Sensory Perception Flashcards
Visual Cues Sensory Adaptation Weber's Law; Thresholds
What is depth perception?
Depth perception is the visual ability to perceive the world in 3D AND distance of an object.
Visual cues allow us to perceptually organize by taking into account which cues?
Visual cues allow us to perceptually organize by taking into account the following cues: depth, form, motion, constancy.
________ cues provide humans with a sense of depth.
Binocular cues provide humans with a sense of depth.
Created by retinal disparity (space b/w eyes).

What visual cues are binocular?
Binocular cues include stereopsis (relative disparity) and convergence.
What is retinal disparity (stereopsis)?
Retinal disparity (stereopsis) is a binocular cue in wh the eyes are separated by some distance (~2.5in in humans); creates depth perception.

↑ diff (disparity) b/w image on ea retina → ↓ distance to observer
How does convergence help provide a sense of depth?
Convergence provides a sense of depth based on how much eyeballs are turned.
- Objects far away → muscles of eyes relaxed, i.e. focus straight ahead
- Objects near → muscles of eyes contract; i.e. turn inward (like trying to cross your eyes)
I.e. ↑ angle of convergence (inward strain) → ↓ distance from object.
Which two binocular cues help provide a sense of depth?
Retinal disparity and convergence help provide a sense of depth.
retinal disparity - space b/w eyes.
convergence - eyes contract/turn for objects close by.
What are monocular cues?
Monocular cues are visual cues that dep on info available to either eye alone.
- Imp for judging distances of far objects bc retinal disparity is negligible.
What visual cues are monocular?
Monocular cues include relative size, interposition (overlap), relative height, shading/contour, motion parallax, and constancy.
Describe how relative size provides a sense of depth.
Relative size is a monocular cue in which the closer of two objects is perceived as larger given the assumption that the objects are the same size.
I.e. if we know two ants are about the same size (absolute size), then the ant that appears larger is perceived as being closer to viewer.
E.g. attached image - Tells us that the orange circles are diff sizes bc they are next to diff sized grey circles, even tho orange circles are actually the same size. Although the circles are the same size, our brains think they’re diff sizes bc we compare them to their surroundings.

Describe interposition (occultation).
Interposition (overlap; occultation) is a monocular cue in wh near surfaces overlap far surfaces.
I.e. an object that partially obstructs another is perceived as nearer.
Observer creates “ranking” of relative nearness.

Describe relative height (elevation).
Relative height (elevation) is a monocular cue in wh higher objects are perceived to be farther away than those that are lower.
I.e. when object is visible relative to horizon, objects closer to horizon are perceived as being farther away, and objects farther fr horizon are closer to us.
Also, if object moves fr position near horizon to position higher/lower than horizon, it will appear to move closer to viewer.

Describe light, shadow, and contour as a monocular cues.
Light/shadow - Closer objects reflect more light than distant objects. The dimmer of two identical objects seem farther away.
Contour - light reflection/shadows provide a sense of form, e.g. crater vs mountain.

Describe motion parallax.
Motion parallax (relative motion) is a monocular cue wh stationary objects further away appear to move slower than objects nearer; provide a sense of motion.
E.g. driving in car, mountains in distance appear to move slowly while road signs nearby appear to move quickly.
Provides a sense of how far away objects are based on how much they move as you move.

Describe the monocular cues of relative clarity, texture gradient, and linear perspective.
Relative clarity - monocular cue; hazy objects perceived as more distant.
Texture gradient - monocular cue; coarse/distinct texture perceived as nearer.
Linear perspective - monocular cue; parallel lines appear to converge w distance.
Which monocular cues provide a sense of constancy?
Size/shape/color constancy are monocular cues wh provide a sense of constancy.
Constancy describes how our perception of object doesn’t change even if image cast on retina is diff.
E.g. people don’t actually change size as they walk away.
Describe size/shape/color constancy.
Size/shape/color constancy is a monocular cue in wh our perception of an object’s size/shape/color doesn’t change even though the size/shape/color cast on retina may change.
E.g. two ladies of approx same size standing near and far -> gives cue of distance b/w ladies rather than diff in size.
E.g. door opening toward observer appears to change from rectangle to trapezoid, but still perceived as same, constant shape.
E.g. red cup with unequal lighting is perceived as same, constant color rather than a gradient.

