Sensorimotor Approaches (Stroke) Flashcards
Producer of All Movement
Firing of motor neurons located in the anterior horn of the spinal cord. Directly innervate skeletal muscles.
** Basal Ganglia and Cerebellum in brain are also involved with motor control, and lesions here are associated with movement disorders.
4 Processes related to flow of information to control movement:
1) Motivation
2) Ideation
3) Programming
4) Execution
Motivation/Emotive Component of Movement
- Function of limbic system
* Motivational urge from limbic system to ideation by cortical association areas (lobes)
Connection of knowledge and affective behavior (ie: ideation of movement in cortical areas transferring to movement)
• Represents intentional, deliberate, and goal-directed aspect of behavior
• Relates to individual’s reason for motor performance.
Programming Component of Movement
- Cortical areas program movement strategy (plan) to meet movement goals
- Also involves premotor areas, basal ganglia, cerebellum
Motor Program
Procedure or spatiotemporal order of muscle activation needed for smooth/accurate motor performance.
Execution Component of Movement
- Motor cortex, cerebellum and spinal cord
- Concerned with activation of spinal motor neurons and interneurons that generate goal-directed movement and necessary postural adjustments
Order of Movement Creation in Brain
1) Limbic System (detects need) >
2) Cortical Association Areas (receive sensory input needed) >
3) Association Cortex + Basal Ganglia + Lateral Cerebellum + Premotor Cortex (motor program) >
4) Motor Cortex (conveys to brain/spinal cord) >
5) Cervical Spinal Neurons (activate precise movement/PNS) + Brainstem/Cerebellum (adjust posture)
Sensorimotor System
Structures of the brain that control movement, relying heavily on sensory feedback from exteroceptors/proprioceptors.
Voluntary Movement Depends On:
- Knowing where body is in space
- Knowing where body intends to go in external space
- Knowing internal/external loads to overcome
- Formulating a plan to perform the movement
- Holding the plan in memory until execution
Sensorimotor Cortex
- Integrating center of sensory/motor input
- Cortical areas immediately anterior and posterior to central sulcus
3 Principal MOTOR Regions (FRONTAL Lobe):
1) Primary Motor Area
2) Supplementary Motor Area
3) Premotor Area
2 Principal SENSORY Regions (PARIETAL Lobe):
1) Primary Somatosensory Cortex
2) Posterior Parietal Cortex
Lesion in Posterior Parietal Cortex Leads to:
- Impairment of body image and it’s relation to extrapersonal space (inappropriate movement strategy results)
- Neglect of contralateral body segments (extreme case)
Supplementary Motor Area
Planning of movement. Lesions here can result in apraxia, or also an inability to produce complex motor activities such as speaking, writing, buttoning, typing, etc.
Primary Motor Area
Integrates info received from other areas of brain and generates descending command for execution of movement. Lesions here result in motor execution deficits (contralateral muscle weakness, spasticity, and poor isolation of movement).
Lesions of Primary Somatosensory Cortex
Result in contralateral sensory loss, and uncoordinated movement (inability to register feedback).
Sensorimotor Intervention Approaches
- Viewed as targeting motor planning and lower-level execution process with aim of reintegrating complete motor control hierarchy
- Client is taught motor strategies or compensatory mechanisms to adapt to deficits using SENSORY STIMULATION to elicit specific movement patterns
- Stimuli start as external and eventually become intrinsic to encourage voluntary motor control.
- Limitations because it does not actively engage client’s volitional intent to perform motor act.
- Includes Rood Approach, Brunnstrom Approach, Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Approach (PNF), and Bobath/Neurodevelopmental Treatment Approach.
Reflex and Hierarchical Models of Motor Control (Sensorimotor Intervention)
View movement strategies along developmental continuum. Reflexes are normal responses from infancy in response to specific stimuli; form the basis of volitional (purposeful) movement.
• Motor control hierarchically arranged (higher centers of brain responsible for regulation/control of volitional movement, while lower levels regulate/control reflexive/automatic movement).
• Therefore, when CNS is damaged, lower levels take over (hence return to reflexive/unmoderated movement)
• These intervention approaches rely on sensory stimulation of muscles/joints to evoke motor responses, handling/positioning to effect muscle tone, and use of developmental postures to enhance ability to carry out movements.
