See Hear Feel Basics Flashcards
Any meditation technique has the potential to develop …
the basic skills of concentration, sensory clarity, and equanimity.
The six points to cover in a short talk are …
What, Why, When, Watch, Who, How
The What of the See Hear Feel short talk is …
Will clearly describe the See Hear Feel technique and how it can develop attention skills of CC&E.
What is concentration power?
The ability to focus on what you choose.
What is sensory clarity?
The ability to track and explore an experience as it happens.
What is equanimity?
The ability to allow your experience to come and go without judgement, without push and pull, without fighting. This reduces anxiety and stress.
How is Unified Mindfulness unique among meditation approaches?
1) UM spells out instructions precisely and clearly how to practice - makes it easy. 2) It is comprehensive, covers all experiences. 3) That means It is flexible, provides variety, as the object of focus can be anything and everything.
What are two helpful features of UM training?
1) Spells out the techniques precisely. 2) Provides a framework for managing all experiences. both while sitting and when active.
What’s a good metaphor to use when teaching mindfulness?
We are working out in a mental gym, doing the exercises, doing the repetitions.
Identify an often reported issue that concerns new students, something to watch for. How can that be addressed?
Flooding, when a student feels confronted by multiple sensory experiences. This happens to me, sometimes a lot going on in my head (example?) but just choose one and use your concentration to stay on that for a couple of seconds. Then let it go and focus on another. This is related to the question as to whether or not the technique requires a quiet mind. Not at all. Your mind is talking all the time - often called monkey mind - that’s ok.
What is the Why of the See Hear Feel Practice?
The practice has significant benefits and rewards. I am a fan as it has changed my life immensely, I am more calm and less anxious. The practice helps develop a sense of well-being. It helps me emotionally manage experience and helps me experience my life in a more attentive way. Examples.
Identify examples of using the portable See Hear Feel.
The SHF technique can be used while walking, eating, folding laundry, washing dishes - and even during what we think of as downtimes, in the line at the post office or grocery store.
What are the rewards of the UM technique?
1) Pay more attention to kids or partner. 2) More focused at work. 3) Experience to a higher degree the taste and texture of food while eating. 4)
What if two experiences present themselves at the exact same time?
This is also a common experience, so thanks for bringing it up. Just choose one to note by using a label and let the other go. Focus on one for a couple of seconds.
What is the Why of a short talk?
Describe the rewards and benefits, why to develop CC&E.
What is the When of a short talk?
When to practice the technique show the variety of See Hear Feel. 1) I use it in formal practice, sitting down for 10 minutes or more. 2) I use it during activity, exercise, cleaning the bathroom. 3) I use it when opportunity presents - when something happens that is upsetting, but also when doing something fun, eating popcorn. It lasts longer.
What is the Who of a short talk?
Me, my personal experiences.
What is the How of a short talk?
It’s a description of doing the technique.
So what are the three categories of the See Hear Feel technique?
See, Hear, Feel, that is pretty much it. Keep it simple as we can keep our noting to a minimum.
How does the See category work.
See covers 1) what we see with our eyes open, looking at our environment, 2) what we see with our eyes closed. Examples of Active See. Example of Rest See.
How does the Hear category work?
Hear also covers 1) the outside, our environment, and 2) what we hear inside, thoughts, self-talk. Examples. Traffic sounds, the dishwasher, my thought that I forgot to get avocados at the store. Those are Active Hear, and there is a Rest Hear, the dishwasher stopped and now there is silence.
How does the Feel Category work?
Feel covers what I physically feel like my butt on the chair, the itch on my nose. but then what I emotionally feel. My frustration and anxiety about a project at work, the love I feel for my daughter. I can feel these emotions in my body.