What is sensory (neural) adaptation?
Sensory (neural) adaptation describes a change in responsiveness to a constant stimulus over time; typ experienced as a change in stimulus.
E.g. resting hand on table -> initially feel table -> sense of table ceases as sensory neurons fire less and less often, and sometimes not at all.
Describe the process of hearing (auditory) adaptation.
Hearing (auditory) adaptation occurs via a small muscle in the inner ear. The muscle contracts in response to higher noise, wh dampens vibrations and protects eardrum.
Hearing adaptation (& muscle contraction) is not instantaneous, i.e. doesn’t protect against abrupt, loud noises like a gunshot.
Involves mechanoreceptors on hairs cells (rather than chemoreceptors)
Describe touch (somatosensory) adaptation.
Touch (somatosensory) adaptation describes a change in responsiveness to a constant barometric/temp stimulus over time.
E.g. resting hand on table -> initially feel table -> sense of table ceases as sensory neurons fire less and less often, and sometimes not at all.
E.g. ice bath.
Describe smell/scent (olfactory) adaptation.
Smell adaptation involves desensitization of receptors in your nose, e.g. forgetting that you’re wearing cologne.
Typ involves negative feedback sys via several factors (mostly CaMK/calmodulin) bound to Ca2+.
Also, “olfactory fatigue”.
Describe proprioception adaptation.
Proprioception adaptation involves a sense of balance/self/where you are in space.
E.g. goggles that distort environ -> adapt to new environ over time.
Describe sight (visual) adaptation.
Sight (visual) adaptation involves up/down regulation in response to light intensity.
Down regulation is an adaptation to high light intensity in wh pupils constrict (less light enters eye/hits retina) and rods/cones become desensitized. Also “light adaptation”.
Up regulation is an adaptation to low light intensity in wh pupils dilate and rods/cone become sensitized (synth light-sensitive molecules). Also “dark adaptation”.
Does the perception of pain decrease over time?
No. Somatosensory adaptation involves large mechanoreceptors which display adapation over time, but pain involves small nociceptor neurons wh do not display adaptation.
What is the difference b/w habituation and adaptation?
Habituation is a behavioral phenomenon, neural adaptation is physiological; not entirely sep.
Conscious control:
Habituation: some conscious control over whether one notices something to wh one is becoming habituated.
Neural adapt: no conscious control.
E.g. cannot consciously force oneself to smell perfume after adaptation.
Stimulus intensity:
Habituation: varies; weak stimuli permit almost immediate habituation; strong stimuli make habituation difficult.
E.g. cool breeze vs fire alarm.
Neural: tied v close to stimulus intensity.
Which law describes the relation between the actual change in a physical stimulus and the perceived change?
Weber’s Law describes the relation between the actual change in a physical stimulus and the perceived change
What is meant by the “just noticeable difference”?
The just noticeable difference (JND) is the threshold at wh you’re able to notice a change in stimuli/sensation.
Applies to all senses.
E.g. a 2lb and 2.05 lb weight feel the same, but a 2lb and 2.2lb weight feel diff; thus 0.2lb is the JND relative to the 2lb weight
I.e. the 0.2lb JND is not absolute; a 5lb and 5.2lb weight likely feel the same; JND closer to 0.5lb.
Describe Weber’s law (Weber-Fechner Law).
Weber’s Law describes the relation b/w actual change in a physical stimulus and perceived change.
ΔI / I = k
where ΔI := JND; I := initial intensity; and k := constant (specific to subject).
E.g. 2lb vs 2.2lb weight and 5lb vs 5.5lb weight -> 0.2/2 = 0.5/5 = 0.1; so k for individual is 0.1.
Weber’s law predicts a linear relationship b/w incremental threshold and background intensity; ΔI = Ik, plot of ΔI vs I is linear (constant).
T/F: sensation is proportional to the logarithm of stimulus intensity.
Sensation is proportional to the logarithm of stimulus intensity.
(Relates Weber’s law to sensory perception/nervous sys)
what are the types of somatosensation?
The four types of somatosensation are temp (thermoception), pressure (mechanoception), pain (nociception) and position (proprioception).
How are the intensities of somatosensations encoded in the body?
Intensities of somatosensations are encoded in the body by how quickly neurons fire.
E.g. thermoception: if it’s really cold outside, then neurons might not less rapidly.
What are the three types of timing encoded by somatosensory neurons?
The three types of timing encoded by somatosensory neurons are:
Non-adapting: consistently fire action potentials
- Equal spacing b/w successive APs, i.e. constant firing rate.
Slow-adapting: starts firing APs v quickly then slows down over time.
- Space b/w successive APs increases.
- Fast-adapting: starts firing APs v quickly, stops, then fires again when stimulus stops.
Describe how somatosensation provides info about the location of a stimulus.
The location of a stimulus is encoded by dermatomes.
Ea part of the body is innervated by a partic nerve, and that nerve goes up to the brain (sends signals).
T/F: non-adapting receptors always fire action potentials even if there is no stimulation. They produce action potentials constantly.
Non-adapting receptors always fire action potentials, even if there is no stimulation. They produce action potentials constantly.
Recall: equal spacing b/w successive APs.
The body is always checking homeostasis, balance, etc. using non-adapting receptors, so these neurons act as a “control group” to differentiate what’s normal and what’s a new stimulus.
