Sepsis Flashcards
Define sepsis
Life threatening organ dysfunction caused by a dysregulated host response to infection.
What are the ABCC’S of sepsis?
Arachadonic, bradykinin, coagulation, complement.
What is archidonic acid?
Arachidonic acid is a cell-derived response to hypoxia, ischemia, endotoxin catecholamines and tissue injury. Produces vasodilation,increased cellular permeability and pain.
Prostaglandins result in vasodilation and increased permeability.
Explain Bradykinin response.
-bradykinin response to sepsis is plasma derived. Tissue injury activates the hageman factor (XI1 which stimulates the prekallikrien. System which releases Bradykinin , which is a potent vasodilator. Bradykininalso stimulates mast cells which release histamine fathering vasodilation and permeability.
Explain how coagulation is effected by sepsis.
Sepsis prevents the breakdown of clot by inhibiting plasma formation and fibrin. This results in microemboli.
Coagulation cascade also propitiates the AA and bradykinin responses. Furthering vasodilation and permeability.
Explain the complement system in sepsis.
Plasma - derived, creation of MAC (membrane attacking complex). Also helps with pathogen identification.
What are the 5 components of the hour one bundle in sepsis treatment.
Measure lactate, obtain blood cultures, broad spec. Anti biotic, fluid resus 30mL/kg, vasopressors if refractory to fluids (MAP>65mmhg)
What are the four main response that are present in a NORMAL inflammatory response?
- Platelets
- Immune
3 vascular
4 plasma proteins cascades
The immune responses in normal inflammatory response includes the actions of 5 things. What are they
- Monocytes
4 antibodies
5 Antigens
In an acute inflammatory response, what are the 2 vascular responses ?
—increased capillary permeability
What is the “first wave” of an acute inflammatory response?
Neutrophil activation
Do neutrophils engage in phagocytosis ?
Are neutrophils able to leave the vascular space?
______become macrophages when they leave the vascular space
____are chemical messengers or mediators
____originate from stem cells in bone marrow
B lymphocytes
B lymphocytes include plasma cells which secrete antibodies
True or false
What is a cell-derived chemical mediator?
Mediators that exist within the plasma and include histamine
What are the 3 characteristic responses to acute inflammation?
What is the main goal of the acute inflammatory response?
Localize and contain an infection or effects of injury