Selection on Unobservables: Solutions with Panel Data Flashcards
Learn Advanced Quantitative Mathods
What are the main feature of panel data
- observe same subjects at different points in time (at least 2)
- panel called balanced if we have the same time points for all subjects
- balanced panels are easiest to handle
- otherwise potentially attrition bias (e.g. non-random drop out over time)
- important: panel data different from ‘repeated cross-section’
- in RCS different sample at each point in time
- the same individuals may be observed twice, but only by chance
When is a panel called balanced? Problems?
same data for all subjects - attrition bias (non-random drop out)
How is panel data different from ‘repeated cross-section’?
- in RCS different sample at each point in time - the same individuals may be observed twice, but only by chance
advantages of panel data
- generally, more data is better
- specifically, can not only exploit between-subject variation as in cross-section, but also within-subject variation (e.g. change of treatment status)
- this allows to deal with some forms of bias from unobservables
Econometric challenges arising with panel data
- serial correlation of errors - need for inclusion of lagged dependent variables? - if so, opens a range of new ‘problems’ (not covered in the course)
Bias from unobservables and panel data
Cause of interest (treatment) not always an event with a given timing
- often subjects decide whether to take treatment, and when to take it
- decision often depends on observed factors X and unobserved factors U
→ if these also affect Y,we are back in a familiar world:non-random selection on unobservables - similarly, if unobservables affect level of Y and X
→ again a familiar problem: omitted variable bias from the unobservables
If c is constant across time for each subject (i.e. cit = ci for t = 1, 2, …T ), what are three common situations and models producing consistent estimates?
- pooled OLS 2. the random effects model 3. the fixed effects model
⇒ Most intuitive to think about these three situations in terms of the intercepts required for unbiased estimation.
When is pooled OLS consistent?
- if ci are all the same,that is ci =c
- c is captured by the constant α in
y =α+X′β+δd +ε
⇒ pooled OLS is consistent
(which means, just for clarification, one can re-index to yk = α + Xk′ β + δdk + εk .
When is random effects estimation appropriate?
- if ci differ but are not systematically related to dit and xit
- effects ci can be decomposed into mean component α = c ̄ and individual specific
component vi = ci − c ̄ - a new model with a composite error term, say uit = vi + εit can be formulated
y =α+X′β+δd +u it it it it
⇒ random effects estimation by means of GLS offers a way to correct for the fact that the vi part in the error is not fully independent from y (explanation is technical)
When is a fixed effects estimator needed?
- if ci differ and are related to dit (and potentially also xit )
- RE estimator is biased
→ reason is that the procedure by which RE-GLS estimates the intercept for each i
picks up some of the effect of interest - need to either explicitly model the ci or make them ‘disappear’
⇒ fixed effects estimators achieve that
How does one implement a FE estimator?
a) including a dummy variable for each subject (explicit modelling of intercepts)
b) subtract each subject’s mean values of y , x , d and estimate as pooled OLS (makes ci disappear) (demeaning)
c) take first differences and estimate as pooled OLS (or cross section if T = 2) (also makes ci disappear) (first differencing)
Describe the three different FE estimators.
a) including matrix with a dummy variable for each subject y =x′β+δd +I′γ+ε
b) demeaning (yit −y ̄i)=(xit −x ̄i)′β+δ(dit −d ̄i)+(ci −c ̄i)+(εit −ε ̄i) noteherethatci =c ̄i andε ̄i =0 Remark: a and b identical except that a ‘costs’ more degrees of freedom.
c) first differencing (yit − yit−1) = (xit − xit−1)′β + δ(dit − dit−1) + (ci − ci) + ε ̃it Remark:c identical to a and b if T=2, and very similar for T >2. a and b require non-serially correlated errors, whereas c does not.
Disadvantages of FE estimators (vs. RE)
- subjects with time-invariant yi are ignored
- cannot obtain coefficient estimates for time-invariant xi
→ intuitive reason:
FE estimation identifies effect of X on Y solely from within-subject variation.
→ note also: FE estimators very sensitive to bias with short panels (T ∼ 10 or less)
WHen are FE & RE estimators consistent?
FE and RE estimators only consistent if effect of unobservables constant for each i
How can you test RE assumption?
can be tested using the Hausman-test (the null is that RE is unbiased, if rejected use FE)