Self-Report Key Terms Flashcards
A written method of gaining data. It may be completed by the participant or the researcher (who records the answers given by the participant). Doesn’t necessarily require the presence of the researcher
A type of interview that may contain a topic area for discussion but no fixed questions or ways of answering
Unstructured interview
A participant is given a set question to respond to, but there is a blank left underneath the question so participants can answer in whatever style they choose
Open question
When respondents have to choose one item from the limited range available. Often seen as a criticism, implying a lack of validity as the answer that a respondent may want to give is not available for them to choose
Closed question
Technical term for the person who completes a questionnaire
A type of interview that contains fixed predetermined questions and ways of replying (making use of fixed questions)
Structured interview
This comprises a number of statements (not questions), for each of which participants indicate wether they strongly agree/ agree/ undecided/ disagree/ strongly disagree
Likert scale
The tendency to give the same answer in response to all the different statements
Standard response set
When participants give answers that they think will present them in a good light
Socially desirable
Technical term for the person who is interviewed
A type of interview in which the interviewer has a set of pre-prepared questions to ask and are expected to ask all of them. Other questions will be developed during the interview in response to answers given by the interviewee
Semi structured interview
This involved direct verbal questioning of the participant by a researcher (face-to-face or over the phone etc.)
An attitude object is given followed by a series of paired words. There are a number of spaces between each pair of words in which the respondent indicates where they would place their feelings in relation to the attitude object
Semantic differentials
A type of question that may cause the participant to be more likely to give a particular answer. Often seen as criticism
Leading question