SEMINAR CLASS #2 - Week of 2/11/18: "Fire Ground Emergencies" - Communications Chapter 9, FFP - MMID, FFP - Collapse, Engines Chap 12, AUC 360 Instructor: DC Gene DiTaranto Flashcards


AUC 360;
1) You are an Officer working a 6x9 tour when you decide to discuss the use of “Danger Do Not Enter Tape”. You state the following, “it shall be used to isolate designated areas (danger zones) that members should not enter.” One of your members studying for the upcoming
Lieutenant’s exam was incorrect when he stated the “Danger Zone” should not be entered?
(AUC 360, section 2.3)
A. Except to save life.
B. Unless authorized by the Incident Commander.
C. Unless authorized by the Sector Chief.
D. Unless authorized by the Safety Chief.

  1. D

2.3 Units are reminded that the danger zone should not be entered except to save life or authorized by the IC or Sector Chief. This applies at all times, to all members,
during all stages of the operation.

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Engine Operations 12;

1) The loss of water on the fire ground is a very serious situation and something all members should strive to prevent. Kinks in a hose line constitute a water loss when they are severe enough to reduce the extinguishment capabilities of a hose line. From the list below please choose the most correct kink removal procedure(s)? (Engine Operations 12, section 2)
1. When kinks occur and any member recognizes them, a “Mayday” message shall be transmitted via the handie-talkie.
2. It is essential that the Incident Commander, units operating on the fire floor and the floors below be notified of a water loss situation.
3. The Engine Officer shall ensure that closing a door confines the fire and/or all members are moved to a safe area of refuge if necessary.
4. Do not correct kinks by increasing the pressure.

A) 1,2,3,4

B) 4 only

C) 1,3,4

D) 3 & 4

  1. D
  2. 1 Water loss due to kinks is the more common problem. Kinks constitute a water loss when they are severe enough to reduce the extinguishment capabilities of a hose line. When this occurs and is recognized by any member, an “Urgent” message shall be transmitted via the handie-talkie. It is essential that the Incident Commander, units operating on the fire floor and the floors above be notified of a water loss situation.

Note: The engine officer shall ensure that the fire is confined by closing a door and/or all
members are moved to a safe area of refuge if necessary.

2.5 All members shall monitor handie-talkie communications. An indication that there are kinks
is when the engine officer calls for additional pressure and the ECC responds that sufficient pressure is being supplied, but a reduction in flow is showing on the outlet flowmeter. Once it is determined the reduction in water flow is due to kinks, they must be located and quickly
removed. Do not correct kinks by increasing the pressure.

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2) You attend MUD with your unit and the administrative Battalion on a beautiful Saturday morning. The Battalion Chief (BC) would like to discuss the possible indicators of a water loss.
The BC asks the following question, “If the Engine Officer transmits an “urgent” for loss of water, then states that nozzle flow is severely inadequate and the ECC responds that the pressure gauge is reading normal or higher with a severely reduced/no flow-meter reading. You would
know that these transmissions would be an indication of which water loss problem from the list below?
(Engine Operations 12, section 3 reference chart)
A. Kinks
B. Multiple/Severe Kinks
C. Burst Length
D. None of the above

  1. B
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3) You are an Engine Officer working a 6x9 tour when you respond first due to an advanced
cellar fire in a Row-Frame. After stretching the initial attack line you recognize that your unit has
stretched short. Based on the current conditions you decide that the best remedy for the short
stretch is to add lines to the back of the stretch, therefore you order/take the following actions,
which one is correct? (Engine Operations 12, section 4)
A. You confine the fire by closing the cellar door at the top of the cellar stairs and then order your nozzle team to remain on the first floor next to the cellar door as a protection line for the public hall, interior stairs, and first floor, while the ECC, Door and Control firefighters correct
the short stretch.
B. 5 lengths of 1 3/4” hose were originally stretched, you order two more lengths of 1 3/4” hose added to the back of the stretch.
C. You know that adding hose to the back of the stretch may be impractical when more than 4 lengths of hose were originally deployed.
D. You know that technically these water loss procedures can only be implemented upon the orders of a Chief Officer.

  1. C

Note: The following procedures are NOT in priority order and shall only be accomplished upon the engine officer’s orders, after the fire has been confined by closing the door and/or after moving to a safe area of refuge.

4.1 Water shut down is required when adding hose to the back of the stretch with a 1¾” or 2½” hand line. The ECC when ordered will shut down and drain the line at the pumper. In the case of a standpipe operation, shut down the line at the floor outlet. The ECC and/or other members will add an additional length(s) of 1¾” or 2½” hose to the stretch at the pumper or floor outlet. The ECC or other members will notify the engine officer when the connections are complete and will re-supply water to the hand line upon the engine officer’s orders. Adding hose to the back of the stretch will require that hose be moved up along the entire length of the stretch in order for the line to advance. This may be impractical where more that four lengths of hose was originally deployed.

Note: If the 6 lead lengths of 1¾” hose have already been stretched, only a length(s) of 2½” hose can be added.

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1) You are working a 9x6 tour in a busy Engine Company in a busy part of the city when you respond for a reported building explosion. Upon arrival you are confronted with a heavy fire condition on the first floor of a 4 story Brownstone. Your unit is the only unit on scene, it should
be noted that your unit is a 5 firefighter Engine Company, however due to an emergency leave you responded with 4 firefighters. You would know that your unit could perform which task(s) from the list below?
(Possibly more then one correct)
(MMID chapter 1, section 2.1)
A. Check the serviceability of a hydrant.
B. Hook up to a hydrant and charge the pumps.
C. Conduct a size-up of the scene and transmit the appropriate radio signals.
D. The officer and one firefighter enter the IDLH for standard search without line advancement while two firefighters compose the Safety Team.

  1. A, B, C, D

2.1.1 The Safety Team shall normally be made up of the Backup and Control
firefighters of the second arriving engine. However, there will be times when
entry into an IDLH atmosphere is necessary prior to the arrival of the first two
engine companies. The following guidelines shall be followed in these instances:
 One 4 Firefighter Engine on Scene:
Based on the officer’s size up the following options can be considered:
1) The officer and one firefighter enter the IDLH for search without line advancement while two firefighters compose the Safety Team.
2) Take a defensive position based on conditions encountered

Examples of Defensive Positions, including but not limited to:
 Checking the serviceability of a hydrant
 Hooking up to a hydrant
 Charging the pumps
 Stretching a hoseline to outside the IDLH atmosphere
 Providing medical treatment to victims
 Positioning and raising a Tower/ Aerial/ Portable Ladder
 Conducting a size-up of the scene
 Transmitting the appropriate radio signals

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2) If you were presented with the same scenario in question 1, however your Engine Company is understaffed with no other units on scene, which action from the list below would be incorrect for you to take?
(MMID chapter 1, section 2.1)
A. Check the serviceability of a hydrant.
B. Hook up to a hydrant and charge the pumps.
C. Conduct a size-up of the scene and transmit the appropriate radio signals.
D. The officer and one firefighter enter the IDLH for standard search without line advancement while two firefighters composes the Safety Team.
E. Stretch a hose-line to outside the IDLH atmosphere.

  1. D

When an “understaffed” Engine or Ladder Company (unit staffed with less than 4 firefighters) is the only unit on the scene, the company shall take a defensive position. However, if a known life hazard is discovered and immediate action could prevent the loss of life, appropriate action (rescue activity) may be taken by
an individual member. This applies only for a known life hazard, not for standard search and rescue activity.

Examples of Defensive Positions, including but not limited to:
 Checking the serviceability of a hydrant
 Hooking up to a hydrant
 Charging the pumps
 Stretching a hoseline to outside the IDLH atmosphere
 Providing medical treatment to victims
 Positioning and raising a Tower/ Aerial/ Portable Ladder
 Conducting a size-up of the scene
 Transmitting the appropriate radio signals

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4) You are the first due Ladder Company Officer on scene at the building fire in question 1, your unit responded with 5 firefighters. The first due Engine Company is also on scene with 4 firefighters. You order your LCC to perform safety team functions with the Control firefighter
from the first due Engine Company. You are notified by the OV that she was told by a former Chief of Department, who lives in the neighborhood and buffed the fire, that he saw a life hazard on the first floor in the rear on the exposure 4 side. Your OV is entering on her own to conduct rescue activity. Do you agree or disagree with her actions? (MMID chapter 1, section 1.4)
A. Agree
B. Disagree


1.4 If a known life hazard is discovered and immediate action could prevent the loss of life, appropriate action (rescue activity) may be taken by an individual member. This applies only for a known life hazard, not for standard search and rescue activity. A known life hazard is defined as follows:
A victim can be seen by the rescuer.
A victim can be heard by the rescuer.
A member has information from a credible source or a person at the scene indicating the location of the life hazard.
If such action is taken, the Incident Commander must be immediately notified and appropriate adjustments made.

Note: In all incidents of such individual action, the Incident Commander shall forward a report detailing the full particulars to the Chief of Operations. A thorough review of each of these incidents will be conducted.

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5) You are still the Ladder Company Officer in question 4; you would know that after the operation someone will have to forward a report to the Chief of Operations detailing the full particulars of the rescue activity conducted by the OV. This report is required whenever a
member takes individual action contrary to the FDNY’s 2 in and 2 out policies. The only units on scene were the first due Engine and Ladder Companies. A Lieutenant supervised the Engine Company with 2 months in the rank and a Lieutenant supervised the Ladder Company with 7
years in the rank, the Engine Company arrived on scene first. From the list below which member would be required to forward the report mentioned above to the Chief of Operations in this situation?
(MMID, chapter 1 section 1.4)
A. The first arriving Engine Officer.
B. The first arriving Ladder Officer, the senior Lieutenant is the Incident Commander in this situation.
C. The first arriving Battalion Chief, even though the Battalion was not on scene at the time of the rescue activity the BC is required to conduct an investigation and forward this report.
D. The Deputy Chief, even though the Division was not on scene at the time of the rescue activity the DC is required to conduct an investigation and forward this report.

