Seismic Hazard - Flashcards
A sudden release of energy in the earth’s crust is caused by the build-up of pressure.
Where the earthquake started underneath the surface.
The point on the ground is directly above the focus. The earthquake is the most destructive here.
An instrument which measures shock waves of an earthquake.
Benioff Zone
When earthquakes get progressively deeper with distance from the subduction zone.
Richter Scale
A logarithmic scale is used to determine the strength (magnitude) of an earthquake.
Mercalli Scale
A descriptive scale used to measure the intensity of earthquakes
Primary effect
Something caused directly by the hazard and happens immediately.
Secondary effect
Something caused indirectly by the hazard (due to the primary effects) and happens after the event.
Secondary hazard
A hazard is caused by the primary hazard and happens after the event i.e… a tsunami is created by an earthquake.
The name of the power station which overheated exploded and released radiation.
A seismic sea wave is caused by the displacement of a large volume of water above or below the surface.
When soil or loose sediment loses its strength and stiffness by the shaking caused by earthquakes.
The science of the rocks - which can have massive implications on the impacts of earthquakes.
The movement of a mass of rock, debris, or earth down a slope.
An infectious disease carried in contaminated drinking water. It causes diarrhoea and was responsible for 7,000 deaths in Haiti.
To add reinforcement to buildings and infrastructure which it did not have when it was made
Building regulations
Structures must meet strict guidelines set by the government to be declared earthquake-proof.
The movement plates make before a big earthquake. Can be used as a warning sign.
Seismic Gap Theory
A way of calculating the probability of an earthquake is by measuring the recurrence period (times between big earthquakes).
Radon Gas
A gas which escapes from the crust before an earthquake. Can be used as a warning sign.
Earthquake Early Warning System
A device which detects an earthquake’s primary waves (fastest seismic wave) and alerts people that the more powerful and destructive secondary waves are on their way (60% slower).
Tsunami Alarm
A device which alerts people by the coast that a tsunami is on its way.
Earthquake-proof buildings.
Name of buildings in Japan which have met strict building regulations (i.e. deep foundations, reinforced steel and counterweights).
P (primary) waves
The seismic waves released by an earthquake travel the fastest (8km/sec) and move via compression and dilation.
S (secondary) waves
The seismic waves released by an earthquake which travel at 4km/sec and move side to side.
Love and Rayleigh Waves
The seismic waves released by an earthquake are the most destructive. However, they are the slowest and travel at only 2km/sec.
Disaster Preparedness Day
The annual event is held on the 1st of September in Japan. The emergency services and public practice for an earthquake.
Disaster Response Volunteers Day
Similar to Disaster Preparedness Day but held on the 17th of January - where all volunteers practice for a disaster.
Tsunami Readiness Day
Similar to Disaster Preparedness Day but held on the 5th of November (since 2012) - the public practice for a tsunami.
Crowd Sourcing
People caught up in the disaster can upload their images/messages which can provide information to enhance relief operations.
Crisis Mapping
Software which draws on crowdsourcing data and produces a map identifying areas which need the most support.
Earthquake Survival Kit
The name of the bag which contains everything you need to stay alive after an earthquake. They are on sale in all MEDC countries prone to earthquakes.
Emergency Aid
Name of the short-term aid which saves people’s lives (i.e. food, water, medicine, tents etc…).
Reduce the severity of an event and lessen its impact. This can be done pre- and post-hazard.
Actions aimed at stopping the natural hazard from starting. Impossible for earthquakes - but can enforce no-build zones to prevent risk.
How people change their behaviour or surroundings to minimise the risks and maximise the benefits. For example - earthquake-proof buildings.
What happens before the natural hazard to minimise risk and vulnerability For example - disaster prevention day.