Sepsis Flashcards
sepsis definition
life threatening organ dysfunction due to a dyregulated host response to infection
transient present of bacteria in bloodstream
persistent presence of bacteria in the bloodstream, with attendant signs and symptoms, need to act quickly and effectively, sepsis in bloodstream
SIRS - systemic inflammatory response syndrome
exaggerated defence response of the body to a stressor
SIRS diagnosis
temperature >38 < 36
heart rate >90BPM
respiratory rate >20 beaths per min or PaCO2 <4.3PKa
white blood cell count >12,000 cellsmm3
identify px at risk of sepsis
qSOFA - quick sequential organ failure assessment
- respiratory >=22breaths/min
- altered mentation [glasgow coma scale<15]
- systolic BP <=100mmHg
glasgow coma scale
assess level of consciousness or confusion
<15 for sepsis
aetiology of sepsis
infection triggers
gram-positive staph.aereus, gram negative, fungal candida
candida higher mortality compared to bacteria
who gets sepsis
aging population, medically and immune-compromised
cancer, cirrhosis, autoimmunity, HIV/AIDS, organ transplantation, diabetes
immunopathogenesis of sepsis
inflammatory disease
activation of innate immunity, complement system, vascular endothelium, coagulation system, adaptive immunity
pathophysiology of sepsis
body wide clotting, leaky vessels, one or more organs fail, persistent hypotension
pattern recognition receptors
pattern associated molecular patterns
conserved exogenous factors expressed by pathogens
damage associated molecular patterns
endogenous host factors released following cell damage
cells which express PRR
macrophages and epithelial cells
triggers activation of inflammatory signalling pathways