sem 2 exam 16 Flashcards
What is the probability of a quantum state being occupied by an electron when E = Ef?
1/2 regardless of temperature
Why is the photon absorption coefficient proportional to √(hν - Eg)?
Because of density of states (3D)
For a semiconductor at the end of the derivation of the 3D density of states function, √E becomes what?
√E ⇒ √(E -Eg)
How accurate is the infinite well approximation for the first 3 energy levels?
It’s a reasonable approximation for E1, doubtful for E2 and not valid for E3
What is the general solution for the time independent Schrodinger equation when V(x) = 0 ?
ψ(x) = Asin(kx) + Bcos(kx)
What is x when the wavefunction is continuous?
When ψ is continuous, x = 0.
For a Dirac comb potential, what is potential V(x) given by at x=0 ?
Why does g(E)δ(E) = n(k)δk ?
Because of the differential quotient.
What are the features of the Dirac z-function?
|cos(ka)| has to be < 1 and therefore leads to forbidden and allowed regions known as energy gaps and bands respectively. This is characteristic of periodic solids such as semiconductors.
What is the separation of the super lattice of quantum wells used for a quantum well laser?
10 nm
How is a population inversion achieved for a quantum well laser?
Electrical injection of carriers traps them in the quantum wells, quantum mechanical tunnelling happens at a faster rate than recombination.
When does lasing occur for a quantum well laser?
When the wells are in a suitable optical cavity with aperture.
How do you show that a set of states cannot be cloned?
Demonstrate they aren’t orthogonal.
When are two states orthogonal?
When their inner product is equal to zero.
What does a CNOT gate do in terms of its input and output?
When |A> IS 0, B remains the same.
When |A> is 1, B is inverted. A always remains the same.