T/F: Slow and fast-adapting receptors don’t produce APs if they are not stimulated by associated stimulus modality (temp, pressure, pain, etc.).
Slow and fast-adapting receptors ALMOST don’t produce APs if they are not stimulated by associated stimulus modality (temp, pressure, pain, etc.).
Describe how fast-adapting receptors function.
Fast-adapting receptors almost don’t produce APs if they are not stimulated by associated stimulus modality (temp, pressure, pain, etc.).
As long as stimulus intensity is changing, fast-adapting recpetors produce APs (and v quickly).
When stimulus intensity is constant, fast-adapting receptors stop producing APs (actually, prod v v spaced APs).
Describe how slow-adapting receptors function.
Slow-adapting receptors almost don’t produce APs if they are not stimulated by associated stimulus modality (temp, pressure, pain, etc.).
As long as a stimulus is present, slow-adapting recpetors produce APs (first v quickly, then spacing increases, then stabilizes at constant freq).
T/F: fast/slow-adapting recpetors must be stimulated in order for action potentials to be produced.
Fast- and slow-adapting recpetors must be stimulated in order for APs to be produced.
Recall: non-adapting receptors produce constant (equally spaced) APs whether a stimulus is present or not.
In regard to visual cues, how are relative size and size constancy different?
Relative size (binocular; depth) is when an object farther away appears smaller than it would be when it’s closer.
Size constancy (monocular; constancy) is when we see 2+ objects and expect them to be around the same size, even if the distance between them has changed making one seem smaller.
Size can be both a depth AND constancy cue.
What is signal detection theory?
Signal detection theory is a way to measure decision making with uncertainty.
I.e. ability to differentiate b/w info-bearing patterns (stimuli/signals) from random patterns that distract fr that info (noise)
SDT tries to figure out at what point a signal is strong enough for us to detect it.
What are the four possible outcomes when signal detection theory is applied to a data set where stimuli were either present or absent.?
When stimuli either present/absent, the four possible outcomes of SDT are:
- Hit - stimulus/signal is present, and you recognize it as present.
- Miss - stimulus/signal is present, but you don’t recognize.
- False Alarm - stimulus/signal is absent, but you recognize it as present.
- Correct Rejection - stimulus/signal is absent, and you recognize it as absent.
Does signal detection theory assume the decision maker is an active or passive receiver of information (stimuli/signals)?
SDT assumes the decision maker is an active receiver of info (stimuli/signals), i.e. making difficult perceptual judgments under conditions of uncertainty.
In foggy circumstances, we are forced to decide how far away from us an object is, based solely upon visual stimulus which is impaired by the fog. Since the brightness of the object, such as a traffic light, is used by the brain to discriminate the distance of an object, and the fog reduces the brightness of objects, we perceive the object to be much farther away than it actually is. This is an example of what theory?
Signal detection theory - decision making under conditions of uncertainty.
Describe how signal detection theory might be applied to memory experiments.
SDT & memory experiments:
E.g. items are presented on study list for later testing. A test list is created by combining these ‘old’ items w novel, ‘new’ items that did not appear on the study list.
- On ea test trial the subject will respond ‘yes, this was on the study list’ or ‘no, this was not on the study list’.
- Items presented on the study list are called Targets, and new items are called Distractors.
- Saying ‘Yes’ to a target constitutes a Hit, while saying ‘Yes’ to a distractor constitutes a False Alarm.
In signal detection theory, what does the variable d’ (d-prime) represent?
In SDT, the variable d’ (d-prime) represents discriminatability, i.e. the distance b/w the means (peaks) of the signal/stimulus and noise distribution curves; it is a “sensitiity index”.
E.g. large d’ w a v bright green light; small d’ w a dull green light.
If hits > miss → signal is strong; if miss > hits → signal is weak.
In signal detection theory, what does the variable C represent?
In SDT, the variable C represents strategy.
B, D, C, and β are variables used to assess strategy.
E.g. driving to work, stopped at light. Strategies:
- If you see any light → respond ‘yes’ and start driving.
- If you see any green light → respond ‘yes’ and start driving.
- If you see any green light and it’s elevated and presented immediately after red light → respond ‘yes’ and start driving.
In SDT, what are the two main categories of strategy?
In SDT, the two main categories of strategy (C) are conservative and liberal.
Recall: C = B - d’/2.
Conservative - always respond ‘no’ unless 100% sure that signal/stimulus is present.
- Cons - always get ‘correct rejections’, but also some ‘misses’.
- When C > 0; i.e. subject responds ‘NO’ more often and ‘YES’ less often than ideal observer (C=0).
Liberal - always respond ‘yes’.
- Cons - always get ‘hits’, but also some ‘false alarms’.
- When C < 0; i.e. subject responds ‘NO’ less often and ‘YES’ more often than ideal observer (C=0).
In assessing strategy using SDT, what does ‘B’ represent?
‘B’ in SDT:
‘B’ represents a threshold intensity specific to the subject.
- B can be modified w experience (or simulation).
- Any signal/stimulus intensity < B → respond ‘NO’; > B = ‘YES’
- Probability of a HIT is the area > B beneath the signal curve and excluding the area beneath the noise curve.
- Probability of a FALSE ALARM is the area > B beneath the noise curve.

