Sentences - 1st year Flashcards
Sentences and phrases
Pesa awamoo’a
Good morning
U buno’o
You too
Nu buno’o
Me too
Haga buno’o
Who’s next?
Yaese tamme meakwu
Now we are going to go
Nu eka petsape
I like this
Hanano’o u meakwu
When are you going to go?
E tsotua nukooba
My hat is on top of me
Ha’noko u tumukwu
How much are you buying?
Soo kapa nudooha
The bed is underneath me
Hanootu u petzape?
Which one do you like?
Wehema e nage
[He/she] chases me with a knife
U paba tsotuaga’yoo
You have a big hat
Esoo nobetoodu
This is the carpenter (house builder)
Nu ka tutse’yoo hootseba poone
I see a little bird
E pea koosegegega’yoo
My mother has a car
Nu ka atsakoosegege’e petsape
I like the red car
It is snowing at a distance
Please read
Soo hootseba sungabema
The bird is on the tree
Kibagooba paoomapunne
It is raining on top of the mountain
Ki paduki’e makapana
Don’t feed the raccoon
Soo kootsoo pogoobakae mea
The cow goes over the road
Watsemo’ogoobakwae nadakwunae
Jump over the ball
Soo tokasooga waapegooba
The oriole is on top of the juniper tree
Nu u petzape
I like you
E nekwegea
Answer me
Sungabema poeya
Climb the tree
Too’e tanomane
Try to run
From under the shade
Nu ki haoone’yoo
I’m not sick
Hayoo u unne?
What did you say?
Hayoo esoo nane’a?
What is the name of this?
U pea haoone’yoo?
How is your mom doing?
Haoonotu u petzape?
Which one do you like?
Nu maka soomoowa
I forgot that
Haga u tumatsaekwu
Who is going to help you?
Hemma u tukakwu
What are you going to eat?
Nummeno kemma
Come with us
Mu kootsoo maka
Feed those cows
Maka poone
Look at that
Haga esoo
Who is this?
Ena wuna
Put it close
Mana atugu
Put it anywhere in the room
Ookooba atugu
Put it on top of that over there
Nu pesa numma
I feel good/happy
Nu tseayae
I am hungry
U ha’a moowasoo
Are you ready?
U ha’a eka poone
Do you see this?
U ha’a moo’a meakwu
Are you going tomorrow?
Haootu mu memeakwu
Which way are you two going?
Esoo nugatu pute oogatu
Is this mine or hers/his?
Hagatu esoo
Whose is this?
Nu u poone
I see you
Haga u poone
Who do you see?
Ta u poone
We see you
Nummeno mea
Go with us
Hemma soo mogo’ne poone
What does the woman see?
Umu kemmakwu
They are going to come
Esoo umutu
This is theirs
No’oko mu hemma soopedakwatoo
You all know everything
Pesa e nakapunne
Listen to me good
Nu sumu’hoo toha etseno kootsoo poone
I see one white and brown cow
Nuno mea
Go with me
Nuno kemma
Come with me
Hanoo u nobe’e
Where are you from?
Eka nea
Read this
Eka too’e nea
Try to read this
Nu soomoowa
I forgot
Ki nu soopedakwatoo
I don’t know
Ki nu nakasoopedakwatoo
I don’t understand
E tumatsae
Help me
Eka e tumukwu
Buy me this
Hagano u yadooakwu
Who are you going to talk with?
Nuno katu
Sit with me
Hagano u meakwu
Who are you going with?
Hemma soo nana tuka
What is the man eating
U nuno meakwu?
Are you going with me?
Nuno yadooawunu
Speaking with me
Hayoo soo kiba nane’a
What is the name of this mountain?
Esoo nummetu pute oogatu
Is this ours or his/hers?
Oosoo tohapanosa
That is a white pelican
Ka pooepamogo poone
Look at the green frog
Etsepadooa’a toopadooa’ano
The brown bear and black bear
Ka soogoo poone
Look at the robin
Esoo ha’a ummetu
Is this yours?
Soo padooa’a wunu
The bear stands
Hemma u poone
What do you see?
Nummeno yadooa’a
Talking with us
Toewae tukaga’a
Going to eat in Fallon
Going along, walking along
Getting to be evening
Soo puhu suubekwae
The duck is in the willow
Oosoo ohasegoope
That is yellow rabbitbrush
Nu nugakwu
I am going to dance
Hemma soo nana tukano’o
What is the man eating as he goes along?
Haga tammeno meakwu
Who are we going with?
