Selecting Denture Teeth Flashcards
Which teeth are for esthetics?
Anterior teeth
Which teeth are for function?
Posterior teeth
T/F: We want to use any and all available information to select the correct teeth for the denture; previous dentures, photos, and friends and family
Beware of the ____ patient; be sure to bring their friends and/or family to get their opinions/expectations
____ is the easiest factor to determine when selecting anterior teeth
_____ is the factor dealing with the occlusal-gingival height and mesial-distal width of the teeth
_____ is the factor dealing with the shape of the individual teeth
When determining shade, is the whitest always the best?
No; fake looking
When determining _____ of the anterior teeth, Use existing denture Use anatomical landmarks Use the Interalar Facial Meter Use the Trubyte Tooth Indicator
The width of the central incisor is about ____ the bizygomatic width
The ____ width can be measured using a caliper-type facebow
Bizygomatic width
The approximate combined width of the 6 anterior teeth on a flat plane is the bizygomatic width divided by ____
When determining the width of the anterior sextant with ________, Mark the corners of the wax rim Measure that distance using the curve of the wax rim That distance will approximate the combined width of the 6 anterior teeth on a curve.
Anatomical landmarks
The _____ meter is used to measure the interalar distance; classifies the anterior sextant width into small, medium and large
Facial meter
To determine the _____ of the anterior teeth, Use an existing denture Use the patient’s lip line Using anatomical landmarks Evaluate the distance between the maxillary and mandibular ridges
Mark the _____ line on the maxillary wax rim when the patient smiles to estimate the length of the maxillary teeth and avoid a “Gummy Smile”
“lip line”
The distance from the hairline to the gnathion (the most inferior bony portion of the chin) divided by ___ equals the length of the central incisor.
_____ teeth are considered to be more esthetic, however, the distance between the maxillary and mandibular ridges may result in the use of shorter teeth.
What are the 2 ideologies for selecting anterior tooth mold?
Dentogenics and Geometric Theory
The ____ ideologie of tooth mold selection is based on age, sex, and personality
The ____ ideologie of tooth mold selection is based on the shape of the face
Geometric theory
Males faces tend to be more of what shape?
Females faces tend to be more of what shape?
Older folks faces tend to be more of what shape?
Which tooth tends to resemble the inverted face form?
Max central incisor
What are the 4 categories of the geometric theory?
Ovoid, square, square tapering, tapering
What are the 3 points used to determine the shape of the face?
Temple, zygomatic arch, and angle of mandible
T/F: The facial contour of the anterior should mimic the contour of the face in profile
The objective of both the Geometric Theory and Dentogenics is to ______ the teeth with their surrounding structures in an attempt to avoid detection and provide an esthetic appearance.
After the size and shape of the teeth are determined, the information must be applied to the _____ Guide. ;The maxillary anterior tooth guide consists of 2 numbers followed by a letter classification.
Bioform Mould Guide
The first number of the Bioform Mould guide determines ______ of the max anterior teeth
The second number of the Bioform Mould guide determines ______ of the max anterior teeth
The letter of the Bioform Mould guide determines ______ of the max anterior teeth
The _____ guide is used to select the anterior mandibular teeth
Portrait mould guide
T/F: The size of the maxillary and mandibular posterior teeth can also be determined using the mould guide. These measurements are also based on the maxillary anterior teeth.
Measure the distance from the distal of the _____ to the ________ portion of the ridge to determine the combined length of the mandibular posteriors.
canine to the ascending portion of the ridge
Is it okay to set tooth on ascending ramus?
What tooth is commonly taken out of mandible?
For _____: Pros – esthetics nCons – clacking sound, abrasive, weight
For ______: Pros – easily adjusted, chemical bond to resin nCons – occlusal wear
Acrylic resin
In the horizontal view, The incisal edges of the maxillary central incisors should be approximately ______ to the midpoint of the incisive papilla
8-10 mm anterior
In the Horizontal view, A line drawn perpendicular to the mid-sagittal suture and that bisects the incisive papilla should extend though the center of the maxillary _____
In occlusion with the lips together, the labial incisal 1/3 of the maxillary anterior teeth support the _____ border of the lower lip
superior border
T/F: The record base should be bulky under the nostrils.
From the Frontal View, At rest, approximately ____ of the maxillary centrals should be visible
1-2 mm
The plane of the maxillary anterior teeth should be parallel to the ____ line.
interpupillary line
When smiling, the incisal edges of the maxillary teeth should follow the line of the _____
lower lip.
The mandibular anterior teeth should be set on a curve that parallels the maxillary anterior teeth resulting in a uniform _____ horizontal overlap.
There should be ______ of vertical overlap.
zero or minimal (0.5 mm)
The ____ should be positioned in a way in which the distal portion of the tooth points to the desired position of the central fossae of the posterior teeth.
The _____ is defined as the space between the buccal surfaces of the upper teeth and the corners of the mouth when the patient smiles.
buccal corridor
The mandibular teeth should be on a flat plane and extend ____ to _____ up the retromolar pad.
1/2 to 2/3
The mandibular posterior teeth are set over the ridge to gain a _____ advantage.
T/F: The occlusal-gingival height should be maintained from the anterior teeth to the posterior teeth