Phrases Flashcards
I would like to get some food
me gustaría conseguir algo de comida
i would like to have some more time
me gustaria tener mas tiempo
where were you at the weekend?
¿dónde estuviste el fin de semana?
i wasn’t there for long
no estuve allí por mucho tiempo
i have been good thanks
He sido bueno gracias
I have been working hard
he estado trabajando duro
I have listened to it
lo he escuchado
I have spoken to them
He hablado con ellos
I am going to give it to him later
se lo voy a dar mas tarde
she is going to give me the information tomorrow
ella me va a dar la información mañana
she gave it to them earlier
ella se lo dio antes
sara has never answered my question about her age
carla nunca me ha responado una pregunta acerca su edad
Has she ever told you that she is younger than me
te han comentado que ella es mas joven que yo
we have not met before it has been a pleasure
no nos hemos conocido antes, ha side un buen placer
I have seen
he visto
jack and anne came to visit us
jack y anne vinieron a visitarnos
it was awesome
fue asombroso
i told him
le dije
he told me
me dijo
they told him
Ellos le dijeron
even if
aun si
I got / I received
Que tal tu dia
How was your day
Me da rabia
It makes me mad
How about we run in the park tomorrow
Que tal si corremos en el parque la proxima semana
El sabado que viene
I have never been but I would like to go
Nunca he estado pero me gustaria a ir
I have never been
Numca he ido
quizás / tal vez
To try
Tratar/ intentar
Used to
what a shame
que pena