selective attention Flashcards
- Definitions of attention
- The early/late selection debate
- Auditory research
- Visual research
- Perceptual load
Definition 1890
William James - “everyone knows what attention is”
William James extended
“Everyone knows what attention is. It is the taking possession of
the mind, in clear and vivid form, of one out of what seem several
simultaneously possible objects or trains of thought.”
William James - “everyone knows what attention is” Date
Definiton 1998
“no one knows what attention is” Harold Pashler
“no one knows what attention is” Harold Pashler Date
Extended quote Harold Pashler
“No one knows what attention is, and … there may not even
be an “it” there to be known about (although of course
there might be).”
Cherry 1953
Dichotic listening and told to shadow the message in one ear and ignore the message in the other ear. This was to investigate SELECTIVE ATTENTION
Dichotic listening
Dichotic listening refers to the process of simultaneously listening to different acoustic events presented to each ear, often involving speech stimuli.
Cherry then asked…
how much they attended to in the unattended information, they didnt realise if the lagnuage is reversed or changes. However they could report the gender and identify if it was speech or not.
Cherry conclusions 1953
People only process unattended information only to the level of physical features.
Cherry conclusions 1953
No semantic information is available from the unattended information
These findings kickstarted the early selection process.
early selection process who?
Broadbent 1958
early selection process what?
filtering occurs early (prior to semantics). filtering out any message not having appropriate physical characteristics
early selection process process
Senses > sensory buffer > selective filter > limited capacity processor
two alternative forced choice procedure who
Moray (1959)
two alternative forced choice procedure what?
Wanted to ask Even a word repeated 35 times was not recognised unless in a third of cases it was participants own name
Split span experiment who
Gray and Wedderburn 1960
Split Span experiment what
a term for research involving bipanoramic sounds in both ears with different terms, told to focus on one ear and their name was played in the other with other terms
split span experiments findings
40% reported by ear
60% reported by meaning
seems unattended message processed for content (in 60% of ppl)