Soo soogoo ka hooeda tukawunu
The robin is eating the ant
Soo nana o’o wunu
The man is standing over there
Umu pookoo maka
Feed those horses
Kibakwae numme
Been in the mountain
Yaa nuga aa
Here is my forehead
Eka tuka
Eat this
Esoo pesa tabua’a
That person looks good
Nuga nobe yaa’a
This is my house here
Oogatu nobe o’o
His/her house is over there
paba ceega’yoo
has a big belly / pot-belly
flying around back and forth
galloping back and forth
going back and forth while talking (pacing or going in circles)
walking around in circles, walking back and forth
start to rain again
start to count
start to get cold
start to get cloudy
coming to eat
come to show
getting to be night
clouding up
laying down while looking
snowing continuously
laying down
among the sagebrush
among us
among the rocks
among/between them/these/those
among what?
went and visited and returned
walked there and returned
went and fixed [something] and returned
went to show [something] and returned
made something for someone
to make hungry
masoo e tseayakute
that makes me hungry
to make beautiful
oosoo pesa hemma tabuakute
she makes everything beautiful
made shoes
wanama mokokute
made shoes out of net
(need to double check this translation with recording)
show someone something
pour for someone
help put shoe on
help someone stand up
getting to be slim
getting thirsty
getting hot
sinking slowly
getting a lot more
getting better
oosoo pesamannemena
he’s getting better
getting closer
getting a lot higher
esoo tumadaenakwa
this is on the right side
nu ki pesa numma
I don’t feel good
e puta numma
my arm hurts
starting to rain again
getting closer
getting to be an older man
helping someone put on their shirt
laying down
coming to see
among the mountain
starting to ache
e kuku nummakooha
my foot is starting to ache
to help someone hang something
made someone jump
getting cold
snowing continuously
went to look at something and then returned
coming over to build a house
among the red flowers
galloping back and forth
visiting back and forth
ex. you go to your neighbor’s house, the next day they visit you, etc.
starting to speak
make a house
kammu e tonega’a kuboku
the jackrabbit chews on my flowers
soo hoona hanganaewunu
the badger is growling
u ha’a e sooma’yu
do you remember me?
hemma u wate
what are you looking/searching for?
pamogo pa’a nadakwunae
the frog jumps high
sadu’u wo’hewunu
the dog is barking
pookoo e tanga
the horse kicked me
nu mo’asoo
I’m ready
ka watsemo’o kukukweba
kick the ball
tukase nobe mea
eat first, then go home
umu poonese nu pesa nakooma
after I saw them, I felt better
tuka’se yaese tamme nobekwaetu meakwu
after we eat, then we will go to the house
kemma’se nummeno yadooa
come and then talk with us
nu tsea’yae ki tuka’se
I am hungry because I didn’t eat
yaese haga meakwu
now, who is going to go?
yaese u
now you (command)
yaese ha’a haga
then who’s next?
yaese tuwasoo hemma u tumukwu
now what else are you going to buy?
yaese tukwapetu
now it is starting to snow
yaese hemma
now what
yaese hemma tuwasoo
now what else
ha’nokwaya’a Oodenoo
how far is Reno?
haoonekoo u tumukwu
what kind are you going to buy?
ha’noko masato’o u poone
how many gloves do you see?
hanoo e tsotua
Where is my hat?
u ha’a utzu’tsu
are you cold?
haootu oosoo me’a
which direction is he going?
haoone’yoo u
how are you?
haga u
who are you?
haoo manae
what happened?
haoo manae habu’u
what happened?
hemma mu poonekwu
what are you all going to see?
masoo e hootse’e
that is my (paternal) grandma
u naneana ya’a po
write your name here
tonobedooha katu
sit under the greasewood
oosoo agi paba’yoo
that trout over there is big
e hi’e o’o nobeka’yoo
my paternal uncle has a has over there
my paternal uncle lives over there
soo pamogo pa’a nadakwunae
the frog jumps high
oosoo e pune’e bua’a
that (person over there) is my little sister’s friend
nu wahoo hama’aga’yoo
I have two older sisters
hee u pemago’okwae
what is in your pocket?
masoo e moo’a padu
that is my maternal grandma’s daughter
ekooba tuka
eat on top of this
kibagoobatoo paooma
raining on the mountain (motion)
esoo sagwane udutu
this is a little hot
put pants on
masoo hoozeapu
that is frosted
esoo midooha
this is underneath the hand
soo hootseba nobekoobakwae
the bird is over the house
waapegooba katu
sit on top of the juniper
pea tooano yukwe
mom and son are sitting
nu paapetoo
I make pinenut soup
nubabetoo me’a
going through the snow
oo nekwegeatungu
ask him/her for the answer
sagwane paoomawunu
it is raining a little bit
powae unu patzegobu
the road is really icy
uwa nubabega’yoo
uwa’yoo nubabega’yoo
there is lots of snow on the ground
ki heekayoo
I don’t have anything
tootooebetse’e habadoohayoona kemma’a
the young men come from under the shade
unu paoomawunu
it is raining a lot
ki makooba poyapana
don’t climb up there
oosoo e pedoo’oo padu
that (person over there) is my maternal aunt’s daughter
o’o e hi’e
over there is my paternal uncle
e wanga’a koosegege’e atsakweta’a
my younger brother’s car is red
e nate paba’yoo
my belt is big
too’e nadakwunae
try to jump
haoonekoo hootseba
what kind of bird?
e pa’wha sadu’u etsekweta’a
my paternal aunt’s dog is brown
ki eka tsapoonepana
don’t show this
hanano’o u tanomanekwu
when are you going to run?
