Segmentation and Targeting Flashcards
a group of customers who share a similar set of needs and wants
“For segments to be truly meaningful, the needs of customers in one segment must be distinct from those in other segments on dimensions that affect the purchase or use of a given product”
Market segment
Market segments are ___, not created by firms
- compare and contrast each of the potential segments and
- then choose the segment(s) the firm is best able to satisfy given its
Segmentation is critical because it enables firms to
- knowledge
- usages
- attitude towards a product
- loyalty status
- benefits sought in a product (needs)
- spending patterns
Marketers divide buyers into different groups who have a specific behavioral pattern in common:
allows companies to communicate how their products will
satisfy consumers in each situation
Marketers need to understand the usage situations
for which their products
The oldest form of segmentation.
Demographic segmentation
Clustering of consumers based on the following variables:
* Age and life-cycle stage
* Life stage
* Gender
* Income
* Occupation
* Generation
* Race and culture
Demographic segmentation
- they’re often associated with consumer needs and wants, but ALSO
- it’s the easiest segmentation strategy
Many companies use demographic segmentation because
quantitative measures of lifestyle preferences
based on consumers’
– Activities (sports, hobbies, work, vacations…)
– Interests (community, family, home, fashion, food…)
– Opinions (politics, business, education…)
– Media usage patterns
– Personality variables (often The Big 5; also subsidiary traits)
Psychographic segmentation
are the measurement of the general lifestyle patterns
of a population
General Lifestyle Schemes
Firms can also conduct specific lifestyle studies on individual or household lifestyles specific to
their product or service
Product-Specific Lifestyle Schemes
Psychographics & sales, while it is good for building and reinforcing brand attitudes and affinity, it is generally considered to be ___ capable of predicting sales than behavioral segmentation
Nations, states, regions, counties, cities, or neighborhoods
Operate in all areas (with localization) or just a few areas
Geographical segmentation