Semester 2 Flashcards
Superposition steps
- Remove all but one source
- Simplify the circuit using resistor laws
- Find unknowns
- Do the same for other sources
- Voltages and currents at a point are sum of all calculations
Current Dividor
I1 = Itotal * (R1 + R2)/R2
Thevenin equivalent circuit, how to find the different parts
Rthevenin = Vopencircuit/Ishortcircuit
Voc = voltage between A and B when no current flowing between them
Isc=current flowing between A and B when circuit is closed
Quick method to find resistance in thevenin circuits
Only works with no dependent sources
Turn down all sources to zero, reduce resistors down to one (find resistance across A and B)
Converting between Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuits
If you have a voltage source and resistor in series, you can change it to a current source and resistor in parallel.
Different way to represent diodes, what rule do diodes not follow?
Diodes have a voltage drop Vd at a typical current Id
Voltage drop can be represented by a voltage source pointing the other way.
This source DOESN’t deliver any power-it consumes power.
Doesn’t follow Ohms law
Non-inverting Op Amp-what’s it look like, how to work Vout
Vout goes into V- through one resistor, with a second resistor in series going to ground.
Vout = Vin * (R1 + R2)/R2
How to check for negative feedback in an amplifier?
What about if you get positive feedback?
- Disconnect the circuit that feeds back from the output
- Increase Vin (=V+) from 0V to a small positive voltage
- Reconnect the feedback circuit
- If Vout is reduced for the same Vin value, negative feedback
If you get positive feedback, its not a fucking amplifier
For amplifiers written as voltage sources for no fucking reason how do you calculate Vout? Two potential dividor equations
Vin = Vs*(Rin/(Rs+Rin))
Rs is the first resistor, Rin is the second (inside the box)
Vout = AvVin(RL/(Rout+RL))
Rout is the first resistor, RL is the second (outside the box)
Inverting Op Amp-what’s it look like, how to find Vout
V+ goes to ground.
Vout = -(R2/R1)*Vin
R1 is first resistor from Vin, R2 is second
What’s virtual ground and how does it work?
In an ideal Op Amp V+=V-
In an inverting Op Amp V+ is 0 as its connected to ground. This means that despite V- being connected to the power supply, its also 0
Inverting Schmitt Trigger: what’s it look like, equations for trigger voltages, what’s the loop look like
Looks like a non-inverting Op Amp but with the potential dividor from Vout going into V+ (swap V+ and V- around)
Vtrigger = +/-Vsupply * R1/(R1 + R2)
Loop starts at top left, falls to bottom right
What is a Schmitt trigger
Circuit where the output increases to a set maximum when the input rises above a certain threshold, and decreases to 0 when the input falls below another threshold
Gives positive feedback instead of negative
Non-inverting Schmitt trigger: what’s it look like, equations for trigger voltages, what’s the loop look like
Looks like an inverting Op amp except V- goes to ground and V+ goes halfway between R1 and R2
Vtrigger = +/-Vsupply* R1/R2
Loops starts at bottom left, rises to top right
4 types of filters and how they react to different frequencies
Low-pass filter: only lets low frequency signals through
High-pass filter: only lets high frequency signals through
Band-pass filter-only lets signals in a certain range of frequencies through
Band-stop/notch filter: stops frequencies in a certain range from going through
What does FET stand for
Field effect transistor
BJT: what it stands for, what are the relevent equations
Bipolar Junction Transistor Two inputs: Base current (side) and Collector current (top) One output: Emitter current Ie=Ib + Ic Ic=B*Ib where B>>1
JFET: what it stands for, how exactly the inputs affect each other
Junction Field Effect Transistor Two inputs: drain and gate One output: source Id = Id (roughly) Ig = 0 (roughly) Vgs (voltage between gate and source) controls drain current