it is going to be windy
soo suube paa’a kumae
the willow is alongside the river
umu pebo’a
throw those away
hanoo mu mo’o
where have you all been?
haga umu o kono’o
who are those people standing over there?
go lay down
(command to three or more people)
soo hootseba’a pa’a yotsenumme
the bird flies around high
ka mooebe patsa
kill the fly
umu mo’asoo yosu
they already got up
nuno yadooa
talk with me
paba soowae’e
laugh loud
soo mogone paba soowae’e
the lady is laughing loud
u ha’a e sooma’yoo
do you remember me?
kootsoo tubuhu
cow hide
e tagopa numma
the bottom of my foot hurts/aches
nu ohepa numma
I have a cough
e puta numma
my arm hurts
u paba pewuga’yoo
you have a big heart
mo’asoo mea’a
they already left
ka atsakwetadu sootsedakwae tugu
put the red one in the willow bowl
ka songoe’e sootsedakwae tugu
put the hummingbird in the willow bowl
ka songoe’e kootsoono sootsedakwae toona
place the hummingbird and cow in the willow bowl
ka pagootsoo kootsoona sootsedakwae toona
place the buffalo and cow in the willow bowl
taba eganakwa hukwawunu
wind is blowing from the west side
nobe kobena
front of the house
ka hoopu kumae
alongside the river
Truckee Oodenoo oonakwa
Truckee is on the other side of Reno
petanakwa unu yooepunne
the south side is very warm
e nakwae mea
go behind me
ka kiba pedame
below the mountain
e tumadaenakwa wunu
stand on the right side of me
panosa tuguda yotsega’a
the pelican is flying low
soo pookoo ka sadu’u tanga
the horse kicks the dog
tubongo meme’a
go down (command to two people)
e oetsenakwa a tugu
place it on the left side of me
hee o pedame katu
what is sitting below over there?
e kobena
front of me
paa’a kumae
alongside the water
u tumadaenakwa
on your right side
haga u kumaba katu
who is sitting beside you?
hanoo mu mo’o
where have you all been?
eka wunae
throw this away
ka mooebe masuakwunae
scare away the fly
nu pesa numma
I feel good / alright
Fallon menakwa
this side of Fallon
u tsotua tsakwene
hang up your hat
waape pedame
below the juniper
kwaya’a meakwu
going to go far
umu mo’asoo mea’a
they already left
eka oetsenakwa tugu
place this on the left side
soo naatse’e ka koosegege’e kobena
the little boy is in front of the car
soo naatse’e koosegege’e kumaba wunu
the little boy stands beside the car
e nakwae kemmano
come along beside me
haga u oonapatu
who is on the other side of you?
Sparks Oodeno menakwa
Sparks is on this side of Reno
toogoopatu poone
look up
hee u kobena katu
what is sitting in front of you?
Verdi Oodeno oonakwa
Verdi is on the other side of Reno
e tumadaenakwa katu
sit on my right side
taba egadame tukwapunne
it is snowing toward the west
e kumaba katu
sit beside me
umu kwaya’a meakwu
they are going to go far
kwenahanakwa unu hukwawunu
it is very windy blowing from the north
ha’nokwaya’a Carson
how far is Carson?
soo togokwa u kobena katu
the rattlesnake is sitting in front of you
e oetsenakwa a wuna
place it in the container on my left side
go over and sit (first action)
u pesa tabua’a
you are beautiful
e moosootuhi
kiss me
heda e gea
give me a hug
e hitse
my sweetheart
nu u soopedya
I love you
paba pewu
big heart
paoomakwa’ne numma
it feels like it is going to rain
umu mo’asoo meapuwa’ne tabua’a
it appears like they are already gone
nummesu’mu meakwu
we are the only ones going
paoomase uwa woponguga’yoo
there are lots of mosquitoes after it rains
unu tseaya’e ki tuka’se
I am very hungry because I didn’t eat
ki tuka’se unu tseaya’e
I didn’t eat, so I am very hungry
tukwa’se unu utze’tsupunne
it is very cold because it snowed
natse’ena uwa pamogo poone
as a young boy, I saw lots of frogs
moo’a nemea
want to go tomorrow
u nepoonegena
want to come see you
hemma u netuka
what do you want to eat?
nu tunekwuhumatu sooma’yoo
I only remember part of the song
mamatu e eka
give me a piece of it
simatu e tseka’aku
cut a piece of the thigh for mee
esoo oo namaheematu
this is part of his/her belongings
hemma oosoo wuno’o
what is he/she carrying along?
hemmasapa wuno’o
don’t know what he/she is carrying along
oobeda yadooa
speak slowly
yabesoo yotse
get up quickly
yabesoo e boone
look at me quickly
yabesoo mea
go quickly
u pesa toogoohanne
you cook good
Oobeda yadooa
Speak slowly
Yabesoo yotse
Get up quickly
Yabesoo e poone
Look at me quickly
Yabesoo mea
Go quickly
Maka tseda e gea
Give me that dish