Muscle mechanics Flashcards
Basic terminology just flip the card
nerve = collection of many axons
Nerve fiber = single neuron
Muscle fiber = muscle cell
Tension = Force
How many muscle fibers are there in one muscle?
10,000 - 100,000
What are the different types of muscle fibers?
1) Type 1 = slow, weak but does not tire easily
2) Type 2: Fast, powerful but tires easily
what is the number of motor neurons in one muscle?
100 - 1000
- a single motor neuron divides into many branches and each branch supplies a group of muscle fibers
- Each muscle fiber has one neuromuscular junction
What is a motor unit?
A single motor neuron + all the muscle fiber it supplies
What is a motor uit?
There is two motor units:
1) Slow MU
- Type I fibers (slow oxidative)
- Velocity is 100m/s
2) Fast MU
Type IIb fibers (fast glycolytic)
- Velocity is 85m/s
- In a motor unit all fibers contracts together and are of the same type
What happens when a motor neuron is excited?
If one motor neuron is excited all the muscle fiber it supplies will contract at different speeds, but the muscle fibers in the same motor unit contracts together
What is the size of a motor unit?
1) It has 1 motor neuron
2) 10-15 muscle fibers for muscles responsible for fine précised movements
3) 1000-1500 fibers for muscles that are responsible for the gross movement
What are the factors that determines force production?
1) For a group of fibers:
1a) number of motor units recruited
1b) Number of muscle fibers/motor unit size
1c) Prescence of a disease like Duchene muscular dystrophy
2) For individual fibers:
2a) Type of fiber (1 or 2b)
2b) Size of the fiber (small usually type 1 or large usually type 2)
2c) Frequency of the stimulation (twitch or tetanus)
2d) Starting length of the fiber
What is a meant by muscle twitches?
It is the force generated by a single stimulation of the muscle
What is meant by summation?
If a muscle is stimulated after a twitch before it turns into zero the forces will combine = summation
What is meant by Tetanus?
It is a repeated stimulation (high frequency) adding up the forces till it reaches its maximum sustained limit
Basically it is the summation of twitches which generates maximum force
When do we use tetanic force?
1) During routine contractions (some motor units uses a tetanic force)
2) During extreme contractions the whole muscle uses tetanic force
Describe the pathological tetanus
- Caused by a bacterial infection (clostridium tetani)
- Enters the body through open wounds
- It stimulates the motor neuron causing high frequency stimulation of the muscles
- Symptoms are: jaw stiffness, headache, sore throat, tonic spasms, fever, etc
- To treat it you must use, tetanus antibodies, muscle relaxants, and vaccination
What factors in the muscle affects the nervous system activation to that muscle?
1) Type of contraction: Isometric, eccentric, concentric, or isotonic
2) Length-tension relationship: Optimal length for maximum force
3) Force-velocity relationship: Different velocities for different weights