Rood Approach
Sensorimotor intervention approach:
• Use of sensory stimulation to evoke motor response
• Use of developmental postures to promote changes in muscle tone
Sensory stimulation has potential to either inhibit or facilitate muscle tone. Can use slow rolling, neutral warmth, deep pressure, tapping, and prolonged stretch as stimuli. Also move client through developmental sequences.
Limited success due to short-lasting nature of stimuli.
Brunnstrom (Movement Therapy) Approach
Sensorimotor intervention approach:
• For individuals who had sustained a CVA
• Draws from reflex and hierarchical models
• Views spastic/flaccid muscle tone and reflexive movements as part of recovery toward volitional movement
• Stages of motor recovery (1-6) from flaccidity to individual joint movements.
• Emphasis placed on promotion of movement from reflexive to volitional
• Example: resistance applied to one side of body to increase muscle tone on opposite, affected side in order to facilitate reflexive movement until client demonstrates volitional control over the movement pattern.
Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Approach (PNF)
Sensorimotor intervention approach grounded on reflex/hierarchical model of motor control.
• Major emphasis on developmental sequencing of movement and balanced interplay betw agonist/antagonist in producing volitional movement
• MASS MOVEMENT PATTERNS and postures for limbs and trunk (DIAGONAL in nature) used to promote movement
• Tactile, auditory, visual stimulation actively incorporated to promote motor response
• Example: client asked to reach into bag on left side to retrieve objects to be placed into cabinet on right side.
• Successful in increasing ROM and stretching tight muscles
• May reduce falls in older adults.
• May be used as preparatory activity or applied within performance of a task.
• Used for conditions such as Parkinson’s, SCI, arthritis, stroke, TBI and hand injuries.
• Can reduce sensory deficits in CVA pts
Neurodevelopmental Treatment (NDT) Approach
Sensorimotor intervention approach based on normal development and movement.
• Drawn from hierarchical model of motor control
• To normalize muscle tone, inhibit primitive reflexes, and facilitate normal postural reactions
• Goal to improve quality of movement and relearn normal movement patterns
• Employ numerous techniques: handling; use of inhibitory techniques (diminish impact of spasticity); weight bearing over affected limb; using positions that encourage bilateral use; and avoidance of sensory input affecting muscle tone.
• Many of the techniques are used within context of purposeful activities.
Client Factors Addressed by PNF
- Posture
- Mobility
- Strength
- Effort
- Coordination
How PNF is Administered by Therapist
Facilitation techniques are superimposed on movement patterns and postures through therapist’s
Uses CERVICOCAUDAL and PROXIMODISTAL direction in tx. Head, neck, trunk come before extremities. (Postural control is key!)
Address movement in BOTH directions to avoid any neglected abilities (ie: getting up but also sitting down; dressing and undressing).
May be preparatory method, or applied within the performance of a task.
Used for: Parkinson’s, SCI, Arthritis, CVA, TBI, and Hand Injuries.
Reciprocal Inhibition
Theoretical model used to explain benefits of PNF. Neuromuscular reflex that inhibits opposing muscles during movement. Example: contract elbow flexors, then elbow extensors are inhibited. This is the idea behind active stretching and a component of PNF stretching.
Synergy Patterns
Primitive movements that dominate reflex and voluntary effort when spasticity is present after CVA. Interferes with coordinated voluntary movement such as eating, dressing and walking.
FLEXION Synergy Pattern: Scapular retraction, shoulder abd and ext rotation, elbow flexion, forearm supination, wrist/finger flexion. Hip flex, abd, ext rotation, knee flex, ankle dorsiflexion.
EXTENSION Synergy Pattern: Scapular protraction, shoulder add and int rotation, elbow ext, forearm pronation, wrist/finger flexion. Hip ext, add, and int rotation, knee ext, ankle plantar flex/inversion, toe flexion.
PNF Balance betw Antagonist Muscles
Observe where imbalance exists, and then facilitate the weaker component. If client shows flexor synergy, extension should be facilitated. (Think of bed positioning, keeping affected limbs in opposite position of synergy pattern.) In the presence of spasticity, first inhibit spasticity, then facilitate antagonistic muscles, reflexes and postures.