  1. D

1.4 If a known life hazard is discovered and immediate action could prevent the loss of life, appropriate action (rescue activity) may be taken by an individual member. This applies only for a known life hazard, not for standard search and rescue activity. A known life hazard is defined as follows:
 A victim can be seen by the rescuer.
 A victim can be heard by the rescuer.
 A member has information from a credible source or a person at the scene indicating the location of the life hazard.
If such action is taken, the Incident Commander must be immediately notified and appropriate adjustments made.
Note: In all incidents of such individual action, the Incident Commander shall forward a report detailing the full particulars to the Chief of Operations. A thorough review of each of these incidents will be conducted.

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6) The fire in question 1 is spreading rapidly to the upper floors of the Brownstone; the first arriving Battalion Chief (BC) notifies his aide who is monitoring EFAS in their Battalion 75 vehicle to transmit a second alarm. You are the Officer of the FAST Unit that just arrived on scene. Please choose the incorrect item from below in regards to FAST Unit duties?
(MMID, chapter 2, section 3.1,4.3,4.4,7.4)

A. The FAST Unit shall report to and stage near the Incident Command Post (ICP), within verbal contact, at a position from which they can be readily deployed.
B. When communicating to other units, the FAST officer and member’s radio designation shall include the word FAST after the unit designation. Ex: “L-IOO-FAST to Command”.
C. Communication between FAST Unit members does not require the use of the word FAST after the unit designation. Ex: “Ladder 100 CAN to Ladder 100”.
D. The FAST Unit shall always remain intact and not split up.

  1. D

3.1 The FAST Unit shall report to and stage near the Incident Command Post (ICP), within verbal contact, at a position from which they can be readily deployed. An Electronic Fireground Accountability System (EFAS) trained member of the FAST Unit shall report to a Battalion vehicle on scene to monitor the EFAS and the FAST Radio.
However, the IC may assign the FAST Unit to stage at a location other than the ICP, based on the type of building units are operating, e.g. High Rise Office Building. Units shall operate in accordance with established guidelines on FAST Unit staging at different building types.

  1. 3 When communicating to other units, the FAST officer and member’s radio designation shall include the word FAST after the unit designation. Ex: “L-157-FAST to Command”
  2. 4 Communication between FAST Unit members does not require the use of the word FAST after the unit designation. Ex: “Ladder 157 CAN to Ladder 157”

Operational considerations for the FAST Unit:
 Search team – make entry to locate, package and remove the member if possible.
 Removal/Resource team – will stage at the entrance and be available to assist. This assistance could be to relieve, augment or supply additional equipment to the search team.
 Use of a two sided approach where the search team makes access via the interior and the removal team makes access via the exterior of the building.
 Attempting a rescue from the outside of the fire building.
 Use of a life saving rope rescue.

7.4 The FAST Unit shall remain intact and not split up when dealing with large commercial or complex buildings

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7) You are the 3rd due Engine Officer at the fire in question 1, you over hear the Deputy Chief (DC) ask his aide on the HT for an updated response ticket. You are studying for the upcoming Captain’s exam and would know that which member from the list below should have provided this to the DC, it should be noted that the entire first alarm assignment is on scene - 4 Engines, 3 Ladders (one which is FAST), Rescue, Squad, two Battalion Chiefs - BC 75 (First due BC) & BC 76 (BC 76 accompanied by aide has established the Fire Sector) and the Division (IC)?
(MMID, chapter 2, section 4.5)

A. EFAS member from the assigned FAST unit.
B. Officer fi-om the assigned Rescue Company.
C FAST Unit Officer.
D. BC 76

  1. C
  2. 5 The FAST officer should bring an up to date copy of the response ticket to the ICP which would include any CIDS information that is available.
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8) You are the Officer of the FAST Unit at the fire in question 1. You inform the IC your unit is on scene and you have all of the required equipment. After your conversation with the Deputy Chief you should have corrected which FAST Unit tool assignment/procedure from the list
below? (MMID, chapter 2, section 5.1 & 8)

A. A member was assigned the FAST Pak. This member is responsible to manage the air supply of the distressed member, if needed.
B. The EFAS trained member was assigned to monitor EFAS, the FAST Radio and the Pak-Tracker.
C. Two members carried the Stokes Basket with long backboard.
D. One member brought the Search Rope and 2:1 Rope.

  1. B

The FAST Unit is responsible to know what additional equipment they are required to bring to the ICP, in addition to their regularly assigned tools.
The following assignments must be given out at roll call:
 A member assigned the FAST Pak. Member is responsible to manage the air supply of the distressed member, if needed.
 An EFAS trained member assigned to monitor EFAS
and the FAST Radio.
If the member is EFAS trained, upon arrival, report to the Battalion vehicle being used to monitor EFAS. This FAST Unit member shall remain in the Battalion vehicle and monitor both EFAS and the Battalion’s FAST Radio for the duration of the incident, even if the FAST Unit is given an assignment.

If the member is not EFAS trained, upon arrival, report to a Battalion vehicle on scene to monitor the FAST Radio Board. The member assigned the FAST Radio shall remain in the Battalion vehicle and monitor the FAST Radio for the duration of the incident, even if the FAST Unit is given an assignment.

Note: Whether EFAS trained or not, the FAST Unit member assigned to monitor EFAS and/or the FAST Radio shall remain in the Battalion vehicle, even if the FAST Unit is given an assignment, until relieved.

In addition to normally assigned ladder company tools, the FAST Unit shall report to the ICP with the following equipment:
 FAST Pak
 Search Rope
 Stokes Basket with long backboard
 2:1 Rope
 Pak-Tracker
Note: A member other than the member monitoring EFAS will monitor the Pak-Tracker.
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9) You are still the Officer in question 8, from the list below choose the correct action taken by your trained EFAS/FAST Radio board Firefighter? (MMID, chapter 2 add # 1, sec 3 & Communications 9, add # 3, sec 2)

A. The EFAS trained member in your unit, immediately after arriving on scene, reported to the Battalion 76 vehicle and monitored the FAST Radio board and EFAS.
B. The member assigned to monitor the FAST Radio board and EFAS shall remain in the Battalion vehicle and monitor the FAST Radio board and EFAS for the duration of the incident, unless the FAST Unit is given an assignment.
C. When an emergency alert tone has been transmitted; the FAST Radio member shall record the Radio ID number immediately on to the FAST Radio Form.
D. The EFAS firefighter from your unit personally reported to you that he was just relieved by Division Back - Up Firefighter.
E. None of the above are correct actions, you should have corrected all of these actions.

  1. C
    2.1 It shall be the responsibility of the first arriving Battalion Firefighter, after performing their primary duties, to monitor EFAS until relieved by an EFAS trained member of the
    FAST Unit.
    2.2 Upon the arrival of the FAST Unit, the EFAS trained member designated at roll call to monitor EFAS shall report to the Battalion vehicle being used to monitor EFAS. This FAST Unit member will then monitor both EFAS and the Battalion’s FAST Unit HT.
    Note: Additional information regarding FAST Unit procedures is outlined in FFP Managing Members in Distress, Chapter 2.
    2.3 When the Division is on-scene, it shall be the responsibility of the Division Back-up Firefighter, if available, to report to the Battalion vehicle being used to monitor EFAS to either: Assist the EFAS trained member of the FAST unit or Relieve the Battalion firefighter if the Battalion firefighter has not been relieved by an EFAS trained member of the FAST Unit.
    When the Division responds to an incident from quarters, the Division Back-up Firefighter will respond with the Division. If the Division responds while out of quarters,
    the Division Back-up Firefighter shall proceed to the location of the fire if possible.
    Note: The member monitoring EFAS shall be identified by radio designation “EFAS” when
    communicating by HT, e.g., “EFAS to Command” “Command to EFAS”.

2.4 All regularly assigned Divisions, Battalions, Field Communications, and Marine
companies 1, 6 and 9 are equipped with EFAS. If the responding vehicle is not equipped
with EFAS, and its use is anticipated, the dispatcher shall be notified by Department
radio. The Dispatcher shall inform incoming units, and the FAST Unit if assigned.

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10) While you continue to stand fast as the FAST Unit Officer at the fire in question 1, you notice that the Division is setting up their command board and portable EFAS. You also hear and emergency alert button activation and glance at the portable EFAS screen. You notice a seven digit ID number starting with the number “3” highlighted in the radio status and mayday areas on
the screen. You would know that this seven-digit number is which member from the list below?
(Communications 9, add 4, section 4.3)
A. Member from EMS
B. Member from Rescue 3
C. The Battalion Chiefs aide
D. The Division Chiefs aide

  1. A

4.3 Any EAB activation from EMS personnel requires the IC to contact the Medical Branch for identification and/or communication. For some EMS personnel, their HT 7 digit
Internal Radio Code (with a leading digit “3”) displays on EFAS, rather than their unit, name, and assignment

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11) The Battalion Chief in Battalion 75 (at the fire in question 1) is providing the Deputy Chief (IC) with the actions taken and location of units. Suddenly, a “Mayday” is transmitted by the first due Outside Vent (OV) firefighter for:

“MAYDAY-MAYDAY-MAYDAY, Ladder 100 OV to Command, MAYDAY.”
“Command to Ladder 100 OV, go ahead with your MAYDAY.”
“Ladder 100 OV to Command, MAYDAY - COLLAPSE HAS OCCURRED” and then the OV provides the following information; “the original fire building has collapsed in the rear, injuries unknown and I believe two members might be trapped.”

As a sharp Fire Tech student at the scene you would know that the IC shall immediately assist specific units to assist at the location of the collapse, simultaneously ensure a roll call is conducted and account for all members. You would also know that Company Officers should follow which roll call procedure from the list below? (Communications Chapter 9, add # 2, sec 5)

A. Company Officers should account for any and all members under their immediate supervision.
B. Company Officers, via HT, will account for members under their functional supervision and advise the Roll Call Officer.
C. Company Officers should maintain radio discipline during the roll call, except if they have critical information regarding the on-going operation.
D. Squad Company firefighters will be accounted for as per Ladder Company positions.

