sensory organs Flashcards
protective structures of the eye
type & location of sensory receptors for vision/hearing & equilibrium
-photoreceptors (rods + cones)
-hair cells within cochlea for hearing and balance
route of visual stimulus through the eye to the brain
-light enters through cornea –> passes through pupil –> focused by lens –> hits retina where photorecptor cells convert light into electrical signals –> travels along the optic nerve –> to brain via optic chiasm
route of sound waves through the ear
pinna (outer ear) –> ear canal (external auditory meatus) –> tympanic membrane (eardrum) –> ossicles (malleus, incus, stapes) –> oval window –> cochlea –> vistibulocochlear nerve —-> brain
sense of taste
taste buds (papille)
hypoglassal nerve
inborn (intrinsic) involuntary, predictable motor response to stimulus
learned (acquired) reflex results from practice or reputation (driving skills)
eye structures
ear structures