How sensory input from therapist leads to motor learning (PNF):
Example: Therapist cues verbally (input 1), “Reach for the cup,” which causes client to look up (input 2) toward the movement, to touch (input 3) the cup. Motor learning occurs when these external cues no longer needed.
External input may also be in the form of joint approximation (contact) from the therapist (ie: through shoulders and pelvis of client with apraxia while standing for a task), or stretch (stretching finger extensors to facilitate object release); so client learns how normal movement feels.
Verbal Mediation in PNF
Auditory feedback to facilitate motor performance. Clients say aloud the steps required for a movement and to help learn to perform it. Studies show it helps client retain sequence of steps.
Visual Stimuli in PNF
Visual stimuli assist in initation/coordination of movement. Ensure client tracks in direction of movement. Can position activities (or therapist!) to facilitate movement in a certain direction. ie: Therapist may stand diagonally in front of client to facilitate forward direction.
Tactile System in PNF
Most efficient stimuli to build cognitive and emotional experiences. Feel movement patterns that are coordinated and balanced.
Part-Task vs. Whole-Task Practice
Part-Task: Using parts of the task in order to learn the whole task (practice parts where difficulties lie). (ie: lifting leg to get into tub for bathing)
Whole-Task: The entire task, such as bathing. Composed of multiple parts that can be broken out to practice separately.
Step-Wise Procedures: Emphasis on part of the task during performance of the whole.
PNF Assessment
• Follows sequence of proximal to distal
1) First, vital and related functions considered (breathing, swallowing, speaking, facial/oral musculature, and visual-ocular motor
2) Head and neck are second, as they affect UEs (check dominance of tone, alignment, stability/mobility)
3) Upper Trunk
4) UEs
5) Lower Trunk
6) LEs
• Ends with observation of self-care/ADLs performance
Considerations of PNF Assessment
- Is there need for more stability/mobility?
- Balance betw flexors/extensors?
- Able to move in all directions?
- Major limitations (ie: weakness, spasticity, contractures)
- Able to assume/maintain postures?
- Are inadequacies more proximal or distal?
- Sensory input with best response (auditory, visual, or tactile?)
- Techniques of facilitation with best response?
Diagonal Patterns in PNF
Mass movement patterns observed in most functional activities. Can be recognized in ADLs, and helps identify areas of deficiency. Two diagonal motions for each major part of body:
• head and neck
• upper and lower trunk
• extremities
Each diagonal pattern has flexion/extension component, together with rotation/movement away from or toward midline.
Head, Neck and Trunk Diagonal Patterns in PNF
1) flexion with rotation to the right or left
2) extension with rotation to the right or left
These proximal patterns combine with extremity diagonals.
Upper and Lower Extremity Diagonal Patterns in PNF
Three movement components at reference point of shoulder or hip joint:
1) flexion and extension
2) abduction and adduction
3) external and internal rotation
Shorter descriptions: D1 (flexion/extension) and D2 (flexion/extension)
UE D1 - Flexion
Unilateral PNF Diagonal Pattern: Shoulder flexion-adduction-ext rotation.
• Scapula elevation, abd, rotation
• Shoulder flexion, add, ext rotation
• Elbow flexion or extension
• Forearm supination
• Wrist flexion to radial side
• Finger flexion, adduction; thumb adduction
Examples: hand-to-mouth motion in feeding; tennis forehand; combing hair on left side of head with right hand; rolling supine to prone.
UE D1 - Extension
Unilateral PNF Diagonal Pattern: Shoulder extension-abduction-interal rotation.
• Scapula depression, add, rotation
• Shoulder ext, abd, int rotation
• Elbow flexion or extension
• Forearm pronation
• Wrist extension to ulnar side
• Finger extension/abd; thumb palmar abduction
Examples: pushing car door open from inside; tennis backhand stroke; rolling prone to supine.
UE D2 – Flexion
Unilateral PNF Diagonal Pattern: Shoulder flexion-abduction-ext rotation. • Scapula elevation, add, rotation • Shoulder flexion, abd, ext rotation • Elbow flexion or extension • Forearm supination • Wrist extension to radial side • Finger extension, abd; thumb extension
Examples: combing hair on right side of head with right hand; lifting racquet in tennis serve; backstroke in swimming.
