Seminar 1: Focus & awareness, Goleman "The Focused Leader" Flashcards
The Focused Leader
Name three modes of attention!
Wider world
Focusing on yourself
Emotional intelligence begins with self-awareness and getting in touch with your inner voice.
Attention to any part of the body, how well people can sense their heartbeats has become a standard way to measure their self-awareness. Somatic markers simplify decision making by guiding our attention toward better options.
Open awareness
A variety of focus, we broadly notice what’s going on around us without getting caught up in something particular. In this mode, we don’t judge, censor or tune out, we simply perceive.Can be trained by positive thinking.
“Cognitive control” is the scientific term for putting one’s attention where one wants it and keeping ut there in the face of temptation to wander, “will-power”.
What are the benefits for keeping self-control?
Enables executives to pursue a goal despite distractions and setbacks.
In what kind of people can you see good self-control?
People who stay calm in a crisis, tame their own agitation and recover from a defeat.
Part 2: Focusing on others
Is the foundation of empathy and of an ability to build social relationships. Second pillar of emotional intelligence. Leaders who are doing this are easy to recognize, they find common ground and are people whom others want to work with. “Natural leaders”.
The empathy triad!
- Cognitive empathy. Ability to understand another person’s perspective. Requires leaders to think about feelings rather than to feel them directly.
- Emotional empathy: Ability to feel what someone else feels.
- Empathic concern. Ability to sense what another person needs from you. We deliberate how much we value his or her well-being. Requires us to manage our personal distress without numbing ourselves to the pain of others.
- Focusing on the Wider World
Not only good listeners but also good questioners. They are visionaries who can sense consequences of local decisions and imagine how the choices they make today will play out in the future.
Focus wider world. 3 strategies:
- Focus on strategy with two elements. - Exploitation of your current advantage. - Exploration for new ones, demands open awareness to recognize new possibilities..
- Innovation. New value arises from putting ideas together.
- Systems awareness. Is coupled with an empathy deficit, the ones that focused on the details may not always be good leaders but it is good to look at the system to see where they can contibute.
Focus & Awareness, Meditation seminar.
” An enhanced and receptive attention to and awareness of present events and experience.”
Mental state where thoughts lose focus and you start to think of other things.
We donote as “the relative absence of mindfulness”
Stimulus –> (space) –> Response. What does this mean and who said it?
Victor Franki. In the space lies our power to choose our response response. In our response, lies our growth and our freedom.