SEGMENT 5 Study Notes Flashcards
What should SP do go ensure his safety
Assume a safe interview stance in every encounter with a subject
Be mindful of their location relative to that of the subject
Continually assess the situation to determine the most appropriate response, and be prepared to adjust the response based on changing circumstances
What is a safe interview stance
A balanced and protected position from which SPs can respond quickly
Must be relaxed , flexible and adaptable to various situations
Define the term reactionary gap
SPs must maintain sufficient distance between themselves and the subject.
The must effective body position that an SP can take with respect to their subject is
Not face to face rather positioning your body at an angle with the strong side away from the subject “blading” the body.
Feet positioned approximately hip distance apart
Body weight centered over hips
Body turned at a 45 degree angle to the subject
Hands open and relaxed above the waist
Legs relaxed and ready for movement
Which relative position is used to exercise control over a subject
2.5 is the relative position used to exercise control over a subject
Why is position 3 a disadvantage for the subject
The SP is behind the subject
The three steps in the assessment cycle are
A stage of incident assessment is
When the call is first received While in route to the scene Upon arrival at the scene During the first approach to the subject While entering the immediate scene While in scene While existing
What are some categories of influencing factors that SPs should consider when assessing a situation
Examples of SP consideration that should be assessed in a situation
Size Age Strength/Overall fitness Skills Experience Fears Gender Sight Cultural background Stress symptoms Number of SPs Availability of backup Reasonable perception of subject ability and willingness to resist Reasonable perception of imminent threat to public, self or subject Position, distance, reaction time Disengagement exhaustion, injury, or disability Intuition
Examples of environmental
Friendly if hostile territory Availability of physical cover Proximity of backup Safety if others in the environment Escape routes Terrain Weather Lighting Physical position Cover, concealment Other hazards
What is the goal of tactical communication
Is to gain voluntary compliance by skillfully managing other peoples behavior thus reducing the need for a higher level of force
Some general tactical communication strategies are
Initial intervention
Defusing challenge
What information should you give the subject during the “purpose” phase of initial intervention
State the reason for your presence and explain the reason for contact
State what your professional role is
Explain what “ear doctor” is
Involves repeating your request to the subject
What does the deflecting technique involve
Involves turning aside the others persons comments and involves using empathy
When would you ignore a subject
When a subject talks or protest at length
Which technique allows persons who are passively resisting you safe face
One way to help a person make a positive decision is giving them room to save face TRUE or FALSE