In assessing strategy using SDT, what does ‘D’ represent?
‘D’ in SDT:
- D is threshold intensity relative to the index.
- D = d’ - B
- Recall: B is a threshold specific to the subject.
- Any signal/stimulus intensity D → ‘YES’
- Probability of a HIT is the area > D beneath the signal curve and excluding the area beneath the noise curve.
- Probability of a FALSE ALARM is the area > D beneath the noise curve.

In assessing strategy using SDT, what does the variable ‘C’ represent?
‘C’ in SDT:
C is criterion: B (randomly chosen) is either ideal, conservative, or liberal dep on how easily noise and actual data (signals/stimuli) are discriminated.
- C = B - d’/2
- If d’ goes to infinity → B - d’/2 <<< 1 → C <<< 1 → data (signal/stimulus) is always discriminated/detected → strategy is considered v liberal.
- Ideal observer → minimizes possibility of miss and false alarm
- Any signal/stimulus intensity C → ‘YES’
- Probability of a HIT is the area > C beneath the signal curve and excluding the area beneath the noise curve.
- Probability of a FALSE ALARM is the area > C beneath the noise curve.
- Strategy is conservative when C > 0.
- Strategy is liberal when C < 0.

In assessing strategy using SDT, what does ‘β’ represent?
‘β’ in SDT:
E.g. friend calls your name twice. Even though your criterion (C) is to respond, you fail to do so the first time your name was called. The noisier the room , the more likely you’ll be affected by your bias (β). Assuming your name is called out w same loudness, a noisy room is one that has a small discriminatability (d’). Thus, bias deps on the d’ of the data and your criterion.
I.e. if data was absolutely non-discriminate (d’=0, room is just as loud as your name being called) → signal and noise distribution curves overlap → odds of differentiating signal from noise is up to chance (50%) → does not matter where you choose your threshold (B) bc β = e^(d’ x C) = e^(0) = 1 → β = 1 means your criterion is solely dep on your bias, as long as B false somewhere on overlapping noise/signal curve).
I.e. if data is absolutely discriminate (d’ = infinity, room is perfectly quiet and name called infinitely loudly) → signal/noise curves do not overlap whatsoever → odds of differentiating signal from noise is nearly certain (~100%) → your criterion is v large negative # (C= B - d’/2) → β = e^(d’ x C) = e^(∞ x -∞) = e^(-∞), wh converges to zero (β = 0) → β = 0 means bias doesn’t matter and your signal detecting ability deps solely on choice of threshold (B).
‘β’ is bias, i.e. how often subject is able to detect and carry out criterion (C; C = B - d’/2).
- ln(β) = d’ x C → β = e^(d’ x C)
- Threshold equal to the ratio of the height of signal curve to height of noise curve
- “Bias is extent to wh one response is more probable than another”
- β is logarithmic bc its affect ↑ exponentially as d’ ↓.
- β also ↑ as B ↑ (Weber’s Law; for any stimuli, assuming d’ constant)

