Semester 2- Alcohol -role of microorganisms Flashcards
manufacture of alcoholic beverages from malted grains
two main types of brewery yeast strains
- top fermenting (ales)
- bottom fermenting (lagers)
beer yeasts
-ability to produce fermentation, flocculate, desired products (aroma and flavour)
starter culture
-from previous batches or pure strains
Barley –> Malt
contains various enzymes amylases (starch–>maltose) and proteases essential for the brewing process
Dried malt
enzymes stable
Fermentation :ALE
- batch fermentation in large open vats
- top fermenting yeast
- strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- 5-6 days
- aerated
Fermentation: LAGER
- produced by closed batch fermentation
- use of bottom feeding yeasts
- strains of Saccharomyces carlsbergensis
- 8-14 days
- storage, finishing, distribution
- lager stored at -1, ale at 4-8
Maltose–>glucose–>pyruvate–>acteladehyde + CO2–>ethanol
Maturation = esters
certain bacteria and yeasts cause spoilage of beer due to :
- low pH
- alcohol content
- hop extracts
- low storage temps
- anaerobic conditions
Examples of spoilage organisms:
- lactobacillus (acidity)
- Acetobacter )souring)
- Wild yeast (EG S.pasteurianus)
- Pediococcus cervisiae (diacetyl)
Spoilage prevented by:
- aseptic and hygiene precautions
- regular cleaning and sterilisation of equipment
- use of pure strains
- pasteurisation
Wine Production:
- grapes harvested (early autumn)
- crushed to give must (juice)
- contact with skins (Red wine)
- Sterilisation with SO2
- Addition of yeast (Saccharomyces ellipsoideus)
- Fermentation of must
- Ageing, racking, clarification, filtration
- bottling
Wine Production II
- some wines undergo a secondary (malolactic) fermentation
- convert malic (bitter) to lactic acid (smoother)
- catalysed by acid-tolerant lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus, Pediococcus, Oenococcus)
- add starter cultures then store wine in barrels
- bacteria that stick to insides of barrels (used for any further rounds of malolactic fermentation)
Distilled Spirits: Whisky
- omission of boiling of wort
- omission of hops
- drying of malt in peat-fired kilns for distinct flavour
Brandy (cognac)
distillate of wine
-distillate of fermented molasses
-distillate of fermented potatoes or grain