SEM 2 - AOS 1 sac revision Flashcards
What is ethics?
2 points
study of how and why people make decisions about human nature.
concerned with working out what is right or wrong behaviour in responding to particular circumstances.
What is morality?
2 points
Individualised concept regarding actual human behaviour.
what a person does according to what they thing is right and appropriate.
difference between ethics and morality
morality - individualised concept, everyone will have different beliefs
ethics - guidelines by specific groups establishing acceptable and unacceptable behaviour
List 3 ethical issues
Define and explain social norms
(2 marks - example)
unwritten rules that define acceptable and unacceptable actions within society, thus guiding human behaviour.
eg - giving up seat on train for elderly
Define conscience
(2 marks)
developed ability of a human being to know right and wrong, and to make decisions and carry out actions based on this.
Define world view
(2 marks)
the way in which an individual/group interprets the totality of existence or civilisation, and how they choose to act based on this interpretation.
Define deontological
(2 marks)
Decisions are made based on doing the right thing regardless of the consequences.
This method is based on considering what should be done to achieve the good.
Define utilitarianism
(2 marks)
Decisions are made based on choosing the best outcome to achieve the greatest happiness.
Concerned with the consequences of actions, not the actions themselves.
Define relativism
(2 marks)
Right and wrong based on culture context and circumstances.
belief that there’s no absolute truth, only the truths that a particular individual or culture believe.
What is situation ethics?
2 points
basic principle is that love should be the highest goal of any action.
choose the action that brings about the most loving outcome, even if it means breaking traditional rules.
Define subjectivism
(2 marks)
Right and wrong based on an individual’s perspective.
moral opinions are based on our feelings and nothing more.
Define absolutism
(2 marks)
Particular actions are right or wrong in all situations and do not change.
moral rules are universal and unconditional - apply to everyone
Identify and explain one RELIGIOUS influence on ethical decision making
religious texts/stories - the bible, the good samaritan
Identify and explain one NON-RELIGOUS influence on ethical decision making
upbringing, community that surrounds them.
What is natural law?
theory in ethics that says human beings possess intrinsic values that govern their reasoning and behaviour.
People have an inner knowledge of what is right and wrong and can use this to make the right choice.
What is Euthanasia?
practice of painlessly putting to death persons suffering from painful and incurable disease
or allowing them to die by withholding treatment/withdrawing artificial life-support measures.
What is natural laws approach to euthanasia?
morally wrong as it does not uphold the value of life.
Euthanasia goes against the basic good of ‘Life’.
What does the basic good of life stand for?
Why does euthanasia go against this?
positive injunction for this principle is to encourage and support life.
Euthanasia does opposite - kills someone prior to their natural death.