Self Report Technique Flashcards
Made up of a pre set list of written questions to which a participants responds - They can be used as apart of an experiment to assess the DV.
Face to face or online interaction between an interviewer and interviewee
Structured Interview
List of pre - determined questions asked in a fixed order
Unstructured Interview
No set questions, there is a general topic to be discussed but the interaction is free flowing and the interviewee is encouraged to elaborate
Semi - structured interview
List of questions that have been worked out in advance but interviewers ask further questions based on previous answers.
Closed questions
- respondent has limited choices
Open questions
respondent provides own answers expressed in words
Features of a Successful interview
- A standardised list of questions that the interview needs to cover, can reduce the interviewer bias.
- Quiet room - interviewee may open up more
- Rapport - make participant feel relaxed with neutral questions
- Ethics - Remind interviewees that answers will be treated in confidence.