Seismic hazard Flashcards
Relation between seismicity and earthquakes
Earthquakes are primry hazard of SA
Describe formation earthquake
- Plates jerk past eachother which builds up pressure
2 - When this pressure is released it sends out shockwaves which are the earthquake
3 - The shockwaves spread out from the focus. The nearer the focus the waves are stronger and cause more damage
4 - The epicentre is where the eqrtahuke is felt first on earths surface , above the focus
Formation tsunamis
- tsuamis = large waves caused by dispalcment lare vol water
- An underwater earthquake causes the sea bed to move which displaces large volumes of water
- waves rdiate from epricnetre
2 - The greater the movement of the sea bed the more water displaced and the bigger the wave
- more powrful close to coast as waves lost less E - fast therefore little warning
Formation Landslides and Avalabches
1 - Shaking gorund – rock/ snow dislocfe and moves downslope quickly – A or L
2 - loosening material - more ifiltartion - weight of water – landslide
Soil liqeuefaction?
1 - soil safy water
2 - vibrations earthquke cause soil to act like fluid
3 - therefore soil waker –> increased liklihood it subsidicng - in oartciaukr when buikding on top
Factors affecting mag or earthauke?
Margin type:
- highest mag at detsrucvive
- bcause subcution plate caused bugger build up of ppressure
Depth of focus:
- deep focus - higher meg but less dmage because shpck waves have to travel fuethe to recah surface therfeore ;less power
Rnaodmness, freucney, peictibilyt?
1 - Random
2 - low mag - high freq vic versa
3 - monuto ovemnet tetconic plates - can;t predistc magnitude or when it will strike
Secodnary impacts vs priamry?
- Avalanches
- soil liqyescation
- tasnuamus
- gas pipe leakes –> fires
Political imapctr:
- shortage food - soaicl unrest
- borrow monye - debt - stnunt groiwth
short term + long term esponise:
ST - evcuating - rescues - aid LT - Prevention: - Can't but can mitigate against risk - prventbuilding land prone liqefctaon , sea walls tusmas
- prepradness:
- warnign ustems detct small seicmi waves
- evacuation routes
- search and rescue teams
- Adaptation:
- buildinsg withstand earthquakes - flexbile materila s
- withstand tsauis - tall, riased on foundations