Sentences Flashcards
Look at this car
Titiro ki te motokā nei.
Eruera is that person (near you).
Ko Eruera te tangata nā
Those books (over there) belong to Mīria.
Nā Mīria ngā pukapuka rā
This is my car. (near the speaker)
Ko tōku motokā tēnei
Here are the keys of the car
Anei ngā kī o te motokā
Work is finished
Kua mutu te mahi
Leave the towel
Waiho te tāora
His wash is finished
Kua mutu tana horoi
Sentances starting with “mā”
show that it is up to somebody to do something
You all do it
Mā koutou e mahi
Who ate my porridge?
Nā wai taku pāreti i kai?
Nā wai + possessive pronoun + noun + i + verb
Who sat on my chair?
Nā wai i noho ki tōku tūru?
Nā wai + i + verb + ki + possessive pronoun + noun
Who messed (up) my bed?
Nā wai i tīhahu tōku moenga?
Nā wai + i + verb + possessive pronoun + noun
what for you?
He aha māu?
I should go
Me haere ahau
Sentances starting with “me
suggest that one had better, or should, do something
Let there be a 3 quarter cups of sugar
Kia toru hauwhā kapu o te huka
Kua mā ināianei?
Is it clean now?