In SDT, what value of C is considered the ideal threshold?
In SDT, C = B - d’/2. The strategy is considered ideal when C = 0, i.e. highest ratio of hit : false alarms.
C > 0 → conservative, i.e. subject responds ‘NO’ more often and ‘YES’ less often than ideal observer.
- I.e. rati of hits : false alarms increases (fewer false alarms, but total # of hits also decreases)
C < 0 → liberal, i.e. subject responds ‘NO’ less often and ‘YES’ more often than ideal observer.
- I.e. Ratio of hits : false alarms decreases (more and more false alarms)
What is the diff b/w Signal Detection Theory and Absolute Threshold of Sensation?
Diff b/w Signal Detection Theory and Absolute Threshold of Sensation:
- ATS is the intensity a signal/stimulus must be in order to be detected 50% of the time (experimentally).
- SDT is a measure of how one decides if a signal/stimulus is detected, i.e. a way to measure decision making w uncertainty.
What is Absolute Threshold of Sensation?
ATS is the minimum intensity of a signal/stimulus needed to detect it 50% of the time (experimentally).
- Specific to subject; varies.
- Influenced by many factors (e.g. psych states)
How is absolute threshold of sensatoin diff fr the just noticeable difference (difference threshold)?
JND - smallest difference that can be detected 50% of the time.
ATS - min intensity of stimulus needed to detect it 50% of the time.
What factors might influence absolute threshold of sensation?
ATS can be influenced by:
- Expectations
- Experience (familiarity)
- Motivation
- Alertnet
What term is used to describe stimuli below the absolute threshold of sensation.
Subliminal stimuli are those below the ATS.
Describe bottom-up processing.
Bottom-up processing begins w the stimulus; stimuli influence what we perceive (our perception)
- No preconceived cognitive constructs of the stimulus (never seen before).
- Data driven - stimulus/perception directs cognitive awareness.
- Inductive reasoning - perception always matches reality/environ.
E.g. plane cockpit → never seen before, so visual stimuli completely drive our preception.

Describe top-down processing.
Top-down processing uses background knowledge to influence perception, e.g. where’s waldo.
- Theory driven - perception influenced by expectation.
- Uses deductive reasoning.
- Not always correct, i.e. expectation may not fit reality.
E.g. attached image w incomplete image of a cube. Use expectations and deductive reasoning to “fill in the gaps”.

What is Gestalt Psychology?
Gestalt Psychology – idea that the organized whole exceeds the sum of its parts.
- When humans perceive an object, rather than seeing lines, angles, colors, and shadows, they perceive the whole—a face or a table or a dog. Gestalt does not explain how the brain does this, merely that it does.
- Gestalt Principles: emergence, figure/ground, multistability.
- Gestalt Laws of Grouping: proximity, similarity, continuity, etc.
What are Gestalt’s Laws of Grouping?
Gestalt’s Laws of Grouping:
- Similiarity - similar items are grouped t/g.
- Pragnanz - reality organized into simplest form.
- Proximity - objects in close proximity are grouped t/g.
- Continuity - objects are grouped in smooth paths (lines).
- Closure - objects grouped t/g are seen as a whole.
- Symmetry - objects perceived as symmetrical; grouped around center point.
- Common Fate - objects moving in same direction/synchrony are perceived as a group.
- Connectedness - objects joined/linked are perceived as connected.
Describe Gestalt’s Principle of Similarity.
Gestalt’s Principle of Similarity:
Similar objects are grouped t/g, e.g. columns of squares and circles are grouped separately rather than grouping t/g rows of alternating squares/circles.

Describe Gestalt’s Principle of Pragnanz (Good Form; Good Gestalt).
Gestalt’s Principle of Pragnanz (Good Form; Good Gestalt):
Tendency to group/organize forms of similar shape, pattern, color, etc.; i.e. into simplest form possible.
E.g. olympic rings → organized into 5 discrete circles rather than more complicated shapes.

Describe Gestalt’s Principle of Proximity.
Gestalt’s Principle of Proximity:
Objects that are close t/g are grouped t/g.

Describe Gestalt’s Principle of Continuity (Good Continuation).
Gestalt’s Principle of Continuity (Good Continuation):
Objects are grouped/perceived as following the smoothest path. I.e. if two objects intersect, objects are pereceived as individual, uninterupted objects.

Describe Gestalt’s Principle of Closure (reification).
Gestalt’s Principle of Closure (Reification):
Objects grouped t/g are seen as a whole; missing info is filled in (using top-down processing).

