Semester 1 Interviews Flashcards
Time Course
Duration (of symptom, of episode?).
Onset/offset (gradual or sudden?).
Temporal profile (improving or worsening?).
Periodicity (if >1 episode, regular or irregular?)
Special Features: Palpitations
Quality: can you tap the rhythm? Quality: forceful or flutter? Quality: if missed beat, short or long? Severity: speed. Time course: >1 episodes?
Associated Features: Palpitations
Shortness of breath.
Chest pain.
Further History
Past medical history. Family history. Social history. Occupational history. Smoking. Alcohol. Medications. Allergies. Immunisations (if relevant).
Special Features: Syncope
Prodrome: do you remember anything before it happened?
Quality: did anyone describe what happened?
Quality: was there any warning?
Aggravating factors: if vasovagal - fasting, pain, emotion, prolonged standing.
Aggravating factors: if cardiac - usually none!
Associated Features: Syncope
Difficulty breathing.
Chest pain.
Special Features: Claudication
Severity: walking distance before developing pain?
Note - if neuropathic, worse when standing and better when walking (less tension on sciatic nerve).
Note - if vascular, better when standing and worse when walking.
Associated Features: Claudication
Shortness of breath. Chest pain. 6 Ps: Pain. Pallor. Polar (cold). Paraesthesia. Paralysis. Pulseless.
Special Features: Chest Pain
Site: radiation.
Associated Features: Chest Pain
Sweating. Nausea. Vomiting. Shortness of breath. Fainting. Palpitations. Light-headedness.
Special Features: Oedema
Site: both limbs?
Quality: pitting or non-pitting?
Severity: level of swelling, pain?
Associated Features: Oedema
Pain in chest/abdomen/legs. Shortness of breath at rest/exertion. Orthopnoea. Fever. Weight loss.
Special Features: Dyspnoea
Quality: heavy or shallow.
Severity: how far can you walk before developing shortness of breath?
Severity: does it wake you at night?
Aggravating factors; lying down? - Ask about number of pillows used when sleeping.
Associated Features: Dyspnoea
Chest/leg pain.
Swollen ankles.
Special Features: Cough
Quality: productive?
Quality: if productive, blood?
Severity: frequency of cough.