  1. C
    5.1 Follow the directions included in the Mayday/Urgent transmission. Maintain radio
    discipline. Do not transmit the following, unless:
     Called by the RCO
     You have to transmit a Mayday/Urgent of your own
     You have critical information affecting the Mayday/Urgent
     You have critical information regarding the on-going operation
    5.2 All company officers, when answering the roll call, will state the number of firefighters riding on the apparatus responding to this incident and account only for members within sight or hearing without using the HT.
    Example: “Roll Call Officer to E-234, account for your members.”
    “E-234 to Roll Call Officer, E-234 has 5 firefighters, my Nozzle, Back-up and Door are
    accounted for.”
    5.3 When answering the roll call, the company officer must state specifically what members they have accounted for. The RCO will then contact the other members of the company,
    (e.g., those under functional supervision).
    5.4 In the event a ladder company, rescue or squad company has been reduced to four or less firefighters and an emergency roll call is being conducted, the officer will respond to the roll call as follows: (In the example, L-123 has been reduced to four firefighters due to an unexpected leave during the tour.)
    “Roll Call Officer to L-123, account for your members.”
    “L-123 to Roll Call Officer, L-123 has 4 firefighters, we are riding without an OV, my Can and Irons firefighters are accounted for.”
    5.4.1 In the example, the company officer has stated the number of members the company responded with and the riding position that has been eliminated.
    5.4.2 The Roll Call Officer now continues the emergency roll call and knows that only the LCC and Roof firefighter of L-123 have to be accounted for.
    5.5 Rescue company firefighters will be accounted for as per ladder company positions.
    5.6 Squad company firefighters will be accounted for as per engine company positions.
    5.7 Haz-Mat company 1 firefighters will be accounted for as per their Haz-Mat 1 assigned positions.
    5.8 Haz-Mat Technician Engine Companies will be accounted for as per engine company positions.
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12) It should be noted that the OV in question 11 pressed her emergency alert button prior to the “Mayday”, as the FAST Unit Officer you would know that pressing the Emergency Alert Button (EAB) on either the HT base or the remote mic causes the following to occur:
1. An “Emergency Alert Tone” is sounded on all HT’s within range (including the HT with EAB activation) on the same frequency.
2. The 7 digit Internal Radio Code, preceded by the letters “EM” is display^on the LCD screen of the FAST Radio and Model 111 HT’s.
3. Within range, the company, position, and name of the member who pressed the EAB displays in the Electronic Fire-ground Accountability System (EFAS).
4. HT transmission power on the tactical channel is increased from 2 watts to 5 watts, providing more power for the message to get through.

Please choose the correct items from the list above? (Communications 9, add #4, sec 2)

A) 1,2,3,4
B) 2,3,4 only
C) 3 & 4 only
D) 1,2,3 only

  1. B

2.2 Pressing the EAB on either the HT base or the remote mic causes the following to occur:
An “Emergency Alert Tone” is sounded on all HT’s within range (other than HT with EAB activation) on the same frequency.
A “Beacon Tone” is sounded on the HT with EAB activation.
Within range, the company, position, and name of the member who pressed the EAB displays in the Electronic Fireground Accountability System (EFAS).
HT transmission power on the tactical channel is increased from 2 watts to 5 watts, providing more power for the message to get through.
The 7 digit Internal Radio Code, preceded by the letters “EM” is displayed on the LCD screen of the FAST Radio and Model III HTs. This enables identification of the unit and the assigned position of the member pressing the EAB.
The MDTs of EFAS enabled units within range will automatically switch to EFAS mode and print a hard copy showing the company, position, and time when it receives an EAB activation.

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13) You are the same Officer in question 12, when you’re Forcible Entry firefighter states the following about Emergency Alert Button (EAB) activations:

Please choose the statement that you should have corrected? (Communications 9, add #4, sec 3)

A. To activate the EAB the member shall begin by depressing their EAB for approximately a 1/2 second.

B. The EAB can be deactivated and reset by depressing and holding the Emergency Alert Button for approximately 2 seconds until a reset tone is heard.

C. Beacon tones repeat at regular intervals every 4 seconds.

D. A second “Emergency Alert Tone” will always be transmitted 10 seconds after the initial, this happens automatically


13) D.

3.4 Information regarding the Beacon Tone:
It alerts the EAB activating member that their HT has transmitted an EAB signal.
It enables nearby members to home in on the Beacon Tone while trying to locate the member with the emergency.
It repeats at regular intervals (every 4 seconds). This brief tone may impact messages received by the member with the activated EAB.
If a member who activated their EAB switches HT channels, their “Beacon Tone” will continue to sound and the “EM” signal will be transmitted on the new channel until their EAB is reset.

3.5 Information regarding the Emergency Alert Tone:
It sounds upon EAB activation, serving to indicate to all members that an EAB activation has occurred.
This tone is sent at 5 watts to facilitate better building penetration, and is heard at maximum volume, regardless of the receiving radio’s volume setting.
Upon indication of an EAB activation, all non-essential radio traffic must cease,to clear the channel for the message to be heard.
A second “Emergency Alert Tone” will automatically be transmitted 10 seconds after the initial tone. However, this will not occur if the member who activated the EAB presses their HT push-to-talk button (PTT) in the interim. If necessary, additional alert tones can be generated (e.g. message not acknowledged), by momentarily pressing their EAB.

3.6 If a member depresses their EAB while another member’s PTT is depressed (i.e. transmitting a HT message), the Emergency Alert Tone will sound AFTER the HT PTT is released.

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14) The Officer of the first due Engine operating at the fire in question 1 is unable to locate his nozzle team due to the collapse. He transmits a “Mayday” for missing members. The IC acknowledges his “Mayday” and instructs his aide to transmit a 10-60 and 10-66. You are the Officer of the first Engine Company on the second alarm that was transmitted by the BC in question 6. The IC delegates to you the responsibility of conducting the roll call. You would know that the member conducting the emergency roll call must have an updated list of all units on scene. An updated unit printout can be accessed from any apparatus MDT on the scene, as follows:

A. Press the “Incident Summary” button - A blank form will appear requesting several pieces of information e.g., date, box. This information needs to be entered.
B. Press “Send” - This will automatically default the report to the box the unit is currently assigned to. The MDT will indicate a message is waiting.
C. Press “Next” to retrieve the rundown of units.
D. Press “Print” for the MDT to print the rundown.

Please choose the incorrect step from the list above? (Communications 9, add # 2, sec 4.1)

  1. A

4.1 The member conducting the emergency roll call must have an updated list of all companies on the scene. An updated printout can be accessed from any apparatus MDT on the scene, as follows:
Press the “Incident Summary” button - A blank form will appear requesting several pieces of information e.g., date, box. This information does not need to be entered. Press “Send” - This will automatically default the report to the box the unit is currently assigned to. The MDT will indicate a message is waiting.
Press “Next” to retrieve the rundown of units.
Press “Print” for the MDT to print the rundown.

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15) You are the Officer responding with the CFR-Engine on the 10-66, which was transmitted in question 14, you hear the dispatcher directing several units to the staging area. A staging area has been established because the fire in question 1 has now been elevated to a third alarm, this occurred once the 10-66 was transmitted. As a general procedure you would know that all units(other then Chiefs) responding on a 10-66 would be directed into the staging area, except which units from the list below? 
(MMID, chapter 5, sec 3.2)
1. Rescue Company
2. Squad Company
3. SOC Support Ladder Company
4. FAST Unit
5. CFR- Engine

A) 1,2,4 only
B) 1,2,4,5 only
C) 1,2,3,4,5
D) 1&2 only

  1. C
  2. 2 On transmission of the next higher alarm, which is part of signal 10-66, all units other than Rescue, Squad, SOC Support Ladder, FAST Unit, and CFR Engine, shall be directed by the dispatcher to report to and remain at a Staging Area until ordered to the scene (under the supervision of a Staging Area Manager). This Staging Area may be the same as a staging area established for any multiple alarm.
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16) You are the Officer of the 4”* due Engine on the second alarm that was transmitted in question 6, the IC orders you to assume the duties of the Street Coordination Manager in preparation of the 10-60 and 10-66 resources. Please choose the incorrect action from the list below that you took as the Street Coordination Manager?
(Collapse, sec 8.8 & MMID chapter 5, sec 6.1)
A. Established contact with PD and EMS Officers to ensure traffic flow.
B. Ensured access/egress of other essential vehicles.
C. Positioned needed apparatus for the most efficient use.
D. Coordinated apparatus staging areas.
E. Coordinated treatment areas with EMS.

  1. E

6.1 The IC must assign a chief/company officer as a Street Coordinator Manager when signal 10-66 is transmitted. The early assignment of a Street Coordinator Manager will prevent needless congestion and repositioning of apparatus as an incident escalates. This officer and assigned members shall be responsible for:
Establishing contact with PD and EMS Officers to ensure traffic flow, particularly ambulance egress to hospitals. Ensuring access/egress of other essential vehicles. Positioning needed apparatus for the most efficient use. Coordinating apparatus staging areas.
Coordinating EMS triage area with the Medical Branch Director

Collapse, sec 8.8
Street Coordination Manager
The early assignment of a Street Coordination Manager will prevent needless congestion and repositioning of apparatus as an incident escalates. A company officer will be assigned as the Street Coordination Manager, with the following responsibilities:
o Establish contact with PD and EMS Officers for traffic flow.
o Ensure access/egress of essential vehicles.
o Position apparatus for most efficient use.
o Coordinate apparatus staging areas.
o Coordinate CCP with an EMS Officer

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17) You are the Officer of the first due Ladder Company and you were conducting a primary search on the first floor prior to the collapse. You hear the “Maydays” given by your OV and the first due Engine Officer. You are able to account for your interior members and the Roll Call Officer accounts for your exterior members. The IC inquiries if you are able to locate the two missing or trapped Engine firefighters that were operating in your area. After conducting a quick search you locate both Engine firefighters. Please choose the incorrect action(s) taken by you and your members from the list below? (Possibly more then one incorrect)
(MMID, chapter 3, sec 7.2,7.8 & chapter 3 add # 2, sec 2.1)

A. Once the members were located, you immediately called for a FAST Pak, regardless of whether the members had air or not.
B. You delayed starting the removal procedures until the FAST Pak arrived at your location.
C. Both members were unconscious; you decided to drag the Nozzle firefighter horizontally with the drag rescue device.
D. The second unconscious firefighter was the Back-Up firefighter, due to his location you also decided to use the drag device and drag the member up the cellar stairs.

