Sensitive and Critical periods Flashcards
What is the difference between critical and sensitive windows?
A critical period is a sensitive period where presence or absence of an experience results in an irreversible change.
What is a sensitive period?
A time in development in which the brain is particularly responsive to experiences in the form of patterns or activity.
What is imprinting?
Rapid phase-sensitive learning independent of the consequences of behaviour. (critical window)
What is filial imprinting?
The identification of auditory and visual impulses to recognize the parent.
What was the aim/method/result of the experiment done by Hubel and Wezel?
Aim: Investigating critical period in visual development of the cat.
Method: Shutting one eye in the critical period timeframe.
Result: The eye won’t work after it is being reopened.
What are three conditions to open a sensitve period?
- Reliable input: Information bust be sufficiently reliable and precise to allow the circuit to carry out its function.
- Connectivity: adequate inhibitory and excitatory connections in order to process properly.
- Plasticity: The circuit must have activated mechanisms that enable plasticity. e.g. ability to alter axonal or dendritic morphology, making or eliminating synapses, or changes in strength of synaptic connections.