Sep 23 Flashcards
To look after / take care
Tanto. Tanta
You are right
Tienes razon
It’s hurts a lot to move my neck
Me duele mucho mover el cuelo
Jack make the ice cream
Jack haz el helado
Jack make the ice cream
Jack haz el helado
The Spices
Las Especias
The snack
La merienda
The flavor
El sabor
To choose
My experience
Mis experiencias
I still don’t have enough money
Todavilla me falta dinero
I was just joking
Solo estaba bromeando
I have to go
Me Tengo que ir
I spent
She doesn’t work here anymore
Ya no trabaja aqui
I don’t know if I made the right decision
Ya no sé si tomé la decisión correcta
Most of
La mayoria de
The water looks green
El agua se ve verde
Not at all
Para nada
Don’t give the dog kisses
No le des besos al perro
Don’t give him anything
No le des nada
If you don’t give him ice cream the tiger is going to be mad
Si no le das helado el Tigre Va a estar enojado
You have to wash them
Los Tienes que Lavar
Don’t tell the neighbors that
No me digas Al vecinos que
Take a map
Lleva un mapa
Like this
What do you normally give the tiger for lunch
Que le das al Tigre para el almuerzo
My advise
Mi consejo
Kind of
Estillo de
Kind of
Estillo de
To charge
Me falta
I’m missing / I need
Not only the . .
No solo el/la
He asked me for money
Me pidio dinero
Do I owe money?
Debo dinero