Semester 1 Theory Flashcards
Definition of palpitations:
Abnormal awareness of heart beat.
Definition of palpitations:
Abnormal awareness of heart beat.
Appropriate cuff size for BP:
80% the circumference of the arm, and 40% the width.
If the BP cuff is too small, the measure BP will be artificially ___.
Elevated (and if too big, artificially diminished).
Normal location of brachial pulse:
Medial aspect of the antecubital fossa.
Formula for BMI:
Weight in kg, and height in m.
Normal BMI is between ___ and ___
18.5 and 24.9
BMI does not differentiate between ___ and ___ mass.
Muscle and fat.
Formula for WHR:
Waist circumference/hip circumference.
The normal BMI if Asian background is:
For WHR, the waist is measured at:
Narrowest point of abdomen when viewed from front.(Or halfway between 12th rib and top of iliac crest).
For WHR, the hip is measured at:
Most protuberant part of the buttock region.
Normal WHR:
Normal waist circumference:
Cardiac syncope can be caused by:
Arrhythmias (tachy or brady), or organic heart disease e.g. aortic stenosis or MI.
Cardiac syncope can be caused by:
Arrythmias (tachy or brady), or organic heart disease e.g. aortic stenosis or MI.
Appropriate cuff size for BP:
80% the circumference of the arm, and 40% the width.
If the BP cuff is too small, the measure BP will be artificially ___.
Elevated (and if too big, artificially diminished).
Normal location of brachial pulse:
Medial aspect of the antecubital fossa.
Formula for BMI:
Weight in kg, and height in m.
Normal BMI is between ___ and ___
18.5 and 24.9
The most common cause of myocardial ischaemia is narrowing or coronary arteries due to ___.
Formula for WHR:
Waist circumference/hip circumference.
The normal BMI if Asian background is:
For WHR, the waist is measured at:
Narrowest point of abdomen when viewed from front.(Or halfway between 12th rib and top of iliac crest).
For WHR, the hip is measured at:
Most protuberant part of the buttock region.
Normal WHR:
Left border of the heart on a line joining ___ ___ costal cartilage, ___ cm from the sternal edge, to the ___ intercostal space in the ___-___ line.
2nd left costal cartilage, 2 cm from the sternal edge, to the 5th intercostal space in the mid-clavicular line.
Definition of syncope:
Sudden loss of consciousness and postural tone due to insufficient blood supply to the brain.
Cardiac syncope can be caused by:
Arrhythmias (tachy or brady), or organic heart disease e.g. aortic stenosis or MI.
Vasovagal syncope is due to overwhelming ___ drive.
Overwhelming parasympathetic drive.
Cardiac syncope usually has ___ precipitating factors, but precipitating factors for vasovagal syncope include:
Cardiac syncope - usually NO precipitating factors/triggers!
Vasovagal syncope - fasting, pain, emotion, standing.
There is usually no prodrome in ___ syncope, but there is in ___ syncope.
Usually no prodrome in cardiac syncope.
But there usually is prodrome in vasovagal syncope - light-headedness, “wobbly” legs, dim vision, distant noises.
In ___ syncope, lying down usually helps, but not in ___ syncope!
In vasovagal syncope - lying down usually helps recovery.
Not in cardiac syncope!
If suspect cardiac syncope, ask about past/family history of ___ disease.
Normal pulse rate:
Oedema due to volume overload (as in HF) is first noticed in the ___ ___.
Lower limbs.
Definition of angina:
Reversible myocardial ischaemia (both stable and unstable).
Wheezing is usually associated with diseases that mainly affect the ___, but can be due to fluid in the lungs or aspiration from GORD.
Typical symptoms of asthma are (3):
Cough, dyspnoea and wheeze.
Superior border of the heart on a line joining ___ ___ and ___ ___ costal cartilages, ___ cm from the sternal edge.
2nd left and 3rd right, 2 cm from the sternal edge.
Right border of the heart on a line joining ___ and ___ right costal cartilage, ___ cm from the sternal edge.
3rd and 6th right costal cartilages, 2 cm from the sternal edge.
Left border of the heart on a line joining ___ ___ costal cartilage, ___ cm from the sternal edge, to the ___ intercostal space in the ___-___ line.
6th costal cartilage, 2 cm from the sternal edge, to the 5th intercostal space in the mid-clavicular line.
Inferior border of the heart on a line joining ___ intercostal space in the ___-___ line, to the ___ ___ costal cartilage, ___ cm from the sternal edge.
5th intercostal space in the mid-clavicular line, to the 6th right costal cartilage, 2 cm from the sternal edge.
Location of heart valves:
In an oblique line behind the sternum from 2nd left costal cartilage to 6th right costal cartilage.
From superior to inferior: PAMT.
Auscultation of mitral valve at: