and flushing
describe all the symptoms of sepsis
A- airways - no specific affect unless infection arises from throat or neck but may be at risk of airways problems if unconscious
B- breathing- raised respiratory rate due to increased proteins leaking into lung tissue causing lung oedema
C- circulation- vasodilation causes capillary leakage and hypotension. to compensate heart beats faster causing tachycardia
D- disability -reudced blood flow to brain presented as confusion, drowsiness, slurred speech etc
E-exposure- high temperature due to response of hypothalamus to infection. may have hypothermia in elderly due to vasodilation especially in elderly
method to help public recognise sepsis
S- slurred speech
E- extreme shivering or muscle pain
P- passing no urine (effect of hypotension on kidney)
S- server breathlessness
I- it feels like you’re going to die (hypoxia)
S- skin mottled or discoloured
who is especially at risk from sepsis
very you (under 1 year), elderly/frail, pregnant/post party due to reduced immune system and patients with impaired immune system
when to think sepsis
got early warning score, looks ill and has any signs of infection
whats an early warning score (NEWS2)
- resp rate
- o2 sat
- systolic BP
- pulse rate (HR)
- level of consciousness
- temp these jobs are added together. the further the score is from the norm = shows spesis. must keep following it up. BUT does not exactly provide diagnosis. requires clinical analysis
red flag sepsis- critter to identify patients who have high risk of deterioration with sepsis
AVPU changed from normal acute confusion resp rate > 25 per min needs oxygen heart rate > 130bpm systolic BO < 90 not passed urine in last 18 hours rash recent chemotherapy
how is sepsis managed
- oxygen
- take culture to show exactly whats causing infection so can give correct antibiotics
- give generic antibiotics
- fluids
- take hb and lactate measure (lactate released when tissues become hypoxic)
- monitor urine output
list some additional investigations that can be done when sepsis is suspected
supportive; blood count blood sugar liver function test CRP coagulation study blood gas
cerebrospinal fluid (meningitis)
throat swab
bottle for PCR
what signs does cerebrospinal fluid show if infection is meningitis
low glucose and high protein, cloudy in colour due to WBV and then can use PCR to identify bacteria which would be meningococcus which is spread by aerosol and therefore very infective
how to treat meningitis
antibiotics which cross blood brain barrier. Laos have vaccination for it and prophylaxis for those close to person to ensure they don’t become infected