transfer of title to goods and services by the seller to the buyer in exchange of money
is the act of selling a product or service in
return for money or other compensation.
It is an act of completion of a commercial
Employment of men and women who
determine the needs of potential buyers
and attempt to persuade these
prospects to satisfy their needs through
the purchase of products and services
Is the art or
skill in selling
is the art of
convincing and persuading people
to buy the product.
is just transferring the title in goods, services or ideas with a valuable consideration.
Importance of Salesmanship
One can find virtually no
occupation or profession that does not demand _______
The ____________ usually goes to the seller instead of the seller seeking out for customers.
- Skills
- customer
* Business Activity
- Person-to-person
communication process - Brings long term benefit
of both parties
Personal Selling
Objective of ______________
build a relationship or
partnership which
benefits customer and
Role of Salespeople in Business
Competition is ________.
- Methods of
Communication w/
- personal selling
- advertising
- sales promotion
- publicity
- word of mouth
face to face
personal selling
Impersonal mass
extra value, incentives to customers
Sales Promotion
communication through significant unpaid presentations about the firm
way of communication to
costumer at no cost
Word of Mouth
Coordinated communication programs to maximize the
impact of program to customers
is the coordination and integration of all marketing
communication tools, avenues, functions and sources within a company into a seamless program that maximizes the impact on consumers and other end users at a minimal cost.
A management concept that is designed to make all
aspects of marketing communication such as
advertising, sales promotion, public relations, and direct marketing work together as a unified force, rather than permitting each to work in isolation.
Acquires information about its environment and
remembers this information so that it can guide organization decisions and actions even if employees in the organization change.
Acquires information about its environment and
remembers this information so that it can guide organization decisions and actions even if employees in the organization change.
developing knowledge to
do present activities
Adaptive Learning
firm go beyond their present product, markets,
policies and procedures to
develop new insights.
generative learning
types of Salesprson
Manufacturer’s Sales People
Wholesaler’s Sales People
Retailer’s Sales People
Specialty Sales People
They are salespeople who may sell to wholesalers, retailers, or other middlemen.
Manufacturer’s Sales People
Those who sell to ultimate consumers
Those who sell to industrial concerns
Manufacturer’s Sales People
People who work for manufacturers and who
sell to the distributive trades can be further
grouped into three major types:
The Pioneer-Products Sales People
The Dealer-Servicing Sales People
The Merchandising, Detail and Missionary Sales People
Manufacturer’s Sales People
These are individuals whose function is to secure
outlets for a new product to wholesalers, distributors,
and dealers.
The Pioneer-Products Sales People
To attain success in this particular field of selling, one must be self-reliant, self-generating, aggressive, and imaginative.
The Pioneer-Products Sales People
To attain success in this particular field of selling, one must be _______, __________, ____________, and _____________.
self-reliant, self-generating, aggressive, and imaginative.
There will never be a surplus of individuals in this field. (they may be selling computers, dvd players, refrigerators and brand new watches.
The Pioneer-Products Sales People
Sales people of this type need not be as aggressive or imaginative as the first type.
The Dealer-Servicing Sales People
Persistence, enthusiasm, warmth, and friendliness are necessary traits for this type of salesman. These sales people enjoy greater
security, steadier income, and less wear-and-tear
on their nervous system.
The Dealer-Servicing Sales People
They contact retailers or wholesalers at frequent intervals, offer whatever goods they have, thus preventing his established group of outlets from an “out-of-stock” situation.
The Dealer-Servicing Sales People
They differ from
the pioneer-products
man and dealer-servicing
man in such way
that their chief
duty is to promote
The Merchandising, Detail and Missionary Sales People
They are sometimes called “sales promoter” because they gather latest information about their target market, give advice and counseling to middlemen and try to favorably influence sales volume.
The Merchandising, Detail and Missionary Sales People
Traditionally, these individuals are called
“merchandisers”, “detailers”, and
The Merchandising, Detail and Missionary Sales People
The merchandisers get in touch with company
jobbers and dealers and increase the sales volume
Giving ________ ___________ for
the middlemen’s sales
people, giving more
emphasis on product
knowledge and
sales training
Extending helping hand in solving the usual problem in the ordinary course
of the business such as:
- Missing shipments
- Defective goods
- Consumer complaints
- Unusual application
of the goods
Offering in-store product displays;
Helping check dealer ____________ and taking orders for needed
fill-ins and forwarding the orders to the distributor with whom the dealer prefers to do the business.
Offering ______________ on how to manage the business more effectively. As the dealer prospers, so
will the dealer’s suppliers.
unselfish advice
The _________ are employed by drug and textbook companies.
The _____________ is usually hired by manufacturers who do not sell their products directly to the consuming public but who supply materials or component parts of other users or manufacturers.
This refers to an individual who acts as the intermediary between the
manufacturer and the retailers or industrial users and carry thousands
of unrelated lines of
merchandise in a warehouse where they are quickly available to dealers.
Wholesaler’s Sales People
The middlemen between the manufacturer and retail merchant or industrial consumer who serves several usual functions by carrying thousands of items in a
warehouse where they are quickly available to dealers.
Wholesaler’s Sales People
They are considered important links in the marketing channel because they are both marketers and consumers.
They are customer’s of producers and wholesalers.
Retailer’s Sales People
There middlemen between the manufacturer and retail merchant or
industrial consumer who serves several usual functions by carrying
thousands of items in a warehouse where they are quickly available to
Retailer’s Sales People
They carry only one complete line of merchandise.
The merchandise they sell are usually higher in
prices and call for personal
selection by customer.
Specialty Sales People
This type of sale
necessities ingenuity,
initiative, perseverance, and considerable selling
Specialty Sales People
Two classifications of
specialty sales people:
- Consumer goods specialties
- Industrial goods specialties
This type of sales people handles products such as vacuum cleaners,
refrigerators, encyclopedias, brushes,
cosmetics, greeting cards, books, or pots and pans.
Consumer goods specialties
They sell products like cash registers, office machines, industrial machines and
they are trained to render service as well as to make sales. They are often referred to as trouble shooters of the company.
Industrial goods specialties
- Dan Lightfritz