Sem 2 Exam rev Flashcards
Meaning of Narrative
Fictional and non-fictional media stories in all media forms. it is a chain of events that lead to an ending in a physical or virtual space.
Meaning of Style
Recognizable film techniques used by film makers to create meaning and value, normally through CAMELS
Meaning of Genre
Genre is the categorizing of different media types that chare common characterizations
What are Media Codes
Media Codes are technical, written or symbolic tools used to convey meaning and symbolism in their media form. They mainly include CAMELS
What are Media Conventions
Media conventions are things that are generally considered to be the normal ways to convey meanings or construct a media product, like a camera angle
What is meant by “Non-Linear Storytelling”
Non-linear storytelling is when the story follows an unconventional chronological order, for instance flashbacks, spaced out events. This allowing the audience to piece together the pieces of the story
What is meant by “New Media Technology”
New Forms of Media technology are forms of communication that utilize digital technologies, particularly the internet, to distribute and interact with content.
Examples of Waves demonstrating Non-Linear Storytelling
An example of Non-Linear storytelling in waves is the unconventional way of having the protagonist change, from being Tyler to being Emily around the half way point
How is Colour portrayed in Waves?
Red is portrayed as: Love, Passion and anger and importance
Blue is portrayed as: Sadness, Melancholy and danger
Green is portrayed as: healing and growth
Examples of Style in Waves
An example of style in waves would be
The aspect ratio changing:
The aspect ratio changes once Tyler hits his girl, the aspect ratio begins to grow smaller as Tyler’s world collapses
The second act starts off as small to as Emily has a narrow view of her brothers crime but it continues to grow as her spiritual journey does
360 degree shots:
The 350 shots represent freedom but also the danger of their youth spiraling around them
How does the Soundtrack in Waves convey meaning?
The waves soundtrack has a diverse cast of artist, each song was placed in specific scenes to give that scene importance and symbolism.
What Genre/s does Waves fit into? and why?
Waves fits into many genre’s
Teen drama: Tyler and his girlfriend and their struggles along side his teenage life as a wrestler
Family drama: Emily as she reconciles with her family and helps her boyfriend reconnect with his dad
Name the 4 Demographics of New Media
Education & Income
Geographical Location
What is New media?
New media is programs and technology that utilizes things like the internet to forge apps and website that people use to interact and share things in.
Compare New to Traditional Media
Traditional Is physical (broadcast), New is digital (internet)
Traditional was scheduled and turned on and off so you had to be there at a specific time, The internet never turns off and you can access if from anywhere in the world.
Traditional couldn’t receive feedback well as you could only mail the company or organization your thoughts, New media anyone can like, comment or even post their own thoughts and feelings they have, giving feedback freely and easily.
Traditional Media has no interactivity as you couldn’t do things beyond the screen, where with New media you can interact in so many ways, from commenting, to sharing and liking to even responding with your own video.