Describe Gestalt’s Principle of Symmetry.
Gestalt’s Principle of Symmetry:
Objects are perceived as symmetrical; grouped around center point.

What is the Law of Common Fate?
The Law of Common Fate is one of Gestalt’s Laws of Grouping in wh objects (stimulus elements) are likely to be perceived as a unit if they move t/g. E.g. birds in flying-V or a swarm of bees.
Allows moving objects to be discerned despite other details missing (color, outline, etc.)

What is the Law of Past Experience?
The Law of Past Experience is one of Gestalt’s Laws of Grouping in wh, under some circumstances, visual stimuli are categorized according to past experience.
In Gestalt psychology, what is emergence?
Emergence – object’s outline is identified first → only after the whole emerges do we start to identify the parts that make up the whole, such as a dog’s face or legs.
In Gestalt psychology, what is multistability?
Multistability – tendency of ambiguous images to pop back and forth unstably b/w alt interpretations in brain.
In Gestalt psychology, what is figure/ground?
Figure/Ground – describes tendency to separate figure/object fr background based on variables like size, shadow, or contrast.
- Everything that is not figure is ground.
- E.g. famous face-vase illusion.
Clinicians will see large amounts of data (labs results, patient symptoms, etc) over the course of their practice, and their brains will subconsciously group that data along certain established principles. Awareness of this underlying mechanism will help clinicians identify potential bias and provide better care. Which of the following best explains the Gestalt principles of grouping?
- The whole is more than the sum of its parts
- Invariance, reification, and multistability are necessary to understanding perception
- The mind processes the whole rather than the sum of its parts
- Reality is reduced to its simplest form
Clinicians will see large amounts of data (labs results, patient symptoms, etc) over the course of their practice, and their brains will subconsciously group that data along certain established principles. Awareness of this underlying mechanism will help clinicians identify potential bias and provide better care. Which of the following best explains the Gestalt principles of grouping?
- The whole is more than the sum of its parts
- Invariance, reification, and multistability are necessary to understanding perception
The mind processes the whole rather than the sum of its parts
- Gestalt psychology states that the mind processes the whole of a perception rather than the sum of its parts, but makes no value judgement about more or less than.
- Reality is reduced to its simplest form.
- This was an important observation, but not the overarching principle of Gestalt.
Which of the following best exemplifies the Gestalt principles of grouping?
- A med student scheduling classes in the morning and labs in afternoon.
- A patient w the flu thinking they have meningitis bc the symptoms are similar.
- A hospital breaking up departments into Cardiology, Infectious Disease, etc.
- A doctor making a diagnosis based on all symptoms a patient presents with.
Which of the following best exemplifies the Gestalt principles of grouping?
- A med student scheduling classes in the morning and labs in afternoon.
- A patient w the flu thinking they have meningitis bc the symptoms are similar.
- A hospital breaking up departments into Cardiology, Infectious Disease, etc.
A doctor making a diagnosis based on all symptoms a patient presents with.
- The doctor who processes all of the information about a patient (labs, physical exam, medical history, etc) is using all of the information to create a single diagnosis. This exemplifies Gestalt grouping, as opposed to jumping to conclusions from a single blood test or physical symptom.
- The Gestalt principles of grouping hold that the brain process the whole, rather than the sum of its parts.
Meningitis and the flu share many early symptoms. Which of the following could explain why a doctor could misdiagnose meningitis as the flu during flu season?
- Bottom-up info processing.
- High signal detection threshold for meningitis.
- Gestalt principle of similarity.
- Low just noticeable difference.
Meningitis and the flu share many early symptoms. Which of the following could explain why a doctor could misdiagnose meningitis as the flu during flu season?
- Bottom-up info processing.
- This would mean that the doc would start w no prior knowledge → diagnosis solely based on info from patient. This would preclude the confounding caused by flue season and more likely lead to a correct diagnosis.
- High signal detection threshold for meningitis.
- Loosening criteria for meningitis would mean that the doc would be more likely to diagnose meningitis.
Gestalt principle of similarity.
- Explains why similar symptoms of flu/meningitis would be group in doc’s mind → misdiagnosis.
- Low just noticeable difference.
- JND is the amount of change req’d to register in one’s perception of a stimulus. If doc had low JND to distinguid flue fr meningitis → more likely to notice that patient had more serious disease than the flu.
Repeated administration of some drugs will lead to a decrease in their effectiveness, an occurrence known as drug tolerance. When this occurs, doctors may need to increase the dosage in order to continue therapy. What is true of this increase?
- The increase in dosage will be the same for different patients
- Drugs of a certain type will exhibit the same drug tolerance rates
- The dosage will increase by the same amount each time the patient reaches tolerance
- The dosage increase is directly proportional to the initial dose
Repeated administration of some drugs will lead to a decrease in their effectiveness, an occurrence known as drug tolerance. When this occurs, doctors may need to increase the dosage in order to continue therapy. What is true of this increase?
- The increase in dosage will be the same for different patients.
- Diff patients will react to drugs diff → ea have own threshold for drug tolerance.
- Drugs of a certain type will exhibit the same drug tolerance rates.
- The dosage will increase by the same amount each time the patient reaches tolerance.
The dosage increase is directly proportional to the initial dose.
- Weber’s Law states that the difference threshold divided by the initial stimulus is a constant for that person.
- The doc will attempt to ↑ dosage by the JND, in order to maintain the drug’s effects while avoiding toxicity
A diagnostic test is developed for a potentially fatal disease. In order to effectively treat the disease, those diagnosed with it must immediately be placed on a costly and poorly tolerated medication. Which threshold should be used for this test?
- A – a liberal strategy which would make sure everyone with the disease was treated
- B – an ideal observer strategy to try to minimize both false positives and false negatives.
- C – an arbitrary threshold to get the majority of disease cases while minimizing false positives
- D – a conservative strategy which would eliminate false positives