  1. B & D

7.2 Once the member is located, a FAST Pak must be called for immediately, regardless of whether the member has air or not. Every emergency situation is unique. The rescuer must be trained to assess each situation and decide which re-supply method via the FAST Pak is best. This decision can vary depending on several factors: Condition of the distressed member’s SCBA.
Position of the distressed member.
Accessibility for the various air supply methods.

  1. 8 Once the member is supplied with air and packaged, if required, remove them from the IDLH as soon as possible. If the FAST Pak is NOT at your location, START the removal procedure. Communicate with the member assigned the FAST Pak to determine a suitable location to meet.
  2. 1 The DRD can be deployed to assist in the horizontal removal of a non-ambulatory injured or unconscious member. The DRD is designed for horizontal drag only. No other application shall be attempted!
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18) The Roll Call Officer has finished the roll call and all members are accounted for. The first due Ladder Company with the assistance of the FAST Unit removed both Engine fire fighters from the first due Engine. The IC knows he needs to re-group and deal with the collapse of the original fire building in question 1. You are the Officer of the second due Engine Company and would know in order of highest to least priority, first alarm engine companies at a collapse operation are to follow which order below? (Collapse, sec 7.1)

  1. Extinguish active fire in the affected building and surrounding debris.
  2. Protect exposures.
  3. Extinguish burning vehicles within the vicinity of the collapse.
  4. At scenes where there is no active fire, stretch and charge precautionary 2-1/2” lines insufficient number and length to cover the entire operation.
  5. At a suspected terrorist event, 2-1/2” hose-lines should be located between two apparatus,or other substantial shielding.

A) 1,2,3,4,5
B) 2,1,3,4,5
C) 3,2,1,4,5

  1. A

7.1 Engine Company Responsibilities In order of highest to least priority, first alarm engine companies are to:
Extinguish active fire in the affected building and surrounding debris.
Protect exposures.
Extinguish burning vehicles within the vicinity of the collapse.
At scenes where there is no active fire, stretch and charge precautionary 2½” lines in sufficient number and length to cover the entire operation. In addition, a 3½” line shall be stretched and charged to supply the first arriving tower ladder.
At a suspected terrorist event, 2½” hoselines should be located between two apparatus, or other substantial shielding, to protect personnel from secondary blasts set to injure emergency responders.
Note: If flooding occurs, shutting off the water mains and obtaining dewatering pumps will aid victims trapped in the lower areas.

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19) You are the 3"* due Engine Officer at the fire in question 1, which is now a collapse operation, you would know that which Engine Company from the list below is required to ensure that a 3-1/2 inch line is stretched to supply the first Tower Ladder on scene?
(Collapse, sec 7.3)
A. First arriving Engine Company
B. Second arriving Engine Company
C. Third arriving Engine Company
D. Fourth arriving Engine Company
  1. B

7.3 Second Arriving Engine
Obtain briefing from the IC and/or the first arriving engine company officer.
Supervise apparatus placement.
Ensure a 3½” supply line is stretched to the first tower
Second Arriving Engine Company Members
Assist the first engine company with stretching initial
handlines and tower ladder supply.
Members of the second engine company will remain
together as a unit unless otherwise ordered by the
If necessary, members of the second arriving engine
company may perform CFR-D duties.

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20) You are the second due Engine Officer at the fire in question 1, which is now a collapse operation, you and the Officers at the scene should know that which Engine Companies from the list below could be used to assist in the removal of lightly buried victims?
(Collapse, sec 7.4)
1. First arriving Engine Company on the second alarm
2. Second arriving Engine Company on the first alarm
3. Third arriving Engine Company on the first alarm
4. Fourth arriving Engine Company on the first alarm

A) 1,2,3,4
B) 1 only
C) 2,3,4
D) 1,3,4

  1. D

7.4 Third and Subsequent Arriving Engines
Under the direction of the IC, the third and any subsequent arriving engines will be utilized to perform the following:
Fire Control.
Stretching additional lines.
Augmenting the water supply to first alarm units. Perform CFR-D duties.
Assisting in the removal of lightly buried victims.

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21) You are the first arriving Ladder Company Officer at the fire in question 1, which is now a collapse operation, you have been ordered by the IC to conduct reconnaissance. You would know as a sharp Fire Tech student that you could take all of the actions below except which one?(Collapse, sec 7.5)
A. You split the Company into separate teams to cover more area.
B. Your Company removed lightly buried victims and delivered them to a casualty collection
C. Two of your members removed a small load-bearing member in order to search for civilians.
D. You questioned the survivor that was rescued by your OV in question 4, regarding the number, identity and location of other occupants prior to and after the collapse.

  1. C

First Arriving Ladder Company
Obtain a briefing from the IC.
Supervise apparatus placement.
Note: Officers have the option of splitting the Company into separate teams to cover more area.
First Arriving Ladder Company Members: Reconnaissance
Perform Scene Survey
Perform Hazard Assessment and Control
o Protect members from secondary collapse; mark
with hazard tape, tie back or crib.
o Keep nonessential members from entering the
collapse zone.
Remove Surface Victims
o Remove lightly buried victims and deliver to a
Casualty Collection Point (CCP).
o If possible, question survivors regarding the
number, identity and location of other occupants
prior to and after the collapse.
Perform Preliminary Void Search
As soon as conditions permit, begin searching areas
where voids exist for possible survivors.
o Visually search accessible voids - DO NOT cut, lift
or remove load bearing members. Call and listen.
o As survivors are located and removed, members
should note their description and location for use
in victim tracking.
Victims should be directed/brought to a CCP.

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22) The Battalion Chief (BC) in Battalion 76 was originally the Fire Sector Supervisor at the fire in question 1; in light of the collapse the Incident Commander (IC) has now designated BC 76 as the Fire Control Group Supervisor. This group consists of the first 3 Engine Companies and the first two Ladder Companies assigned on the first alarm. The IC also establishes a Search and Rescue Group with Rescue, Squad, 2 Ladder Companies assigned on the second alarm and the Rescue Battalion as the Group Supervisor. The 2nd arriving Ladder Company Officer, on the first alarm in the Fire Control Group, inquires about who is responsible to control the gas,electric and water services. BC 76 should have told the Ladder Officer the is responsible to immediately begin the process of controlling the gas, electric and water services at the scene of a collapse. Please choose the answer that correctly fills in the blank?(Collapse, sec 7.6)


7.6 Second Arriving Ladder Company The second ladder company to arrive shall immediately begin the process of controlling the gas, electric and water services.
Obtain a briefing from the IC.
Supervise apparatus placement.
Ensure the dispatcher notified the utility company
emergency crews (gas, electric, water, steam).
Second Arriving Ladder Company Members: Utilities
o Assist with life safety if necessary. Augment search
and rescue efforts.
o The major priority is controlling the gas, electric and
water services.
o Shut down accessible services.
1. Gas: Main building shut-off or curb valve.
2. Electric: Main disconnect.
3. Water: Main building shut-off or curb valve.

*BC-you can have Haz Mat assist


23) As the collapse operation progresses the Incident Commander (IC) ensures that safety Officers, lookouts and members monitoring transit surveyors are all carrying handheld air-horns.As the SOC Support Ladder Company Officer operating at the scene of the collapse of the original fire building in question 1 you would know that if you heard 1 long blast for 3 seconds from an air horn (apparatus or hand-held) all members should . Please correctly fill in the blank from the answers below?
(Collapse, sec 9.2)

A Cease Operations/All Quiet
B. Evacuate the area
C. Resume Operations
D. None of the above

  1. A

o All members must be aware of the evacuation
signaling method that will be in use.
o The following is the standard emergency signaling
system used by all FEMA USAR Task Forces, and
adopted by this Department. It may be sounded on
a handheld aerosol can air horn, or on apparatus air
horns. Each Safety Officer and member monitoring a
transit, as well as members positioned as lookouts
for hazard monitoring, will be issued an air horn.

       1 Long Blast (3 seconds)  Cease Operations/All 

       3 short blasts (1 second each)  Evacuate the area 

        1 long and 1 short blast  Resume Operations 

 o Those operating power tools may not hear the 
     announcement over the HT. Apparatus air horns 
     may be beneficial after the initial HT announcement, 
     followed by another HT announcement after the air 
     horns have ceased.
24) You are still the Officer in question 23, if you heard 3 short blasts for 1 second each from an air horn (apparatus or hand-held) all members should . Please correctly fill in the blank from the answers below?
(Collapse, sec 9.2)
A. Cease Operations/All Quiet
B. Evacuate the area
C. Resume Operations
D. None of the above
  1. B

o All members must be aware of the evacuation
signaling method that will be in use.
o The following is the standard emergency signaling
system used by all FEMA USAR Task Forces, and
adopted by this Department. It may be sounded on
a handheld aerosol can air horn, or on apparatus air
horns. Each Safety Officer and member monitoring a
transit, as well as members positioned as lookouts
for hazard monitoring, will be issued an air horn.

       1 Long Blast (3 seconds)  Cease Operations/All 

       3 short blasts (1 second each)  Evacuate the area 

        1 long and 1 short blast  Resume Operations 

 o Those operating power tools may not hear the 
     announcement over the HT. Apparatus air horns 
     may be beneficial after the initial HT announcement, 
     followed by another HT announcement after the air 
     horns have ceased.
25) You are still the Officer in question 23, if you heard 1 long blast and 1 short blast from an air horn (apparatus or hand-held) all members should . Please correctly fill in the blank from the answers below? 
(Collapse, sec 9.2)
A. Cease Operations/All Quiet
B. Evacuate the area
C. Resume Operations
D. None of the above
  1. C

o All members must be aware of the evacuation
signaling method that will be in use.
o The following is the standard emergency signaling
system used by all FEMA USAR Task Forces, and
adopted by this Department. It may be sounded on
a handheld aerosol can air horn, or on apparatus air
horns. Each Safety Officer and member monitoring a
transit, as well as members positioned as lookouts
for hazard monitoring, will be issued an air horn.

       1 Long Blast (3 seconds)  Cease Operations/All 

       3 short blasts (1 second each)  Evacuate the area 

        1 long and 1 short blast  Resume Operations 

 o Those operating power tools may not hear the 
     announcement over the HT. Apparatus air horns 
     may be beneficial after the initial HT announcement, 
     followed by another HT announcement after the air 
     horns have ceased.

