Chapter 5. Using Communication Skills Flashcards
Begins with the sender, who wants to communicate some
thoughts or ideas.
The Communication Process
The translation of thoughts into words is called encoding.
The Communication Process
Decoding involves the interpretation of the meaning of the received message.
The Communication Process
The feedback implies to the sender whether the message is received or not by the receiver.
The Communication Process
Can be used by encoding and decoding problems and the environment in which the communication occur.
Communication Breakdown
Noises are sounds unrelated to messages being
exchanged by the salesperson and the customers.
Communication Breakdown
People communicate effectively when they are physically comfortable.
Communication Breakdown
a function of the time between sending a message and getting
a response to it.
involves the transmission
of words in face-to-face communication, over the telephone or through written messages.
Verbal Communication
forms of expression – body language, space and appearance – the
communicate thoughts and
emotions without using words.
Nonverbal Communication
- Sending Verbal Messages
Messages communicated verbally are encoded into symbols called ______.
- Sending Verbal Messages
Words are just _______; they have different
meaning to people.
- Characteristics of _____
______ can be abstract or concrete as well as emotional or neutral
- Characteristics of Words
- ______– fact-oriented and expressions usually
convey more information and are less likely to be
misinterpreted. - ________– conceptual words.
- Abstract
Word artists have the power of soft and appealing or
strong and powerful; they can use short words and
phrases to demonstrate the strength and force or to provide charm and grace.
Using Effective Words
With practice, words may be used, like notes of musical
instruments, to create the proper mood.
Using Effective Words
Words in sales presentation should have strength and
descriptive quality.
Using Effective Words
______________ – a story designed to help visualize a
point; help customers understand the benefits of a
product or service.
Word Pictures
To use a word picture effectively, the salesperson
needs to paint as accurate and reliable picture as
Painting Word Pictures
To use a word picture effectively, the salesperson
needs to paint as accurate and reliable picture as
Painting Word Pictures
Customers can have different styles of communicating.
Some people may be very visual; others prefer an
auditory communication mode; and still others communicate in feeling mode.
Tailoring Words to Customer
Salespeople need to adapt their word choices to the
customers preferred communication style.
Tailoring Words to Customer
Customers have a tendency to question expertise of salespeople who talk slower or faster than the normal rate
of 140 words per minute.
Salespeople should also vary their rate of speech.
Simple messages can be delivered at faster rates, and
more difficult concepts should be presented at slower
To avoid monotony, salespeople should learn to vary the
loudness of their speech.
It can also be used to emphasize certain parts of the
sales presentation
Salespeople should use customer reactions to determine
the appropriate loudness.
It is the tone of speech
At the end of the sentence, the tone should decrease,
indicating the completion of a thought
When the tones goes up at the end of a sentence,
listeners often sense uncertainty of the speaker.
It refers to the production of recognizable sounds
Poor articulation has three common causes:
(1) locked jaw
(2) lazy lips
(3) lazy tongue
Best when a speaker opens his mouths properly and the movement of the lips and tongue
Best when a speaker opens his mouth properly and
the movement of the lips and tongue are unimpeded.
Close- ended questions can be answered with a word or short phrase; draw little information form the customer
Encourage Full Response
Encourage Full Response
_______________ can be answered with a word or short phrase; draw little information form the customer
Close- ended questions
_______________ are questions for which there are no simple answers and encourage greater
Open –ended questions
Questions should be spaced out so the customer has time
to answer each question in a relaxed atmosphere.
Space out Your Question
One method for spacing out question is to encourage
prospect to elaborate on their responses.
Space out Your Question
Questions that have two or more parts should be avoided. The customer may not know which part to answer and the salesman may not know which part has
to be answered.
Long questions are hard to remember and to answer.
Ask Short, Simple Questions
Questions should not suggest an appropriate answer
Such question may put into words into customer mouth
rather than drawing out what the customer actually
Avoid Leading Questions
usually start with the word who, what,
where, how, and why.
Responses to these questions give the
salesperson a better understanding of the prospects the prospects business, and the present competition.
Questions to collect information
- offer verbal and non
verbal encouragement - make positive request for additional information.
Another way is to make neutral statements the reaffirm a customer’s comment or emotion.
Questions to Maintain the Flow of Information
Listening to Verbal Communication form Customers
Speaking-listening differential- people can speak at a rate
of only _________ words per minute, but they can listen to more than _____ words per minute.
- Listening to Verbal Communication form Customers
Because of this differential, people often become ____
They do not pay attention and often remember only
____% of what is said immediately after they hear it.
- Lazy
- 50%
Effective listeners think while they listen
Active Listening
The listener attempts to draw out as much
information as possible
Active Listening
Gestures can motivate a person to continue talking.
Active Listening
Suggestions for active listening include:
- Repeating
information - Restating or
information - Clarifying
information - Summarizing
conversation - Tolerating silences;
and concentrating
on the ideas being
During a sales interaction, the salesperson should verify the information she or he is collecting form the customer
Repeating Information
This technique minimizes the chances of misunderstandings
Repeating Information
To verify customer’s intent, salespeople should restate the
customers comment in their own words.
Restating or Rephrasing Information
Another way to verify a customers meaning is to ask
questions designed to obtain additional information
Clarifying Information
- Summarizing the Conversation
An important element of _________ is to mentally
summarize points that have been made
active listening
- Summarizing the Conversation
Provides both salesperson and customer with a quick _________ of what has taken place and lets them focus on the issues that have discussed
Provides both salesperson and customer with a quick overview of what has taken place and lets them focus on the issues that have discussed
Summarizing the Conversation
At time during a sales presentation, a customers needs
time think.
Tolerating Silences
Salespeople may be uncomfortable during these silences and feel they need to say something.
Tolerating Silences
Frequently, what customers say and how they say it can distract salespeople from the ideas, the customers are actually trying to communicate.
Concentrating on the Ideas Being Communicated
People no longer buy shoes to keep their feet warm and dry. They buy them because of the way the shoes make them feel – masculine, feminine, rugged, different, sophisticated, young, glamorous, “IN”.
Buying shoes has become an emotional experience. Our business now is selling excitement rather than shoes.