Semester 1 Final Flashcards
Bouchard et all
Correlational study
Nature v. nurture
Brain plasticity
The ability of the brain to adapt to it’s environment in order to survive
White hall study; higher you are = less stress; lower = diabetes, mental health issues, heart disease, stress risk is higher
Endocrine system
Manufactures hormones, secretes hormones, controls growth, controls metabolism
Hawthorne effect
When a participant anticipates the aim of the researcher and skews their results to help the researcher
Blind sight
People cannot see one side (field) regarding due to anatomical brain changes
William James
1st American psychologist
Father of functionalism
Can’t understand human behavior by breaking it down; understanding how separate parts work together to create the human experience
Breaking something down to the smallest form
Sigmund Freud
Medical doctor background
Psychodynamic perspective
To understand human behavior you have to understand the unconscious mind and emphasis on the role of explaining early childhood experiences to explain human behavior
Eric Erison
Studied with Freud; separated b/c Freud focused too much on sex
Human behavior is best understood by understanding the environment
Pavlov and B.F. Skinner
Albert Andura, Aaron Beck, Albert Ellis
Individuals behavior is a result of self esteem, self identity, and reaching their own potential
2 subdivisions of the nervous system
Central and peripheral nervous systems
Central nervous system is composed of..
Brain and spinal cord
Nerve cell
Peripheral system is composed of…
Nerves that run all over the body
Neurons are made of…
Axon and dendrite
Have fibers that extend away from the neuron; send message away
Receive information
End of signal lines = terminals
Name 3 different types of neurons
Motor, sensory, and interneurons
Sensory neurons
Send info from sensory to central nervous system
Motor neurons
Send signals from brain to muscles
Inter neurons
Neurons housed waiting central nervous system
Autonomic nervous system
Controls involuntary reactions; made up of sympathetic and parasympathetic
Alerts body (fight or flight)
Calms the body; regulate energy source use
Mylen sheath
Protects axons and dendrites so messages can quickly be sent
Somatic nervous system
Branch of peripheral; conveys information from muscles to the nervous system and skin
Neuro transmitter
Chemical transmitters that allow for communications to be transmitted
Social learning theory
Albert bandura; one way to learn is through social experiences
Social learning theory:
What you attend to or give your time to observe
Social learning theory:
How you take in, retain, and form memories of observations
Social learning theory:
Motor reproduction
Draw upon memory, then do it yourself
Social learning theory:
Behavior is valved by individual then repeated
Stress hormone; glucocorticoids
Carol shively
Examine monkeys social hierarchy has an effect on plaque in arteries; dominant monkeys have clear pathways
Stress in the womb of babies in the Dutch Hunger Winter effects them negatively later in life
Jay Giedd
Frontal cortex undergoes growth spurt; teenage years have large impact on brain function later in life
70% nature 30% nurture
30 year baboon tribe study about stress
Jirtle and Waterland
Gave pregnant mice Methol enriched foods and their babies were skinny rather than obese
Maguire et all 2000
London taxi drivers
Conclusion: strengthening of connections between neurons in a well used part of the brain
Brefczynski-Lewis et all 2007
Effects of meditation on the brain
Conclusion: brain plasticity of the brains ability to actively tune out distractions were higher among experienced meditators fMRI
Ogden 2005
HM had hippocampus removed to cute epilepsy; lost long term memory; Janet (CT scan) hemineglect due to tumor
Severed corpus callosum and studies the two different hemispheres of the brain
Two memory paths involving the amygdyla one is short and one is long, or direct and indirect; direct when danger
Rozenwig, Bennett, and Diamond 1972
Enriched environments for rats increased brain mass and number of folds