seneca Flashcards
what is the sage in stoicism?
the perfect stoic that felt no pain as they place no value on material wealth. they need nothing because only virtue brings them happiness
where does virtue come from in stoicism?
control of the emotions as the sage does not feel either pleasure or pain despite his fortune in life
how does Seneca’s work modify stoicism?
Seneca allows the sage to benefit from human interaction and love while still remaining virtuous
how does Seneca describe anger in On Anger (Dialogue)?
“anger is temporary madness”
“anger is the desire to repay suffering”
how does Seneca say we deal with anger in On Anger (Dialogue)?
“easier to exclude harmful passions than to rule them”
what does apatheia mean in stoicism?
a state of mind in which one is not disturbed by the passions. equanimity (not indifference)
what does pathe mean in stoicism and give some examples
unhealthy passions such as: pain, suffering, fear, craving/lust, pleasure
what does eupatheiai mean in stoicism and give some examples
healthy passions such as: caution/discretion, wishing/willing, joy, delight
Seneca on marriage in the de matrimonia
nothing is more vile than to love a wife as if she were an adultress
Seneca on love in ep 6
if you want to be loved then love
Seneca on lustful desire in Consolation of Marcia
the stings of lust which rip the soul apart in its pleasure
Seneca on romantic love and friendship in ep 9.11
you might say that it is a maddened friendship
Seneca on homoseuxality in ep 122.7
living against nature those who change their clothes for womens?
seneca on slavery in on benefits 3.28
sex with slaves is purely for pleasure so should be avoided
how does seneca praise his mother Helvia on pudicitia?
the most lovely kind of beauty which is damaging to no age the greatest adornment - pudicitia
how did tacitus receive seneca’s ideas?
hypocritically wealthy
how did cassius dio receive seneca’s ideas?
he denouced tyrants but tutored and supported a tyrant
when did seneca write his consolations to helvia to his mother and what was he advocating for?
when he was exiled for being accused of sleeping with caligula’s sister. advocated benefits of friendships over lust
how does seneca suggest abt drunk desire on ep 83.20
‘drunkenness does not create vices but it brings them out’
give some reasons why seneca would hold those views on desire?
- was under rule of leges iuliae
- ideal roman man was stoic
- plato said desire was necessary but bad if excess
- hated nero so didn’t want others to be like him
- vestal virgins, pudicitia in society etc