UE D2 – Extension
Unilateral PNF Diagonal Pattern: Shoulder extension-adduction-internal rotation. • Scapula depression, abd, rotation • Shoulder extension, add, int rotation • Elbow flexion or extension • Forearm pronation • Wrist flexion to ulnar side • Finger flexion/add; thumb opposition
Examples: pitching a baseball; hitting a ball in tennis serve; buttoning pants on left side with right hand.
LE D1 – Flexion
Unilateral PNF Diagonal Pattern: Hip flexion-add-ext rotation.
• Hip flexion, add, ext rotation
• Knee flexion or extension
• Ankle/foot dorsiflexion with inversion and toe extension
Examples: kicking soccer ball; rolling supine to prone; putting on sock with legs crossed.
LE D1 – Extension
Unilateral PNF Diagonal Pattern: Hip ext-abd-int rotation
• Hip ext, abd, int rotation
• Knee flexion or extension
• Ankle/foot plantar flexion with eversion and toe flexion
Examples: putting leg into pants, rolling prone to supine.
LE D2 – Flexion
Unilateral PNF Diagonal Pattern: Hip flex-abd-int rotation
• Hip flexion, abd, int rotation
• Knee flexion or extension
• Ankle/foot dorsiflexion with eversion and toe ext
Examples: karate kick; drawing heels up during breaststroke swimming
LE D2 – Extension
Unilateral PNF Diagonal Pattern: Hip ext-add-ext rotation
• Hip ext, add, ext rotation
• Knee flexion or extension
• Ankle/foot plantar flexion with inversion and toe flexion
Examples: push-off in gait; kick during breaststroke swimming; long sitting with legs crossed.
Symmetric Patterns (PNF)
Bilateral Diagonal Pattern in PNF. Paired extremities perform similar movements at same time. Bilateral symmetric UE patterns facilitate trunk flex/ext.
Examples: pushing off a chair to stand (bilateral symmetric D1 extension); reaching to lift large item off high shelf (bilateral symmetric D2 flexion)
Asymmetric Patterns (PNF)
Bilateral Diagonal Pattern in PNF. Paired extremities perform movements toward one side at same time, facilitation trunk rotation. May be performed with the arms in contact.
Examples: Putting on a left earring (left arm in D2 flexion, right arm in D1 flexion); zipping left-side zipper (right arm in D2 ext, left arm in D1 ext).
Reciprocal Patterns (PNF)
Bilateral Diagonal Pattern in PNF. Paired extremities move in opposite directions simultaneously, either on same diagonal or in combined diagonals. When combined diagonals, a stabilizing effect occurs on head/neck/trunk. When high-level balance needed for activity, reciprocal patterns with combined diagonals come into play with one extremity in D1 ext and other in D2 flex.
Examples of COMBINED: pitching in baseball; sidestroke in swimming; walking on narrow walkway with one extremity in diagonal flex/other in diagonal ext.
Examples of SAME: D1 in arm swing during walking, facilitating trunk rotation.
Combined Movements of UEs and LEs (PNF)
Interaction of upper and lower extremities during movement. Results in:
1) Ipsilateral patterns (extremities on same side move in same direction at same time—more primitive/shows lack of bilaterality)
2) Contralateral patterns (extremities on opp sides move in same direction at same time)
3) Diagonal Reciprocal patterns (contralateral extremities move in same direction at same time while opposite contralateral extremities move in opposite direction).
Intervention goal is to move from 1 (least developed) to 3 (most developed).
Examples: Crawling and Walking.
Total Patterns (PNF)
Developmental postures are called total patterns of movement and posture. Require interaction betw proximal (head/neck/trunk) and distal (extremity) components. Use of these patterns improves ability to assume/maintain postures, which helps all areas of occupation.
Examples: developing lower total patterns of movement like rolling, lying-to-sitting before sustaining a sitting posture; Reach for object in supine and place it in side-lying posture; reinforcing wrist extension by leaning forward while wiping tabletop.
Procedures Essential to PNF Approach
PNF techniques superimposed on movement and posture.
