6A: Hearing (Audition) Flashcards
Which ear structures are considered part of the external/outer ear?
The auricle/pinna and external auditory canal are considered part of the external/outer ear.
The _____ or ______ refers to the visible part of the ear, wh collects, mechanically transforms (amplifies), and directs sound into auditory canal.
The auricle or pinna refers to the visible part of the ear, wh collects, mechanically transforms (amplifies), and directs sound into auditory canal.
- Humans: Filters/selects for sound waves in the freq range of human speech.
- Works t/g w middle ear to amplify sound by 22x (↑ 10-15 dB in freq range of 1.5-7 kHz).
The tympanic mem (also “myringa”) is commonly referred to as the _______. Its key function is to transmit sound fr _____ to ______ to ______.
The tympanic mem (also “myringa”) is commonly referred to as the ear drum. Its key function is to transmit sound fr air to ossicles to inner.
- I.e. converts/amplifies sound wave to vibration in fluid.
Wh ear structures are considered part of the middle ear?
Middle ear: incl ossicles; region b/w tympanic mem and oval window of cochlea.
- primary func: xfr acoustic energy fr compression waves in air to fluid-filled mem waves in cochlea.
What are the three small bones that transfer vibrations of eardrum into waves in fluid/mems of inner ear?
Ossicles - Malleus (hammer), Incus (anvil), and Stapes (stirrup); transfer vibrations of eardrum into waves in fluid/mems of inner ear.
- Recall: part of middle ear.
The ___________ is the passageway fr back of throat (nasal cavity; nasopharynx) to tympanic cavity of middle ear; equalizes pressure on both sides of eardrums; cause of “ear popping” in pressurized environ.
The eustachian/auditory tube is the passageway fr back of throat (nasal cavity; nasopharynx) to tympanic cavity of middle ear; equalizes pressure on both sides of eardrums; cause of “ear popping” in pressurized environ.
Wh ear structures comprise the inner ear?
Inner ear – oval window, round window, cochlea, semicircular canals (vestibular sys, i.e. balance).
The ______ is a fluid filled, spiral/snail-shaped structure containing three sections: two fluid-filled canals (_______ and ______) and the Organ of Corti; converts sound waves into __________.
The cochlea is a fluid filled, spiral/snail-shaped structure containing three sections: two fluid-filled canals (vestibular and tympanic) and the Organ of Corti; converts sound waves into electrical impulses.
- Tonotopically organized (basilar tuning) - high freqs transduced nearer the base; low freqs nearer apex.
The cochlea is said to be tonotopically organized (basilar tuning). What does this mean in terms of where sounds are transduced?
Tonotopically organization (basilar tuning) - diff freqs interact w diff locations on the structure.
- Base—closest to outer ear—is stiff/narrow → high freq sounds transduced.
- Apex/top is more flexible/wider/loose → low freq sounds transduced.
Perilymph and endolymph are types of what?
Perilymph/Endolymph - basilar/cochlear fluid.
The __________ is the thin strip of tissue w/i cochlea; contains hair cells wh serve as sensory receptors for auditory system.
The basilar membrane is the thin strip of tissue w/i cochlea; contains hair cells wh serve as sensory receptors for auditory system.
What is the term for the sensory organ of hearing?
Organ of Corti - the sensory organ (epithelium) of hearing, i.e. transduces auditory signals and minimizes hair cells’ extraction of sound energy.
- Situated on basilar mem; contains four rows of hair cells wh protrude fr surface.
- Think of it like the body’s microphone.
- Detects pressure impulse wh travel along auditory nerve to brain.
Where is the organ of corti located?
The organ of corti is situated on the basilar mem: a thin strip of tissue w/i cochlea.
________ are mechanosensory receptors covering the basilar mem w/i the cochlea. They are topped w ________ (bundles of ________), wh transduce sound waves into __________.
Hair cells are mechanosensory receptors covering the basilar mem w/i the cochlea. They are topped w stereocilia (bundles of kinocilium), wh transduce sound waves into elec/nerve impulses.
How are stereocilia arranged on hair cells?
Stereocilia (bundles of kinocilium) are arranged fr shortest on periphery to longest at center → superior tuning capability.