26) Wow, the fire in question 1 was finally extinguished and the collapse operation was brought under control. It is two weeks later and the Deputy Chief who initially served as the Incident Commander (IC) decides to have an after action review. You are one of the Officers attending the after action review when the five stages of the collapse rescue plan are discussed. You would know that according to the FDNY’s collapse procedures which three stages could be conducted simultaneously if conditions permit and sufficient personnel are present?
(Collapse, sec 11.3)
1. Reconnaissance
2. Accounting for and removal of the surface victims
3. Search of the voids
4. Selected debris removal and tunneling
5. General debris removal

A) 1,2,3
B) 2&3 only
C) 4&5
D) 3&4

  1. A
  2. 3 Accounting for and Removal of the Surface Victims Victims may be found in various degrees of entanglement. After completing the reconnaissance phase, or simultaneously, if conditions and personnel permit, start the removal of victims who are lightly pinned. In some cases, they won’t require much assistance. They will most likely be in shock and should be examined and questioned before leaving the scene. Immediately designate an officer to keep track of all persons who are removed from the debris. This officer should obtain the person’s name and where he or she was located when the collapse occurred. If time permits, ask the victim to point out his escape route. If other persons who were located near it are missing, such information may give you the most direct route to them. The member designated to obtain victim information is the Victim Accounting Manager. He or she should make note of any injuries and, if transportation was involved, to what hospital and by whom.

Having an accurate list of who was in the building and accounting for each can tell you who is missing. Do not jeopardize members by having them look for a nonexistent victim. Account for all known occupants, and call off any dangerous operations once everyone has been accounted for. Use Fire Marshals for interviewing victims and canvassing hospitals. Examine surrounding buildings for the presence of surveillance or security cameras that may have captured the collapse on tape. Send Fire Marshals or a Battalion to each of these camera recording locations to view the incident tape to help determine if a passerby was caught in the collapse on the sidewalk or in the street in front of the collapse site.


27) The Rescue Battalion at the after action review in question 26 states the following; “In building collapses, void spaces are often created that could shelter victims. There are four common types of voids: lean-to, V-shaped, pancake, and the individual void.” The Rescue Battalion also said, “In locating victims is often simpler than in other types of collapses.” Please correctly fill in the blank for the Rescue Battalion from the answers below?
(Collapse, sec 11.4 & Collapse add # 3)
A. Lean-to collapses
B. V-shaped collapses
C. Pancake collapses
D. Tent Floor Collapses

  1. C
    In pancake collapses, the floors of the structure fall in layers, resembling a stack of pancakes. Although this may appear to present an unstable situation, this is not the case. Numerous rescues have been made from pancake collapses. Survival depends on the presence of strong objects nearby to keep the weight of the entire load from landing on the victim. Items such as a series of refrigerators, washing machines, and display cases can hold up the floor above, which often remains intact. Locating the victims of pancake collapses is often simpler than in other types of collapses, since the floors usually maintain their physical aspect and the victims aren’t as likely to be thrown as they would if the floor were to incline. It may be possible to crawl in or out of the space between floors. Shoring should be installed as members enter a void and progress inward.
28) The Rescue Battalion in question 27 continues to speak and states the following; "Inward /Outward Collapse occurs when an exterior wall breaks apart horizontally; the top collapses inward back on top of the structure and the bottom collapses outward on to the street. Wood constructed buildings collapse this way. Timber truss roof collapse can cause a secondary collapse of a front wall in this manner" Please fill in the blank that correctly finishes the Rescue Battalion's sentence? (Collapse, add # 3)
A. Balloon frame
B. Braced frame
C. Platform frame 
D. All of the above
  1. B

Inward/Outward Collapse The collapse of an exterior wall that breaks apart horizontally; the top collapses inward back on top of the structure and the bottom collapses outward on to the street. Wood braced-frame constructed buildings collapse this way. Timber truss roof collapse can cause a secondary collapse of a front wall in this manner


29) The after action review continues and the Deputy Chief states the following about shoring; “As a guideline, the FDNY will only install shoring in the following instances:”
A. Whenever human life is in danger, to provide a safe area around victims/rescuers and when shoring will permit a building to remain safe to occupy.
B. Buildings in which there is no civilian life hazard will only be shored if the shoring can be safely installed at minimal risk to members, and where there is a substantial property risk that can be safeguarded by the shoring. . , . ,
C. A vacant or unoccupied building will not be shored when there is a substantial risk to members installing the shoring, or the use of shoring is unlikely to substantially improve the overall outcome.
D. If the building is going to be demolished it will not be shored by the FDNY, no exceptions.

As one of the Officers at the after action review you knew which statement by the Deputy Chief was not correct? (Collapse, sec 11.5)

  1. D

Shoring Guidelines: At times, the FDNY is asked by the Department of Buildings, or Housing Preservation and Development to install shoring in structures that have suffered structural damage. As a guideline, the FDNY will only install shoring in the following instances:
Whenever human life is in danger, to provide a safe
area around victims/rescuers.
When shoring will permit a building to remain safe to
Buildings in which there is no civilian life hazard will
only be shored if the shoring can be safely installed
at minimal risk to members, and where there is a
substantial property risk that can be safeguarded by
the shoring.
A vacant or unoccupied building will not be shored
when there is a substantial risk to members installing
the shoring, or the use of shoring is unlikely to
substantially improve the overall outcome.
If the building is going to be demolished, even after
shoring, it will not be shored, except to facilitate
rescue operations or the safe evacuation of
Once installed, shoring will only be removed when
the load is otherwise stabilized, or the situation
permits the shores to be removed from a safe area.


30) The after action review is almost over, the Deputy Chief would like to discuss one final topic, search assessment markings. The following statements below are made by several officers at the after action review about these search markings. Please choose the correct statement from below that you heard while attending the after action review?
(Collapse, add # 2, sec 2, 3 & 4)
A. These markings should be 4’ x 4’ when completed, they should form the letter “X” with designated markings in each quadrant.
B. A single slash and time/date are marked upon entry to a structure or area. This indicates search operations are in progress within this area.
C. Debris piles are difficult to mark, however they shall be marked similarly using commonsense, anticipating that markings may be removed as debris is removed from a pile.
D. If an area is searched and no victims are found, marking the area with an “X” is not required.

  1. D
  3. 1 Consists of a 2’ x 2’ marking that when completed, will form the letter “X” with designated markings in each quadrant.
  4. 2 It is made using the same lime-yellow colored reflective spray paint currently used to mark vacant buildings.
  5. 3 Two cans of lime-yellow colored reflective spray paint are to be carried on all apparatus.
  7. 1 The “X” is constructed in two operations. One slash is drawn upon entry into the structure, or a room or hallway inside the structure. The markings are made at the point the unit/team makes entry. Make only one slash; so others realize you are still inside if they need to look for you. A second slash is drawn when the unit exits that area.
  8. 2 Debris piles are difficult to mark, however they shall be marked similarly using common sense, anticipating that markings may be removed as debris is removed from a pile.

31) The conversation in question 30 continues about search markings. You are an officer attending the after action review and state the following; “Distinct markings will be made inside the four quadrants of the “X” to clearly denote the search status and findings at the time of the
assessment.” You also make the four statements below, however the other Officers should know that one of your statements is incorrect, please choose the incorrect statement that you made?
(Collapse, add #2, sec 4)
A. Left Quadrant of the “X” is marked with the FDNY Company or Team designation given at
the Command Post.
B. Top Quadrant of the “X” is marked with the time and date that the company/team personnel left the structure/area.
C. Right Quadrant of the “X” is marked with personal hazards to units/teams, (e.g., utilities, open shafts, dangerous areas, rats).
D. Bottom Quadrant of the “X” marked with the number of live and/or expired victims still inside the structure/area, “0” = the area was not searched.

  1. D

32) The Deputy is about to conclude the after action review, traffic is building, however the Officer of one of the 5th alarm Engine Companies states the following; “My unit was sent into exposure 4, this building was a comer building undergoing new construction that was 10 stories tall. We were ordered to assist with the search in this building, I noticed that four stair cases served the floors inside the building; three appeared to be temporary and terminated at the top floor or working deck. The other staircase was a permanent stair, which terminated at the 6”‘floor. I was unable to locate the standpipe outlet in case a line was needed, however I did notice shoring every 8’ on center on the lower floors and shoring 4’ on center on floor number 9 supporting the working deck, which was floor number 10.1 could tell the shoring was being used to support recently poured concrete floors. Does anyone know in this type of building what floor the standpipe is required to reach?” As a sharp Fire Tech student attending the after action review you would know that the correct answer in this situation would be? (BISP Manual CDA guide, pages 15 & 20)

A. Floor number 7
B. Floor number 9
C. Floor number 6
D. Floor number 8

  1. C

Standpipe systems during construction, alteration or demolition.
During construction, alteration or demolition operations, standpipe systems shall comply with the following:•When during the course of the construction of a new building the working deck reaches a height of 75 feet or greater above the ground in a building for which a standpipe system will be required, a permanent or temporary standpipe system shall be kept in a state of readiness at all times for use by fire-fighting personnel. The standpipe system shall serve all floors where the permanent stairs are required. No standpipe shall be considered to be in a state of readiness unless it is painted red. When freezing conditions may be encountered, the system in whole, or the part of the system subject to freezing conditions, shall be maintained as a dry system.


33) In light of the point raised by the Officer in question 32, another officer states “that his unit was sent to the roof of exposure two in order to provide the IC at the collapse operation information from that perspective. While on the roof one of my members noticed roof piping painted yellow with black stripes, this member asked me what this piping was used for?” As as harp Fire Tech student attending the after action review you would know that the correct answer in this situation would be? (BISP Manual FIRE Code guide, page 27)

A. High voltage wiring
B. Low voltage wiring
C Natural gas piping
D. Fuel oil piping

  1. D
  2. High voltage wiring –Red.
  3. Low voltage wiring –Orange.
  4. Natural gas piping –Yellow.
  5. Other compressed gas piping –Yellow, labeled at
    regular intervals with the type of gas.
  6. Fuel oil piping –Yellow with black stripes.