A diagnostic test is developed for a potentially fatal disease. In order to effectively treat the disease, those diagnosed with it must immediately be placed on a costly and poorly tolerated medication. Which threshold should be used for this test?
A – a liberal strategy which would make sure everyone with the disease was treated.
- In the case of a fatal disease w an effective treatment, it is best to err on the side of caution and adopt a liberal detection strategy → ensure treatment for every affected patient.
- B – an ideal observer strategy to try to minimize both false positives and false negatives.
- C – an arbitrary threshold to get the majority of disease cases while minimizing false positives
- D – a conservative strategy which would eliminate false positives

Diplopia is the scientific term for double vision, a condition in which the patient perceives two images of the same entity, usually displaced horizontally or vertically. Which of the following perceptual cues is most affected by diplopia?
- Convergence
- Interposition
- Binocular disparity
- Motion parallax
Diplopia is the scientific term for double vision, a condition in which the patient perceives two images of the same entity, usually displaced horizontally or vertically. Which of the following perceptual cues is most affected by diplopia?
- Relies on both eyes working t/g to create a single image → helps det depth.
- Patients suffering fr diplopia will have impaired depth perception due to loss of convergence.
- Interposition
- Monocular cue → unaffected by diplopia.
- Binocular disparity
- Relies on diff images seen by ea eye to det depth, but still takes ea image as a sep piece of info.
- Motion parallax
- Monocular cue → unaffected by diplopia.
Which of the following is an example of sensory desensitization?
- Getting used to a smell after being around it for hours
- Drinking too much alcohol and vomiting
- Eating too much and feeling queasy at the thought of food
- Receiving myadriatic eye drops at the optometrist to dilate the eyes
Which of the following is an example of sensory desensitization?
Getting used to a smell after being around it for hours.
- Olfactory receptors become accustomed to odor molecules → down-regulate response to the constant stimulus.
- Drinking too much alcohol and vomiting
- Eating too much and feeling queasy at the thought of food.
- More an example of classical conditioning (form of learning) rather than sensitization (a reflex).
- Receiving myadriatic eye drops at the optometrist to dilate the eyes
A patient is experiencing chest pain and sees several specialists. The cardiologist is worried about a heart attack and orders an echocardiogram, while the pulmonologist orders a lung capacity test. What perceptual organization principles are these doctors exhibiting?
- Gestalt law of continuity
- Top-down processing
- Bottom-up processing
- Gestalt law of pragnanz
A patient is experiencing chest pain and sees several specialists. The cardiologist is worried about a heart attack and orders an echocardiogram, while the pulmonologist orders a lung capacity test. What perceptual organization principles are these doctors exhibiting?
- Gestalt law of continuity
- Lines follow the smoothest path.
- May be applied to explain how docs think the disease is progressing, but cannot explain why they approach the problem differently.
Top-down processing
- Relies on prior knowledge, such as the specialists’ training.
- Bottom-up processing
- The doctors’ expertise is info they bring w them before approaching the problem → not bottom-up.
- Gestalt law of pragnanz
- Tend to reduce reality to its simplest form.
- Could explain why docs like to look for one diagnosis that covers all symptoms, rather than assuming a patient has a myriad of diff disorders. H/e, it would not account for why the specialists ordered diff exams.
Which of the following would trigger high frequency firing from a non-adapting mechanoreceptor?
- Getting lemon juice on a paper cut.
- Accidentally touching a hot stove.
- Tripping on the curb and stumbling.
- Walking into a lamp post.
Which of the following would trigger high frequency firing from a non-adapting mechanoreceptor?
- Getting lemon juice on a paper cut.
- Mechanoreceptors sense pressure → would not register a sharp chemical pain.
- Accidentally touching a hot stove.
- Mechanoreceptors sense pressure → would not register a sharp temperature pain.
- Tripping on the curb and stumbling.
- Affects proprioceptors (balance) → would not trigger a lot of firing fr mechano/nocireceptors as stimulus would quickly clear.
Walking into a lamp post.
- Most likely to trigger high freq firing fr a mechanoreceptor (pressure).
This image best demonstrates what idea about perception?
- Gestalt law of pragnanz
- Size constancy monocular cue for depth
- Gestalt law of proximity
- Relative size monocular cue for depth

