Seed Development, plant cell growth, fruits and ripening Flashcards
What causes the development of seeds in plants ?
The fertilization of flowers results in sexual reproduction and the development of seeds
What does a seed consist of to enable a period of early heterotrophic growth ?
Seeds consist of small embryo plant, a supply of storage molecules to enable a period of early heterotrophic growth
What helps facilitate a seeds dispersal ?
Seeds are often encased in larger structures called fruits, the structures of which can facilitate their dispersal.
When do the double fertilization stages in seeds occur in development ?
Both pollen nuclei and egg cell nuclei are haploid and arise by meisosis
The fertilization event results in a diploid zygote which develops within the seed to form a new embryo plant
A second fertilization event between another pollen nucleus and two different egg nuclei produces triploid endosperm.
What are the genetic origin of the seed components - 1- Zygote/embryo 2- Endosperm 3- Testa ?
1- Zygote / embryo - half maternal, half paternal and is diploid
2- Endosperm - two thirds maternal, one third paternal and is triploid
3- Testa - entirely maternal in origin and is diploid
Define what germination is ?
Seed germination takes place differently in different species. All involve the breakdown of storage molecules to provide energy and nutrients during the transition from HETEROTROPHIC TO AUTOTROPHIC growth.
What are all the plant hormones ?
Abscisic acid