34) The Deputy is trying hard to wrap up this after action review, however the FAST Unit Officer who operated at the collapse would like to discuss the use of the Pak-Tracker. This Officer makes four statements about the Pak-Tracker from the list below, which one is the only correct statement made by this officer? (T.B. SCBA, add # 8, sec 2.1, 5.3, 5.4, 7.8, 7.9)

A. The maximum range from an SCBA’s transmitter to a Pak-Tracker handheld receiver is approximately 450 feet line of sight.
B. While the Pak-Tracker can receive and store up to 48 SCBA identities, the LCD display screen is only large enough to display one line of information.
C. It is important to understand that a Pak-Tracker receiver can only lock onto two SCBAs at a time
D. Use the Pak-Tracker in a sweeping motion, very in a horizontal direction first. Always pause 3 to 4 seconds for a reading when using the Pak-Tracker.

  1. 1 The maximum range from an SCBA’s transmitter to a Pak-Tracker handheld receiver is approximately 900 feet line of sight. The range is dependent on the environmental conditions and anything that might cause interference or reflection of the personal transmitter signal.

5.3 While the Pak-Tracker can receive and store up to 36 SCBA identities, the LCD display screen is only large enough to display two lines of information. The limitations of the screen will have the following effects:
When two PASS Alarms are activated at the same time, both SCBA identities are displayed on the LCD screen. When more than two PASS alarms are activated, downward pointing arrows are displayed on the LCD. The left “Scroll” button can then be used to view and cycle through all SCBA identities that have been transmitted. In order to use the scroll feature, press and hold the “Scroll” button for three seconds. After three seconds, the identities will begin to scroll on the LCD display. When the desired identity appears in the top row of the LCD display, release the “Scroll” button.

  1. 4 After an identity appears on the LCD display, a Pak-Tracker receiver can then be locked onto the PASS signal of an individual SCBA and used as a tracking device to find a member in distress. It is important to understand that a Pak-Tracker receiver can only lock onto one SCBA at a time. Once a Pak-Tracker has locked onto the signal of one specific PASS alarm, it no longer has the ability to receive any additional PASS alarm signals. A Pak-Tracker is also capable of being unlocked (i.e., returned to “monitoring” mode), in order to monitor for additional transmitting signals, by pressing and holding the “Scroll” button for three seconds.
  2. 8 Use the Pak-Tracker in a sweeping motion, very slowly in a horizontal direction first. Sweep vertically if the signal may be coming from a higher or lower floor in the building.
  3. 9 Always pause 3 to 4 seconds for a reading. It is best to pause at distinct directional points, (i.e. to the left, in front, to the right). Sweeping too quickly may average a high reading with a low reading resulting in misleading information. Always move toward the highest relative signal strength displayed. In general, the closer you get to the SCBA, the higher the relative signal strength. Multiple signal paths are possible. The relative signal strength must be interpreted with all other available information.

35) The Deputy is only going to entertain one more point because traffic is really building and the Rangers are on tonight, he is a big Ranger fan. The FAST Unit Officer in question 34 states the following; “If it is not possible to remove a member or civilian from a contaminated atmosphere, then one of the following options listed below can be used to provide an air supply while freeing the trapped individual.” Please choose the most correct option(s) from the list below that the FAST Unit Officer stated? (AUC 220, sec 2.8)

A. For trapped members, always utilize the nearest available FAST unit FAST Pak, if more than one FAST Unit is on scene.
B. For civilians, utilize any available FAST Pak.
C. Utilize a spare SCBA to provide air to a trapped member or civilian.
D. All are correct.


2.8 If it is not possible to remove the member or civilian from the contaminated atmosphere, then one of the following options can be used to provide an air supply while freeing the trapped individual.
A. For trapped members, utilize the nearest available FAST Pak.
B. For civilians, utilize a FAST Pak other than the one assigned to the FAST Unit.
C. Utilize a spare SCBA to provide air strictly to the trapped member or civilian.


36) When a fire progresses past the incipient stage, the fire area must be considered an IDLH atmosphere. IDLH atmospheres require our members to follow 2 in and 2 out procedures. From the list below please choose an incorrect 2 in and 2 out procedure? (MMID, chapter I,sec 1.2)

A. Every member entering the IDLH atmosphere must be equipped with personal protective^equipment and a self-contained breathing apparatus.
B. No member shall enter, leave or operate in an IDLH atmosphere unless the member teams-up with at least one other member and remains within visual and voice contact with that member.
C. At least two members must team up prior to entering an IDLH (Two-ln) and there must beat least two other members outside the IDLH (Two-Out), who are designated as a Safety Team.
D. Handie-talkies or other electronic communication devices are not acceptable to replace visual or voice contact between team members inside the IDLH.

  1. B
  2. 2 When a fire progresses past the incipient stage, the fire area must be considered an IDLH atmosphere. Every member entering the IDLH atmosphere must be equipped with personal protective equipment and a self-contained breathing apparatus. No member shall enter, leave or operate in an IDLH atmosphere unless the member teams-up with at least one other member and remains within visual OR voice contact with that member. Each member of the search team shall know the company identity and assigned position of the other members of the search team. Handie-talkies or other electronic communication devices are not acceptable to replace visual or voice contact. At least one of the members of the team within the IDLH must have a handie-talkie and must be able to contact a handie-talkie-equipped member of the Safety Team outside of the IDLH atmosphere.

37) The purpose of the Firefighter Assist and Search Team (FAST) is to be immediately available to assist a member who becomes trapped, distressed or involved in other serious life threatening situations. The FAST Unit must be ready to act immediately and decisively when called upon. Please choose an incorrect item about the FAST Unit from the list below? (MMID, chapter 2, sec 2.1, 2.2, 7.2,)

A. The dispatcher shall allocate a ladder company, which shall be designated as the FAST Unit upon transmission of signals 10-60, 10-66, 10-75, 10-76, and 10-77.
B. In some situations, a ladder company staffed with four firefighters may be assigned as a FAST unit.
C. When the FAST Unit operation requires the use of a ladder, always reposition ladders already in place against a fire building, this will expedite the FAST operation.
D. When the FAST Unit arrives at the location of the distressed member; the FAST Unit should assess fire, air, immediate medical care and removal (FAIR).

  1. C

2.1 The dispatcher shall: Allocate a ladder company, which shall be designated as the FAST Unit upon transmission of signals 10-60, 10-66, 10-75, 10-76, and 10-77.
Notify the assigned unit that it is designated as the FAST Unit.
Notify the IC of the identity of the responding FAST Unit.
2.2 In some situations, a ladder company staffed with four firefighters may be assigned as a FAST unit. When reporting to the ICP, the ladder company officer must inform the IC that they are not fully staffed. The IC should take the staffing level of the FAST unit into consideration upon deployment, and ensure adequate resources are assigned to assist if necessary.
7.1 The FAST Unit may be involved in any of the following:
Searching for a member.
Removing a member.
Assisting in the removal of a member.


38) There are a number of ways an unconscious member can be identified on the fire-ground. Once the member is located and the proper radio transmission has been made, the member needs to be properly identified to ensure it is the member originally reported in distress. Please choose the incorrect identification method from the list below? (MMID, chapter 3, sec 10.1.2)

A. If possible, depress the EAB of the member in distress.
B. If unable to activate the distressed member’s EAB, key the mic on the distressed member’s handie-talkie to obtain their identity on EFAS.
C. Positioning them on their left side identity will provide access to the following; PRA identification number, which will provide the unit and position as long as the SCBA is not a spare.
D. The unconscious member’s tools may indicate member’s assigned position.

  1. C
  2. 1.2 Unconscious Member
    a. If possible, depress the EAB of the member in distress. The activation of the distressed member’s EAB will identify them on the Electronic Fireground Accountability Sytem (EFAS). Notify the IC via handie-talkie prior to EAB activation of the distressed member. If unable to activate the distressed member’s EAB, key the mic on the distressed member’s handie-talkie to obtain their identity on EFASb. Positioning them on their RIGHT side (Photo 1) will provide access to the following:
    Member’s name on back of the bunker coat.
    PRA identification number which will provide the unit and position. This method will work as long as the SCBA is not a spare.
    Helmet front piece of the distressed member which may not be the unit the member is working in.
    The engraved identification number on the side of the handie-talkie.c. The unconscious member’s tools may indicate member’s assigned position.

39) Nylon Tubular webbing has a breaking strength of
_________ pounds?(MMID chapter 3, add 3, sec I)
A. 4000
B. 6000
C. 8000
D. 10000

  1. A

1” nylon tubular webbing in 20’ lengths
Breaking Strength 4000 lbs
Knotted breaking strength 3000 lbs


40) First-alarm engine companies at a collapse operation must position themselves to protect the occupants and rescuers against the threat of fire. Please choose a correct procedure for these Engine Companies from the list below? (Collapse, sec 5.3 & 7.2)
A. If possible, both first and second arriving engines should take separate hydrants inside the block.
B. The third and fourth arriving engines should be used to seal off the ends of the street.
C. Remaining engine companies should be positioned as close to the scene as possible.
D. At times it may be necessary for the first arriving Engine to take a position within the block for use of the apparatus master stream for fire control or exposure protection.

  1. D
  2. 3 First-alarm engine companies must position themselves to protect the occupants and rescuers against the threat of fire.

If possible, both first and second arriving engines should take separate hydrants OUTSIDE the block, each on separate mains, and prepare to supply hand lines and a large caliber tower ladder stream. The third and fourth engines should take similar positions at the rear of the structure.

Two of the SECOND ALARM ENGINE COMPANIES should be used to seal off the ends of the street. The chauffeurs of these units must remain in the cab, able to move the apparatus if directed by the IC. Remaining engine companies should be positioned well away from the scene, for they will probably be responding for personnel needs only.

7.2 First Arriving Engine Company: Water Supply
Supervise water supply activities / apparatus placement
Note: At times it may be necessary for the first arriving Engine to take a position within the block for use of the apparatus master stream for fire control or exposure protection. The Officer must ensure a continuous source of water supply for such purposes. Coordinate operations with first arriving ladder company officer.
Stretch a 2½” handline of sufficient length to cover the entire site.
Consider stretching 3½” line to supply a tower ladder.
First Arriving Engine Company Members
Position and operate handlines as ordered.
Members will remain together as a unit unless otherwise ordered by the IC.