This image best demonstrates what idea about perception?
- Gestalt law of pragnanz
- Reality is reduced to its simplest form in our perceptions.
- Size constancy monocular cue for depth
- Relies on knowledge that objects do not change size as they travel through space.
- Gestalt law of proximity
- Tend to group things by spatial relatedness, e.g. may see two groups of circles before you process the components of those groups. H/e, that is not the principle demonstrated here.
Relative size monocular cue for depth.
- Tells us that the orange circles are diff sizes bc they are next to diff sized grey circles, even tho orange circles are actually the same size. Although the circles are the same size, our brains think they’re diff sizes bc we compare them to their surroundings.

What is psychophysics?
Psychophysics is the scientific study of the relationship b/w stimuli (specified in physical terms) and the sensations and perceptions evoked by these stimuli.”
What is the connectome?
The connectome is the neural map of connections w/i the brain.
What part of the brain contains the somatosensory homunculus map?
All somatosensory info all comes to the “sensory strip” → contained in somatosensory cortex of the parietal lobe.
What is proprioception and how does it work?
Proprioception is the sense of balance/position; sense of “self”.
- Tiny receptor/sensors (spindles) in our muscles send signals to spinal cord and brain.
- Spindles have proteins that are sensitive to stretching.
- Sensors contract w muscles → can det how contracted or relaxed every muscle is.
What is difference between kinesthesia and proprioception?
Diff b/w kinesthesia and proprioception?
Proprioception includes sense of balance/position, while kinesthesia includes sense of movement.
Proprioception is cognitive, kinesthesia is behavioral.
What is the difference between a proximal and a distal stimulus?
Diff b/w a proximal and a distal stimulus?
- Distal stim - actual stimulus or object in real world that you sense and then perceiving → results in proximal stimulus.
- Proximal stim - stim that occurs when your sensory receptors are activated; neural activity.
- E.g. looking at a shoe on the floor. The shoe itself is the distal stimulus. The image recorded onto the person’s retina (sensory receptor) is proximal stimulus.
What is the vestibular system?
Vestibular system - sensory system in mammals that contributes to sense of head movement, sense of balance, and spatial orientation.
Relies on signals from inner ear and limb muscles.
How does the inner ear contribute to the vestibular system?
The inner ear is comprised of semicircular canals (posterior, lateral, and anterior) wh are orthogonal to ea/o.
The canal is filled w endolymph, and when we rotate the fluid shifts in the semicircular canals → detect direction and rate of head/body movement.
How does endolymph in the semicircular canals of the inner ear contribute to dizziness?
Endolymph doesn’t stop spinning the same time as we do, so it continues moving and indicates to brain we’re still moving even when we’ve stopped – results in feeling of dizziness.
How do otolithic organs help detect linear acceleration and head positioning?
Otolithic organs (utricle and saccule; inner ear) help us to detect linear acceleration and head positioning. In these are CaCO3 (Calcium carbonate) crystals attached to hair cells in viscous gel. If we go from lying down to standing up, they move, and pull on hair cells, which triggers AP.
These would not work very well w/o gravity! Buoyancy can have effects as well, partic w/o visual cues on which way is up/down.