Sensory receptors-1 Flashcards
What is a grey matter?
Collection of cell bodies in the CNS
What is a ganglia?
Collection of cell body in the peripheral nervous system
What are the different types of neurons?
1) Bipolar (interneuron)
2) Unipolar (always sensory neuron)
3) Multipolar (motor neuron)
4) Pyramidal cell
What are the types of ganglia?
1) Autonomic (cell bodies of postsynaptic neurons)
2) Dorsal root (cell body of sensory neuron)
What are the motor signals that goes out of the brain?
1) Autonomic (we cannot control it) “1 pre & 1 post”
2) Somatic (voluntary) one neuron outside the CNS cell body is found in the CNS “grey matter”
Describe the route of sensory signals
1) Sensory axon that has a ganglia
2) Synapses in the spinal cord for it to continue along the spino-thalamic tract axon
3) Synapses in the brain to go to the sensory cortex which will signal the motor for movement
Describe the somatic route
1) Upper motor neuron from the brain to the spinal cord
2) Lower motor neuron from the spinal cord to the muscle
What are the branches of the nervous system
1) CNS
2) PNS
What are the branches of the PNS?
1) Motor nervous system
2) Sensory nervous system
What are the different sensory receptors we have in our body?
1) Skin
2) Eyes
3) Muscles (pain and position)
4) Ears
5) Nose
6) Tongue
- FYI sensory receptors converts mechanical/chemical/light, etc stimulus o electrical signals, the stimulus must be strong enough to reach the threshold for us to feel it
What is the proper definition of a sensory receptor?
They are specialized cells that converts internal/external stimuli into electrical nerve impulse and transmits them to the CNS
- Example of internal stimuli: pain in heart attack, stomach ulcer, kidney stones, bone fracture / temperature in esophagus for hot and cold food
How do sensory receptor detect a stimuli?
1) Detects a stimulus by (Being deformed (touch) Receiving light (vision) Receiving chemicals (taste) Detecting change in temp)
2) Stimulus causes a depolarization
3) Depolarization causes a action potential that will be transmitted as a nerve impulse along the neurons and to the sensory cortex in the brain
What are the types of receptors?
1) Photoreceptors (Rods & cons)
2) Chemoreceptors (taste & oxygen regulation)
3) Nociceptors (“pain” somatosensory)
4) Thermoreceptors (somatosensory)
5) Mechanoreceptors (somatosensory)
What types of stimuli do nociceptors detect and where are they found in the body?
- They can detect mechanical, thermal and polymodal (both mechanical and thermal stimuli), like sharp pricking pain and extreme temperature
- They are found in the skin, bones and heart
What type of stimuli do thermoreceptors detect and where are they found in the body?
1) They are active in a specific range of warm and cold where outside that range you will feel pain that is detected by the nociceptors
2) They are found in the skin, digestive tract, liver, & skeletal muscles