41) Initially, the first arriving should be the only unit in front of the collapse building unless there is a specific need for additional units. Please correctly fill in the blank? (Collapse, sec 5.4)
A. Aerial Ladder
B. Tower Ladder
C. Engine Company
D. Rescue Company with Collapse Unit

  1. B

5.4 Ladder Companies have many roles at collapse incidents.
Tower ladders should be placed in front of the collapsed structure, outside of the collapse danger zone. Initially, the first arriving tower ladder should be the only unit in front of the collapse building, unless there is a specific need for additional units. Subsequent arriving tower ladders should be positioned to reach and protect a different exposure. Additional units should be directed to a designated staging area, unless required elsewhere.
Tower ladders are limited in size to 95 feet. At incidents involving tall/long buildings, consider placing several units around the collapse, or using aerial ladders (100’ reach) if needed.
Aerial ladders should be kept away from the front of the building in a secondary staging area unless needed for specific rescue purposes.
SOC Support Ladder Companies shall position the same as other ladder apparatus, with their second pieces located near the main apparatus.
Personnel can carry equipment, tools, etc., to scene.


42) Members assigned to tasks which are not under the “Immediate Supervision” of their Company Officer must contact such Officer before entering a dangerous area and advise such Officer of their status at frequent intervals, especially when attempting tasks not normally associated with their assignment. If contact cannot be made with their Company Officer, they shall attempt to contact certain members based on a priority, please choose the correct priority from the list below? ^ ^ ^(Communications 9, sec 9.2.2)
A First - Company Chauffeur, Second - Incident Commander, Third - Any other HT equipped member.
B. First - Incident Commander, Second - Company Chauffeur, Third - Any other HT equipped member.
C. First - Any HT equipped members. Second - Incident Commander, Third - Company Chauffeur.
D. None of the Above

  1. A

9.2.2 Members are under the “Functional Supervision” of an Officer when they are HT equipped or working with a HT equipped member and are in compliance with the following:
A. Members assigned to tasks which are not under the “Immediate Supervision” of their Company Officer must contact such Officer before entering a dangerous area and advise such Officer of their status at frequent intervals, especially when attempting tasks not normally associated with their assignment.


43) The Officer who arrives first at the fire area must transmit the following information to the Incident Commander:
1. Location of the fire. If a multiple dwelling, report the wing, floor, apartment number, and number of apartments on fire floor.
2. Fire conditions and access to fire area.
3. Whether fire is extending and how it is extending and the need for additional lines.
4. Difficulties or delays in gaining entrance to fire area or advancing line, give reasons.
5. If any occupants have been located or are reported missing.
Please choose the most correct answer? (Communications 9, sec 9.3.1)
A. 1,2,3 only
B. 2,3,4 only
C. 1,2,3,4,5
D. 1,2,3,5 only


9.3.1 The Officer who arrives first at the fire area must transmit the following information to the IC:
A. Location of the fire. (If a multiple dwelling, report the wing, floor, apartment number, and number of apartments on fire floor.)
B. Fire conditions.
C. Access to fire area.
D.Whether fire is extending and how it is extending and the need for additional lines.
E. Difficulties or delays in gaining entrance to fire area or in advancing line. Give reasons. F. If any occupants have been located or are reported missing.


44) The term “MAYDAY” may only be used on the fire-ground in which situations listed below:
1. Collapse Feared
2. Collapse Occurred
3. Unconscious or Life Threatening Injury
4. Missing Member
5. Lost or Trapped Member
Please choose the correct “Maydays” from the list above?
(Communications 9, sec 9.4.1)
A. 1,2,3,4,5
B. 3,4, 5 only
C. 1,2,4,5 only
D. 2,3,4,5

  1. D

A. Collapse Imminent

45)  You  are  operating  at  a  7-aIarm  fire  in  Queens.  A  fire  started  in  a  mercantile  occupancy  and spread  throughout  several  buildings  that  are  mixed occupancies.  During  the  fire  operation  you hear  a  radio  transmission  from  one  of  the  Outside  Vent  (OV)  Firefighters  "that  the  fire  is  now  so severe  in  the  rear  it  is  impinging  on  a  large  propane  storage  area  directly  to  the  rear  of  the original  fire  building."  You  would  know  that  the  OV  should  have  given  a transmission  for  this  condition?  (Communications  9,  sec  9.4.2  g)
A.  "Mayday"
B.  "Normal"
C.  "Urgent"
D.  "Mayday"  or  "Urgent"
  1. C

G. Anytime a Change in Conditions will Severely Impact an Operation or the Safety of Members
1. A member aware of a change in conditions that will severely impact an operation or the safety of members shall immediately press their Emergency Alert Button, and then contact the IC in the following format:”URGENT-URGENT-URGENT, Ladder 132 to Command,URGENT.”
2. The IC shall respond in the following format: “Command to Ladder 132, go ahead with your URGENT.”
3. The member transmitting the URGENT shall provide the following information:
Nature of the problem
Members/Units affected
4. The IC shall determine the actions required.


46) You are an Officer working a 9x6 tour when you decide to conduct an emergency alert button (EAB) drill. You state the following items listed below, your members should have corrected which statement(s) that you made? (Communications 9, add 4, sec 5.2)
A. Use any of the handie-talkie channels 2 through 8 for the EAB drill.
B. Monitor the channel selected for the EAB drill for 2-3 minutes prior to activating the EAB to ensure the selected channel is not already in use.
C. Ensure all handie-talkies (HT) are switched back to HT channel 1 upon completion of the drill.
D. Your members should have corrected statements A and B.

  1. A

5.2 The following applies when activating the EAB for drill purposes:
Use any of the handie-talkie channels 4 through 8. Monitor the channel for 2-3 minutes prior to activating the EAB to ensure the selected channel is not already in use.
Note: Channels 4-8 can be in use at any time for numerous purposes. Examples of such use include tactical training, full scale exercises, secondary command channel activation, etc.
Ensure all HTs are switched back to HT 1 upon completion of the drill.


Question 47 and 48 are part of the same scenario for Chief Candidates Only;

47) You are a Battalion Chief serving as the Incident Commander at a “10-75 All Hands doubtful” when the first due Ladder Company Officer transmits a “Mayday” for a trapped member due to a collapse. The officer states that additional resources will be needed to rescue the member. Please choose the incorrect action you took from the list below? (MMID,chapter 5, sec 2.4 & 7.3 & chapter 4, sec 5.1 & 8.1)

A. In addition to the signal 10-66 you transmitted a signal 10-60.
B. Prior to acknowledging the “MayDay” transmission from the Ladder Company Officer you paused momentarily to obtain the transmitting member’s internal radio identification code.
C. Once the signal 10-66 was transmitted by your Aide, you knew that all additional progress reports regarding the fire operation shall be made to the dispatcher via a “Mixer Off message.
D. You knew that the Deputy Chief will notify the respective Borough Commander or Command Chief immediately after the incident is “Under Control”, because you used the FAST Unit.

  1. 4 In addition to the signal 10-66, transmit signal 10-60 or 10-60 Code 1 if there are any indications that members are missing/lost/trapped/seriously injured as a result of a collapse.
  2. 3 Once signal 10-66 has been transmitted, all additional notifications regarding AFFECTED MEMBERS(s) shall be made to the dispatcher via a “Mixer Off” message. After the transmission of signal 10-66, a full description of the incident shall be transmitted with the mixer off, via Department radio e.g., “one member trapped on the fire floor” or “collapse with three members missing in the cellar.” It must be specified in the incident description if multiple members are involved. This description shall be followed immediately by a telephone notification to the Borough Dispatcher with full particulars. As soon as possible thereafter, particulars shall also be telephoned to the Fire Department Operation Center (FDOC).

5.1 When a MayDay/Urgent has been transmitted for a member in distress, the Incident Commander shall: Prior to acknowledging the MayDay/Urgent transmission, pause momentarily to obtain the transmitting member’s Internal Radio Identification Code, which may be obtained from either the Battalion HT or FAST Radio. Additionally, the identity of the member transmitting the message should be verified by the member assigned to monitor the Emergency
Fireground Accountability System (EFAS).
Gain control of the HT frequency as per Communications Manual Chapter 9 and direct that all non-essential HT traffic cease.

8.1 Anytime a designated FAST unit is put to work at an operation for other than FAST duties prior to the operation being declared “Under Control”, the Deputy Chief shall notify the respective Borough Commander or Command Chief immediately after the incident is “Under Control”. Additionally, the IC who ordered the FAST unit into operation shall forward a detailed report of such duties via the chain of command to the Chief of Operations. This report shall include the circumstances necessitating the use of the FAST unit and all actions taken by the FAST unit.


Question 47 and 48 are part of the same scenario for Chief Candidates Only.

48) After the operation in question 2 the Deputy Chief states the following to you:
A The IC who ordered the FAST unit into operation shall forward a detailed report of such duties via the chain of command to the Chief of Operations.
B. Remember to assign specific units, including a FAST Unit, Rescue and Squad Company, to the FAST group.
C. You cannot consider using units already in the area or sector where the member(s) is/are reported missing for FAST/rescue duties, these units must continue to fight the fire.
D. Units directly involved in the extinguishment of the fire should not normally be assigned to FAST/rescue duty, excluding a Rescue or Squad Company.