• Verbal commands
• Visual cues
• Manual contacts (therapist’s hands on client)
• Stretch (helps innervate the stretched muscle)
• Traction (facilitates joint receptors by separating surfaces; promotes movement and “pulling” motion)
• Approximation (facilitates joint receptors by compression surfaces; promotes stability and “pushing” motion)
• Maximal Resistance (stronger muscles/patterns reinforce weaker components; to obtain maximal effort on part due to movement against resistance)
Techniques Directed to Agonist (PNF)
- REPEATED CONTRACTIONS: repetition of activity for motor learning and dev of strength, ROM, endurance. Voluntary movement facilitated with stretch and resistance, using isometric/isotonic contractions (CONTRACT-RELAX method – CR). Repeated contraction against force then relaxing/stretching increases muscle length.
- RHYTHMIC INITIATION: improves ability to initiate movement (common in Parkinson’s or apraxia). Voluntary relaxation, passive movement, repeated isotonic contractions of agonistic pattern. Command used: “Relax and let me move you,” then “Now you do it with me.” May add resistance after repetitions. Allows patient to feel the pattern before active movement.
Reversal of Antagonist Techniques (PNF)
- CONTRACT-RELAX-ANTAGONIST-CONTRACT (CRAC) Method: contraction of antagonist to facilitate weaker agonist.
- SLOW REVERSAL: Isotonic contraction of antagonist followed by isotonic contraction of agonist. Overcomes rigidity, improves balance of antagonists, increase ROM/strength.
- STABILIZING REVERSALS: Alternating isotonic contractions opposed by enough resistance to prevent motion. Increases stability, balance, muscle strength.
- RHYTHMIC STABILIZATION: Increases stability by eliciting simultaneous isometric contractions of antagonistic muscle groups. Repeated isometric contractions leading to increased circulation (can cause breath-holding). Can result in Co-Contraction if client not allowed to relax. Manual contacts applied on agonist and antagonist with simultaneous resistance; client asked to hold contraction against resistance, then without relaxing, manual contacts switched to opposite surfaces. Improves postural control, muscle balance, endurance.
Relaxation Techniques (PNF)
• HOLD-RELAX: Same sequence as contract-relax, but involves isometric contraction of antagonist followed by relaxation then active movement into agonistic pattern. Helpful in presence of pain.
SLOW REVERSAL-HOLD-RELAX: Isotonic contraction followed by isometric contraction, relaxation of antagonistic pattern, and then active movement of agonistic pattern. Best when client can move the agonist actively. Can increase ROM.
RHYTHMIC ROTATION: Therapist passively moves body part in desired pattern; when tightness felt, therapist rotates part slowly/rhythmically in both directions. Decreases spasticity and increases ROM.
Neurodevelopmental Treatment (NDT) Basis of Approach
The inhibition of released and exaggerated abnormal reflex action, the counteraction of abnormal patterns, and the facilitation of more normal automatic voluntary movements.
NDT Intervention Approaches
- Facilitation
- Mobilization
- Practicing motor skills of certain activities
- Practicing activities themselves
- Teaching caregivers how to position the client
NDT Evaluation
1) Top-down approach; Begin with occupational history interview.
2) Observe client performing occupations
3) Assess level of assistance, amount of movement present, and quality of movement/postural control.
• Ability to maintain postural alignment needed for occupation
• Typical motor skills needed for activities that will be addressed
• Client’s alignment/movement while performing basic motor skills for everyday activities (ie: reaching, sit-to-stand, transferring)
• Underlying impairments contributing to dysfunction (changes in muscle strength, tone, activation and/or sensory processing)
NDT Intervention
Emphasis on efficient and functional movement, minimizing compensations. Includes facilitation of normal motor performance skills involved in a task as well as practice of tasks themselves with manual guidance/handling. Any compensations stress incorporating the hemiplegic side. Emphasis on neutral/symmetric alignment during activities.
Intervention structure sequence:
Preparation > Movement (graded handling/key points of control) > Function (learned movement into occupation)
Closed-chain vs. Open-chain Patterns of Movement (NDT)
In NDT, limb movements grade from closed-chain to open-chain patterns.
Closed-Chain: Distal part of joint/chain of joints is fixed while proximal part moves (weight bearing on arm combined with movement over base of support).
Open-Chain: Joints are all moving freely.
EBP and Neurodevelopmental Treatment (NDT)
Evidence in at lower level for NDT (not much evidence available to support). Mixed results. Best to consider all factors contributing to function and integrate all resources into intervention.