Seminar 5: Self-Leadership & Values Flashcards
Manz, "Self-leadership High Road"
Definition of self-leadership by Manz?
A comprehensive self-influence perspective that concerns leading oneself toward performance of naturally motivating tasks as well as managing oneself to do work that must be done but is not naturally motivating”.
Behavior-focused strategies
Self-observation, self-goal setting, self-reinforcement and self-criticism are among the primary behavior-focused self-leadership strategies. Generrally, these strategies produce positive effects on performance and other desirable outcomes for a variety of types of individuals.
“A comprehensive self-influence perspective that concerns leading oneself towards performance of naturally motivating tasks as well as managing oneself to do work that must be done but is not naturally motivating”
Du lever för målet och att nå förbi det som är rutin och krav.
Virtue and virtue-based view on responsibility
Om du tar ansvar, och vill ha mer värde till stakeholders, (higher level self-leadership), moralbaserade/dygdbaserat beteende. Goda handlingar är det som leder till vad som är gott. Det som är en dygdig handling bedöms av vad en annan dygdig människa hade gjort.
–> High Road Self-leadership
A self-leadership highroad. ARE.
- Authentic Göra på riktigt, det som driver mig, mina värderingar osv.
- Responsibility - Vad har jag för ansvar och vad kan jag ta för ansvar? Self-leadership kan kopplas till den widare worlden.
- Expanded capacity - kapaciteten ska utvecklas, collaboration (du kan motivera dig hur mycket som helst men du måste ta hjälp av andra för att täcka upp blind spots., emotional self-leadership
Virtues behaviour
One component of higher-level self-leadership can involve pursuing resposible actions and outcomes consitent with what has been described elsewhere as virtous behavior. virtue can be defined in many different ways, but for this article it can be described as consisting of extraordinary antentions and actions based on higher-level values that involve transcendent principles and high aspirations and connect with meaningsful purpose.