Please choose the correct statement that the Deputy Chief made. (MMID chapter 4, sec 8.1 & chapter 5, sec 2.2)

  1. A
  2. 1 Anytime a designated FAST unit is put to work at an operation for other than FAST duties prior to the operation being declared “Under Control”, the Deputy Chief shall notify the respective Borough Commander or Command Chief immediately after the incident is “Under Control”. Additionally, the IC who ordered the FAST unit into operation shall forward a detailed report of such duties via the chain of command to the Chief of Operations. This report shall include the circumstances necessitating the use of the FAST unit and all actions taken by the FAST unit.
  3. 2 The FAST Group: The IC shall assign specific units, including a FAST Unit, Rescue and/or Squad Company, to a group whose sole task shall be searching for and/or removing the missing/lost/trapped/seriously injured member(s). This group shall be designated the FAST Group. Consider using units already in the area or sector where the member(s) is/are reported missing, and immediately provide replacement units for those given this searching assignment. The IC must take into account the location, severity and likely spread of the fire when assigning units to the FAST Group. Units directly involved in the extinguishment of the fire should not normally be assigned to this duty, INCLUDING AND/OR a Rescue or Squad Company.
50)  There  may  be  a  delay  receiving  the  updated  Spare  Radio  Database  in  EFAS.  As  a  result, EFAS  will  show  the  last  time  a  successful  update  took  place.  "RADIO  LIST:  LAST  UPDATED''identifies  a  radio  list  from  the  last  time  it  was  updated.  It  will  show  the  last  time  the  list  was updated  in  letters.  Please  correctly  fill  in  the  blank?  (Communications  9 add  3,  sec  4.3    
A.  Red 
B   Yellow
C.  Green
D.  Black
  1. D
  2. 3 There may be a delay receiving the updated Spare Radio Database. As a result, EFAS will show the last time a successful update took place. “RADIO LIST: LAST UPDATED” identifies a radio list from the last time it was updated. It will show the last time the list was updated in black letters.
51)  It  is  imperative  that  members  utilize  their  Emergency  Alert  Button  when  transmitting  a "MAYDAY".  When  a  member  activates  their  Emergency  Alert  Button,  their  identity  line  in EFAS  will  automatically  be  highlighted.  Their  company,  position  and  name  will  be  listed \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ in both  the  "RADIO  STATUS"  and  "MAYDAYS"  areas.  Please  correctly  fill  in  the blank? (Communications  9,  add  3,  sec  5.1)
A. Red
B. Yellow
C. Green
D.   Black.
  1. A
  2. 1.1 It is imperative that members utilize their Emergency Alert Button when transmitting a MAYDAY. When a member activates their Emergency Alert Button, their identity line in EFAS will automatically be highlighted. Their company, position and name will be listed in red in both the “RADIO STATUS” and “MAYDAYS” areas. (Figure 6


1) Please choose an incorrect Incident Commander (IC) responsibility from the list below in regards to deploying a FAST Unit for a FAST operation? (MMID, chapter 4, sec 2& chapter 5, sec 7.2)

A. The IC shall immediately notify the dispatcher when the FAST unit is being put to work,and request a replacement FAST unit.
B. The IC shall transmit Signal 10-66 if necessary, via a mixer off.
C. The IC shall also announce over the handie-talkie tactical channel, that the FAST unit has been assigned to address the member in distress and all units shall continue with their present assignment.
D. Prior to the arrival of the replacement FAST unit, a Safety team shall be established.

  1. B
  2. Answer: B - Signal 10-66 shall only be transmitted via Department radio, by or at the direction of the IC. Signal 10-66 shall not be transmitted as a “Mixer-Off” mess app- The initial signal 10-66 notification shall not include the name or unit number of the affected member.See Slide # 8 in the packet.


2) The FAST Group should be under the direct supervision of a Chief Officer who has no other duties, designated as the FAST Group Supervisor. Any available chief on the scene may be assigned this position. As a sharp Fire Tech student which statements below are correct regarding the FAST Group Supervisor? (MMID, chapter 5, sec 2.2.3 and Org Chart last page)
1. The FAST Group Supervisor shall coordinate and control all search, rescue, removal and medical treatment of the affected member.
2. If a Chief Officer is not available initially, a SOC Unit Officer may temporarily be designated the FAST Group Supervisor.
3. If sectors have been established, the immediate Sector Supervisor of the member(s)reported missing is a logical choice for the assignment as FAST Group Supervisor. Another Chief Officer should replace the Sector Supervisor.
4. If a Sector Supervisor is not used, one of the additional chiefs assigned on the transmission of signal 10-66 shall be used as the FAST Group Supervisor. The FAST Group Supervisor shall report directly to the IC or Operations Section Chief.

A) 1,2,3,4
B) 2,3,4
C) 1,2,3
D) 1,3,4

  1. C

2. Answer: C - The FAST Group Supervisor shall report directly to the IC.


3) A Battalion Chief shall be designated as the Firefighter Locator Officer at a 10-66, please choose the most correct procedure for the Firefighter Locator Officer? (MMID, chapter 5, sec 2.4.1)
A. The Firefighter Locator Officer shall coordinate with the Medical Branch Director or Medical Group Supervisor as to the descriptions, identity, and location of all members who have been removed from the scene by EMS or other resources.
B. Most of the time, one of the Chiefs already on-scene will be designated as the Firefighter Locator Officer, with their prior assignment designated to one of the additional Chiefs on the 10-66.
C. The Firefighter Locator Officer shall coordinate all efforts to establish the victim’s last seen point.
D. All are correct.

  1. Answer; D
    Note: Section 2.4.1 = A Battalion Chief shall be designated as the Firefighter Locator Officer, who shall coordinate all efforts to establish the victim’s last seen point and assist the Resource Unit Leader (RESL) in conducting a roll call of units.
    Section 5.1 = An immediate roll call of units shall be conducted, beginning with the units in the
    most severely exposed positions. Sector Supervisors, if appropriate, can conduct the roll call in their own sectors. The Field Communications Unit, if on the scene, can assist in this roll call.
    The Firefighter Locator Officer will coordinate roll calls and search efforts with the EMS Patient Tracking Coordinator, who will account for all members removed from the scene to hospitals.
    Results of all sector roll calls shall be reported to the Firefighter Locator Officer.

4) You are the Incident Commander at a 10-75 / 10-66, due to a missing member lost in a subcellar
requiring additional resources. The building is fireproof and stable, however the fire condition in the sub-cellar is advanced. You would know that you should assign the Rescue Operations Battalion to which position below upon his or her arrival?
(MMID, chapter 5, sec 2.2.7)
A. FAST Group Supervisor
B. Firefighter Removal Officer
C. Firefighter Locator Officer
D. Search and Rescue Group Supervisor

  1. Answer: B - Upon arrival, the Rescue Operations Battalion will assume the duties of Firefighter Removal Officer, supervising all extrication efforts. The Firefighter Removal Officer shall work in conjunction with the FAST Group Supervisor.
    This was a 10-66 not a collapse operation.
    Note: At a Collapse Operation (No 10-66):
    The Rescue Operations Battalion is designated as a Search and Rescue Branch Director or
    Sector/Group Supervisor depending on the scope of the collapse and rescue effort. Resources will be assigned to this Branch, Group or Sector, as necessary.
    Victim Removal Leader
    This position will normally be filled by a Rescue Company Officer until relieved by the Rescue
    Operations Battalion once he or she is relieved as the Search and Rescue Director or Supervisor.

5) If the search operation at a 10-66 exceeds one hour, the IC shall Staff the ______________.
Please correctly fill in the blank? (MMID, chapter 5, sec 6.2.1)
A. Operation Section
B. Planning Section
C. Logistics Section
D. None of the above

  1. Answer: B - Note: The Battalion Chief assigned as the RESL shall be relieved by the
    officer of the Field Communications Unit and be designated the Planning Section Chief.
    The Planning Section Chief will:
    ¨ Supervise the Resources Unit Leader.
    ¨ Maintain situational awareness and report to the IC.
    ¨ Develop contingency plans as needed.
    ¨ Maintain documentation.

6) At a collapse operation 10-60 (not a 10-66) the first arriving Deputy Chief becomes the Incident Commander and the first arriving Battalion Chief can be reassigned as
the _________ according to the FDNY’s collapse procedures. Please correctly fill in the blank? (Collapse, section 8.3 & 8.7)
A. Operations Section Chief
B. Deputy Incident Commander
C. Planning Section Chief
D. Sector / Group Supervisor

  1. Answer: C - Note: DC assumes command at a 10-76 the first due BC will assume the role as the Planning Section Chief until relieved by Type 3 All Hazard Planning Chief on the 3 alarm. High Rise Office Buildings section
    Remember Command and Control procedures apply to certain building fires, mainly Low Rise building fires, not High Rise Fires or emergencies according to the introduction.
    According to command and control at low-rise fires the BC could become the Deputy IC or Operations Section Chief.

7) A number of special units, specializing in collapse rescues may be automatically assigned or special called to any incident. Please choose an incorrect procedure from the list below when using one of these types of units at the scene of a collapse? (Collapse, sec 10.1)
A. Due to the weight of their equipment, access to the collapse site for at least the first arriving Rescue as well as at least one Collapse Rescue Unit must be ensured.
B. Rescue Companies will perform any victim removal activity that involves tunneling, trenching, shoring or cutting of structural members.
C. Two Rescue Companies are assigned to all major collapses. At least one Rescue Company should be deployed at each buried victim location.
D. At large scale incidents with multiple buried victims, the IC may assign a Squad Company to sites where there is no Rescue Company available.
E. If dangerous void entries or tunneling operations are to be made, a third Rescue Company should always be assigned to the staging area for rapid intervention of members if a secondary collapse occurs.

  1. Answer: E - If dangerous void entries or tunneling operations are to be made, a third Rescue Company should be relocated to quarters near the incident or assigned to the staging area for rapid intervention of members if a secondarv collapse occurs.

8) The Con Edison vacuum truck is primarily designed for the pickup and removal of liquid and sludge. It has the ability to remove large amounts of material in a short period of time. The FDNY has found that this vehicle can be a great asset at some emergency operations. Please
choose the most correct procedure(s) regarding this vehicle from the list below?
(Collapse, add # 4, sec 2)
1. This vehicle has been successfully used to remove dirt, sand, grain, store stock, cans, bottles and building debris that may be trapping firefighters or civilians.
2. Access lanes must be established at the incident to facilitate easy response and positioning of the vacuum truck.
3. Con Edison employees shall operate the vacuum truck if the work area is safe. An FDNY HT equipped member shall be positioned with the Con Edison employee at all times.
4. SOC members have also been trained to operate this equipment if the work area is determined to be hazardous for Con Edison Employees.
A) 1,2,4 only
B) 1,2,3 only
C) 1,2, 3,4
D) 1 & 2 only

  1. Answer: C - Note: The SOC Compressor Unit must also respond to any incident where the Con Edison vacuum truck is requested.